Looking for Vegetarian and Vegan Friends



  • itsHealthy
    itsHealthy Posts: 119 Member
    Hi, I am vegeterian, tried vegan for 2 months and realized I am allergic to soy...so sticking to Vegeterianism for now!!
    Adding you.
  • kerricus
    kerricus Posts: 165 Member
    I've been a vegetarian since 2001. I wish I could be vegan, but I'm too lazy to figure out how to get enough protein. I do have vegan recipes in my collection and I'm always happy to share. I highly recommend the cookbook Veganomicon.

    Also, there's a group for vegetarians and vegans. Go browse through the groups and you'll find "us."
  • I've been vegan for a year and was vegetarian for about 3 years prior, and another 5 years in my 20s. I'm sticking with vegan now. It works for me!
  • I do love me some veggies. As long ad you can cope with my meat eating ways, I am happy to offer support in your vegetarian journey. feel free to add if you'd like.
  • sad_kitty
    sad_kitty Posts: 84 Member
    Welcome :)

    Feel free to add me. I used to be vegetarian until I developed multiple food sensitivies (soy/wheat/some dairy). While I find it too difficult to be 100% vegetarian anymore, I still cook many meatless meals, and some of my favourite recipes are actually vegan.
  • jujubntx
    jujubntx Posts: 5 Member
    H! I've been following a primarily vegan diet for 14 months now. I love it! Need to lose about 20 more pounds, but it's exercise holding me back. Would love to add some veg friends to share tips/recipes, etc. I'm an animal lover, and started a vegan diet primarily for health, but soon realized it really broadened my compassion for all living things. Now, I can't see ever going back to eating meat/dairy.
  • Hi everyone :) I just joined. I have been a vegetarian for 1 year now and my goal is to lose 22 pounds. But I'm kind of stuck on a certain number and it's not going down :(
  • I have been on/off between vegetarian and pescetarian for 2.5 years now. Currently I am a pescetarian. I'm a very positive person and would love to be friends :)
  • AngelaKelly02
    AngelaKelly02 Posts: 73 Member
    I am also looking for Vegetarian and Vegan friends to exchange recipes and accountability.
    I recently read the book Skinny *****, which has triggered the new lifestyle.
    :) Feel free to add me.

    That book is amazing!
  • annie_sow
    annie_sow Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I was a vegetarian for 14 years and in the last year become pectertarian so basically a vegetarian that eats fish. Good for u for joininh the club.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Please add me, I am a vegetarian, only eat tuna, and rarely lox. I have not had meat or poultry since about 10 years old and I have put on the pounds due to dairy and carbs. Would love to see others with open diaries for ideas,
    Here to support you all :)

    Please don't call yourself a vegetarian if you are still eating animals. Tuna and salmon are not vegetables. I am all for people not eating animals since I love them but I can't go without, just don't pretend you are something if you aren't. It's called being a pescatarian and NOT vegetarian.
  • bellewis
    bellewis Posts: 5 Member
    I would count myself as a vegetarian 95% of the time. As with others I would love to have support and ideas. I don't want to get carb trapped! I am trying to eat whole foods as much as possible. It is tough. 80% of the foods that are in the grocery store weren't even food 100 years ago. It is not easy..it is far easier to eat food from the middle aisles.
  • phys72
    phys72 Posts: 66 Member
    I've been a pescatarian for 25 years. I will never give up fish simply because I'm allergic to all nuts, many seeds, and most fruit. I think part of my weight loss difficulties is that I should have more protein in my diet. Would love to see what others eat.
  • Teddy3931
    Teddy3931 Posts: 7 Member
    I will - I've been vegetarian and trying to go vegan for a long time -- it's really tough -- I don't know about you, but cheese is a favorite of mine. I have made some changes in dairy.
  • Hey guys. I'm a non-dairy pescetarian teetering toward veganism (sashimi's holding me back). I would love to make some vegan and vegetarian friends!

    This is pretty much where I am at as well. Luckily I'm too broke to afford sushi/sashimi on a regular basis. I also occasionally indulge in some cheese when my (very sweet but very bad for my diet) roommate tempts me with it. I always regret it after because I'm lactose intolerant.

    Well, first post on a new message board and I'm already over sharing. Good job, Rose. Good job.

    ETA: ohsheglows.com and theppk.com are great vegan resources!
  • crcmorrison
    crcmorrison Posts: 1 Member
    HI all
    Been veggie/vegan since 2001, changed for ethical reasons rather than health. I truly wish I was 100% vegan but have been dropping into standard whey protein and a little yoghurt recently during my weight loss and fitness goals. I do what I can!

    Having issues keeping up my calorie intake with my current cardio, seem to have too big a deficit at the moment. Any advise is greatly received!
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    I'm a veggie!
    Not to be a downer, but can I ask what your reason for going vegan is? I tried recently and it worked out poorly for me. I found it very difficult to be satisfied without eggs or dairy.
    If you're doing it just for the sake of dieting, I would advise against it.
    If you're doing it because of your personal beliefs, maybe just consider buying cruelty-free versions of eggs or dairy.
    Anyway, feel free to add me o-^
  • Obnoxa
    Obnoxa Posts: 187 Member
    Request sent!

