What is your secret motivation?



  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    My biggest motivation for weight loss was to not become a type 2 diabetic. Watched one grandparent die from it, watching another one dying from it right now, and I see how other relatives struggle with it. That's the path I was on, before I said 'screw that', and went in a different direction.

    Now I'm in maintenance and my glucose number is back down in the normal range. That keeps me motivated, because I know the weight loss did that, and if I gain again, it's going to send that number up again.
  • nioui_non
    When people ask me why I'm trying to lose weight, I always answer it's for my health, that I'm totally ok with the way I look, that I've made peace with being fat looking.
    The truth is I don't, I hate taking too much space in the subway and being looked at as if I were a monster, I hate having to buy "fat people clothes" I just hate it.

    My real motivation, definitely not health, if I were concerned about my health, I would certainly live differently and take care of several issues that I have.
    My real motivation, that I will probably never confess IRL is the way I look, I'm tired of being the fat, sarcastic friend and I want to find a different job, but I'm convinced nobody will ever trust me if I look the way I do (apparently, creative people and designers are supposed to dress like creative stylish people in order to be trusted, and plus sized clothing is definitely not stylish in France!). I want my boyfriend to be proud to be with a hot girl, I want to shop in the same shops as my friends...
  • dclark566
    dclark566 Posts: 330 Member
    To look and feel good!
  • inflames95
    inflames95 Posts: 15 Member
    Graduation Day!! That and i want to get in better shape for paintballing :D
  • epigirrl
    epigirrl Posts: 54 Member
    I have all sorts of motivations for my new healthy lifestyle (e.g., my son, better health & wellbeing, aging gracefully, etc.), but my "secret" motivation (that I have shared with no one) is my secret crush on a colleague.
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    I have already lost a good amount of weight but I love at my before photo often. It helps me to keep moving
  • fighttheflab43
    ive done it before then moved to wales to live with new partner and put 2 stone back on and been trying to lose it for the last 4 years so this time im determined to show new friends that i can do it and will do it... lost almost a stone since 1st jan and i intend to do it... plus changed my career from a dementia nurse to working in maccies and i AM losing.... some thought i pile it on, but in fact im losing... yes i eat maccies salad everyday for my break food..... its not all about scoffing burgers.... im showing some that i love my new job and im losing too :-) that knocks the smile off their face... lol
  • Autk79
    Autk79 Posts: 284 Member
    4 reasons-
    #1- to keep up with my 3 boys
    #2- To not be the big girl in my group of girlfriends and to be the only one to be skinny by working out, not starvation or diet crack pills lol
    #3- To be able to do runs with my mom and sister
    #4- Would love to walk by the guy who left me pregnant and watch his mouth drop..Childish but man it would feel good lol
  • Jaminjo2
    Jaminjo2 Posts: 31 Member
    Mine is pretty simple and possibly silly, but it's worked the longest yet. I bought a graph composition notebook. I start a new page at the beginning of every month. I put the dates across the top and weights down the side. I weigh myself every Monday & Friday, and I love to graph it. I also use the same notebook to journal daily even though I use the food tracker in MFP. I just really love writing in the squares of the graph paper. who knew it would be so simple?!? BUT IT'S WORKING FOR ME!
  • karinajean2388
    karinajean2388 Posts: 162 Member
    My ex. :mad:
  • ausheli
    ausheli Posts: 43 Member
    My ex wife, she has ballooned considerably after the divorce , I did too I'll admit that, but getting back into my shape like I was when we met in my football playing days , is enough motivation
  • yayamom3
    yayamom3 Posts: 939 Member
    I just want the freedom to grab a shirt and a pair of pants from my closet, throw them on, and walk out the door comfortable and confident. I currently waste a great deal of time trying on clothes in my bedroom, agonizing over how to cover my butt, camouflage my hips, etc. I just want to be comfortable in my own skin!
  • lindagullikson
    lindagullikson Posts: 9 Member
    My secret motivation which is not a secret if I post it here...is my 45th class reunion in August. I lived in the country and was never in the "in crowd"! Now most of those gals are overweight! I want to be able to show them this country girl still has it together!