losing 100 pounds need friends

My name is sarah and I started my journey to lose 100 pounds. I took my measurements and took my before pictures too. I am doing power90. and following a healthy eating plan. I have a serious food addiction problem and have a very hard time not over eating. I usually do my food journal a day ahead to give myself a guideline on what to eat, and edit as I go. I could use friends, followers, advice, and support. I can do this!!!


  • You are making a good decision. I have already started my journey I have over 100 to lose
    It gets easier with time. Sending you a friends request. Would live to be of some help and support
  • valj20
    valj20 Posts: 14 Member
    Sent out a request! :)
  • thank you. accepted both :)
  • bevfazio
    bevfazio Posts: 25 Member
    Go Sarah!
  • nikkijames123
    nikkijames123 Posts: 13 Member
    My name is sarah and I started my journey to lose 100 pounds. I took my measurements and took my before pictures too. I am doing power90. and following a healthy eating plan. I have a serious food addiction problem and have a very hard time not over eating. I usually do my food journal a day ahead to give myself a guideline on what to eat, and edit as I go. I could use friends, followers, advice, and support. I can do this!!!
  • nikkijames123
    nikkijames123 Posts: 13 Member
    I am having trouble understanding the way to post things can you tell??
  • nikkijames123
    nikkijames123 Posts: 13 Member
    Yes you can do this!!
  • I too need to lose over 100 pounds. I am fearful that I won't be able to see my sons marry, my g'kids grow and I don't want to be the "fat" mom of the groom either. I would love to have buddies to support me along the way and I as well would be a support to anyone that needed that extra boost.
  • I have over 100 to lose as well.My first goal is to get under 200...I have been over 200 lbs for 15+ years. I have determination and would love to offer and receive support with those that are on an ummmm, how should I say... extended weight loss journey lol!

    I am still trying to figure out the site...friending etc, but am excited to get to know everyone!
  • Cracken99
    Cracken99 Posts: 39 Member
    I also have 100 lbs to lose. I have broken down my goals to 50 lbs in 10 months, or 5 lbs a month. So I just take it month by month which is a much more attainable goal than 100 lbs for me. One thing that really helped me was seeing food journals of members who have lost a substantial amount of weight and seeing that they had Hamburgers, Pizza, French fries, how much, how often, and how they worked in veggies and other food options I would not have thought of. When I looked at the calories I was encouraged because I do not need to cut out anything I love, I just have to allow for it. I also found I am starting to crave exercise and look forward to my Saturday morning weight in's. Request sent.
  • MZLinks
    MZLinks Posts: 6 Member
    Hey Ladies!!! add me as well, I want to loose over 100lbs, we all can do this with support and motivation!!!
  • nancyluckhurst3
    nancyluckhurst3 Posts: 122 Member
    Send me a friend request. Been there done that and will be happy to give you support on your journey.
    My name is sarah and I started my journey to lose 100 pounds. I took my measurements and took my before pictures too. I am doing power90. and following a healthy eating plan. I have a serious food addiction problem and have a very hard time not over eating. I usually do my food journal a day ahead to give myself a guideline on what to eat, and edit as I go. I could use friends, followers, advice, and support. I can do this!!!
  • Bourds
    Bourds Posts: 90 Member
    I have over 100 to lose too and looking for friends and motivation :)
  • I have over 100 to lose as well.My first goal is to get under 200...I have been over 200 lbs for 15+ years. I have determination and would love to offer and receive support with those that are on an ummmm, how should I say... extended weight loss journey lol!

    I am still trying to figure out the site...friending etc, but am excited to get to know everyone!

    Getting under 200 is my short term goal also. My end goal is to be super fit and have muscles. I can't imagine what it feels like to not get winded, to run!, and to shop at a normal store and not feel like i'm trying on tents instead of shirts. I keep thinking of that day when I no longer need plus sized clothes.
  • maryestrada399
    maryestrada399 Posts: 6 Member
    HI Sarah,

    I too have a problem with food and restarted my weight loss journey. Add me and I would love to work through this together!

  • SouthPawSings
    SouthPawSings Posts: 54 Member
    Hey everyone! I have over 100lbs to lose as well. I've lost at least 6lbs but my scales are screwy so I'm focusing on the goal and the process. I want to be able to keep up with my almost 2 year old daughter this spring and be a better example for her as she grows up. Anyone wanting buddies, feel free to add me.
  • Hi Sarah, you're not alone in this!
    You can add me, (snakes4eva)
    Good luck:)
  • nicole060308
    nicole060308 Posts: 13 Member
    hello ladies! I started my journey in april! I have roughly 13 lbs to go till I reach my goal...however when I reach my goal I may decide to drop it too 140ish. but my ultimate is 160. always looking for friends! add me if you want. I log everyday and I think my diary is open
  • bloodhoundlady
    bloodhoundlady Posts: 80 Member
    Hey everyone feel free to add me. I have been doing this since June and had 121 to lose. I actually am a little past my half goal and have to say it just takes dedication, perserverence and realize you will have blunders. Remember if you mess up, it is human just don't wait to get back on track do it with your next meal. I was a big "Wait til Monday again to get back on track " There are so many rewards to do this journey, you won't believe how great you will feel physically and emotionally.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Hi All!!!! Welcome!

    Sarah, you have a great plan! Nice workout program and food plan going means a lot.

    One day at a time. You Will slip. you will have days you don't want to do it, but keep going! Reach out to others on those days so you can keep going!

    Glad to help any of you here. I've never had as much to lose but truly Love to help others stay on track, it helps me stay on track.

    I'm working with a long time girlfriend on the journey too, and she has over 150 to lose.

    Welcome again
  • lindapempek
    lindapempek Posts: 2 Member
    YES Sarah ! You can do this. I have just a couple of pounds shy of that 100 lbs. To loose myself. But a food addiction none the less. It can be so frustrating and lonely. But you have taken the first step. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK! If you stumble, (and you will) it is ok. We all do. The main thing is that you get back up, dust yourself off and trudge forward. I am a registered nurse, and when I started to go to school, I became discouraged very quickly. My husband said. How old will you be in 4 years? I SAID 39. He then said, how old will you be in 4 years if you go to school? (39). See, you have the rest of your life to get it right. There is no timeline, quick fix or manic pill. MAP has it right. It is basic math. Calories in minus calories out equals pounds lost. You have a great start! Keep it up. Linda
  • i can't wait either!!! Clothing is a huge motivation for me. I know that sounds shallow, but it's true. Plus my overall goal is to be my authentic self....well my authentic self wants to climb mountains, swim in the sea, run a marathon...you get the picture! I need a body that can keep up with all the things my soul earns to do!

    We can do this girl! When a woman sets her mind she is a formidable foe and always worthy of the task!!!
  • I have a 100 lbs to lose too...sending you a friend request. We all can do it! :):happy:
  • Hi everyone !! I need support and positive people, I fell off the wagon a few months ago and im back on a ready to do this !! send me a request :)
  • GinNJuice75
    GinNJuice75 Posts: 186 Member
    Anyone can add me as well :-) I have 39lbs more to go *of a regain of 60lbs*
  • lindapempek
    lindapempek Posts: 2 Member
    Hey, I too need to know how to be included in the posts! Thanks.
  • hellomanen
    hellomanen Posts: 96 Member
    I also have to lose 100 pounds! feel free to add me!
  • hadirk
    hadirk Posts: 50 Member
    I'm sending you a request, I'm trying to lose 102lb, 23 of them are gone now. You can do it