how do people manage to lose weight & study for exams/tests?

hi! i have exams coming up in 3 months and i'm going to be studying for them constantly. i'm a bit stuck as to what to plan to do though as when i normally revise/study i tend to eat a lot more than i usually do and gain weight. it works and i get good results but is there any tips on how to lose weight and successfully study at the same time? is anybody else suffering from this? not sure what to do...thinking of waking up an hour earlier and going for a run and just studying in my spare time rather than exercising. it's really not a big deal but i'm a worrier. men = can't multitask.


  • sandhusaab16
    i am also going to have same problem next hope things are going to be fine
  • sjp_511
    sjp_511 Posts: 476 Member
    What kind of exams are you studying for? I am in the actuarial field, so I am always having to study for my exams. Right now I am making my way through a 1,600 page study guide for my June 30th exam.

    I have only been trying to lose weight for a short time. I don't have the tendency to snack while I study so I have no advice for you in that regard. I am responsible for cooking in my house. In the past, I have had a lot of takeout or quick heat'n'eat type of meals (think frozen pizza) to give me more time for studying. Now that I am calorie counting, I try to make bigger meals that last for a couple days so I have left overs. Also, I fill my freezer with healthy meals.

    I try to maintain my exercise schedule - it is great stress relief, much needed since I am balancing so much studying with a full time job.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Eat less than maintenance calories. If you have trouble eating that little, set your goal to lose 0.5lbs/week for that time, until you can find time to exercise again.
  • writergeek313
    writergeek313 Posts: 390 Member
    I teach at a college, and I often see students at the gym on the treadmill or stationary bike with a book or tablet. Obviously you won't be able to do a high-intensity workout while trying to read, but you could do that for part of your workout, then spend the rest of the time taking a break from studying and focusing on your exercise.

    Since you have time to plan ahead, you might make batches of healthy meals that freeze well (soups, chilis, chicken, etc.) and freeze them for when you'll be doing more intense preparation closer to the exams. Likewise, you can stock up on healthy snacks to help fuel your studying, like apples, nuts, air-popped popcorn, and raw veggies and hummus or dip made from Greek yogurt and herbs and spices.

    It can be tough to juggle staying healthy with a busy schedule, but focus on taking little steps now to make things easier for yourself in a few months.