    Ethical pescatarian would be my best description. I eat eggs from local, free-run, vegetarian fed hens and pole and line sustainable fish. No dairy, I'm intolerant but I wouldn't consume it even if I could, the offspring being veal and rennet and whatnot.
    Anyway, anyone feel free to add me, would love to have more non-mammal eating friends... or mammal eating friends too, I'm not very preachy, well unless you ask, then it's your own fault :laugh:
  • Please add me, I am a vegetarian, only eat tuna, and rarely lox. I have not had meat or poultry since about 10 years old and I have put on the pounds due to dairy and carbs. Would love to see others with open diaries for ideas,
    Here to support you all :)

    Please don't call yourself a vegetarian if you are still eating animals. Tuna and salmon are not vegetables. I am all for people not eating animals since I love them but I can't go without, just don't pretend you are something if you aren't. It's called being a pescatarian and NOT vegetarian.

    This is a non judgemental page, please take your attitude elsewhere.
  • I'm a veggie!
    Not to be a downer, but can I ask what your reason for going vegan is? I tried recently and it worked out poorly for me. I found it very difficult to be satisfied without eggs or dairy.
    If you're doing it just for the sake of dieting, I would advise against it.
    If you're doing it because of your personal beliefs, maybe just consider buying cruelty-free versions of eggs or dairy.
    Anyway, feel free to add me o-^

    The way the animals are treated I find is unethical, if you are interested in watching a documentry, i found that Veggucated (on netfix) is amazing
  • I will - I've been vegetarian and trying to go vegan for a long time -- it's really tough -- I don't know about you, but cheese is a favorite of mine. I have made some changes in dairy.

    Im actually lactose sensitive. So my dairy is limited, but not completely out of my diet yet(greek yogurt and pizza were the only dairy foods i really ate, i have one frozen veggie mix with butter, and then that will be out). Eggs were the hardest part for me but after i figured out how to make tofu scrambles it got easier.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Please add me, I am a vegetarian, only eat tuna, and rarely lox. I have not had meat or poultry since about 10 years old and I have put on the pounds due to dairy and carbs. Would love to see others with open diaries for ideas,
    Here to support you all :)

    Please don't call yourself a vegetarian if you are still eating animals. Tuna and salmon are not vegetables. I am all for people not eating animals since I love them but I can't go without, just don't pretend you are something if you aren't. It's called being a pescatarian and NOT vegetarian.

    This is a non judgemental page, please take your attitude elsewhere.

    Since when is being factual being judgemental? I was not being judgemental at all. I said I am all for people not eating animals if they can do it since I would love to do it if I could too. goodness...
  • Granville_Cocteau
    Granville_Cocteau Posts: 209 Member
    Tuna and salmon are not vegetables

    They're not? (scratches head).
  • RachelBec
    RachelBec Posts: 52 Member
    Hi friend!

    I was vegetarian from 2007 - 2012. The past 2 years I have been eating sea creatures (shellfish, fish) as well. I aim to practice pescetarianism in a sustainable fashion. "Free-range" labels are found on my eggs & it isn't out of the ordinary for me to be eating clams I have harvested or fish I have caught (wild).

    I'm looking for all kinds of friends with a special interest in those can help me increase my protein.

    Please don't be shy & send me a request! Add a little note mentioning this post and/or the info I've posted within it. :flowerforyou:
  • luvclay10
    luvclay10 Posts: 26 Member
    I have been a vegetarian for over 25 years, it is a choice i made because i never liked the taste of any kinda meat, chicken or fish. when i made the choice i lost 50lbs and kept if off for 25 years! i quite smoking 3 years ago and have gained30 lbs, which i am in the process of working on.
    just don't fall into the carb trap that most new veggie people fall into, if you like beans and legumes you will be fine! good luck and let me know if you need and advice
  • Tracie524
    Tracie524 Posts: 65 Member
    I just switched to plant based eating in January. I made the switch for health reasons. I don't call myself vegan because I am not 100%...I'm about 90%. I tend to fall back into eating dairy and meat sometimes when I am around my family and friends. I'm working on a plan for that. I found a great vegan weekly meal plan online that I am following.

    So far, I am happy eating this way. I was never a big meat eater anyway. I would eat meat, but I would have much rather have had the carbs :). I was a huge dairy eater though. Cheese was one of my favorite things and I thought I would have a problem with not having it but I really haven't missed it too much.
  • Hi! I've been a vegetarian for 10 years now. I started giving up meet about 13 years ago but I wasn't a full vegetarian until 10 years ago. I take multi-vitamins every day and I haven't had health issues (due to diet) for a while now. I've always been fairly active, but recently I have been aiming to tone and gain muscle. The struggle is living on a college campus and trying to find enough protein to eat. I know that without protein I can hurt my body. I'd love some advice if anyone has some! (:
  • dietingdebbie
    dietingdebbie Posts: 28 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Another vegetarian here, have been for a few years. Been a member of MFP for a while but only dabbled with it but have now finally got into the swing of things and loosing slowly but surely.

    Looking for a few veggie friends :) x