Gained weight after starting a new workout....

So this was the easiest way I could think of to share this link with people I thought might really benefit from it. A week ago I started two new workout programs. An 18 week running schedule for beginners, and a TurboFire/ Les Mills Body Combat hybrid program. After a week I was excited to weigh myself, and I was incredibly discouraged when I saw that I had actually GAINED weight WTH?! All of the sweat, time, and energy had accomplished absolutely nothing! This I read this article that explains WHY people can gain weight after starting a new program, and I felt a lot better! Gonna weigh myself again in a week and I'm confident I'll be a lot happier with the scale this time!


  • Could it be a muscle gain?
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    You're eating too much or you're retaining water.
  • Camish911
    Camish911 Posts: 150 Member
    Probably not gonna gain 5 pounds in a week from muscle gain, and the article states that that's how much some people gain in the first week because of their bodies stress response to a new strenuous activity.
  • linsdog
    linsdog Posts: 94 Member
    Has happened to me a couple times from particularly strenuous workouts. Best answer I found/figured out is that your body holds on to water/nutrients to repair muscle. Typically this happened to me but the excess weight went away after a few days following.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Could it be a muscle gain?

    Doubtful..... Some noob gainz are possible, but it's most likely water retention, caloric surplus, or a mix of the two.

    I can gain ~6lbs after a lifting session.
  • cheripugh1
    cheripugh1 Posts: 357 Member
    thank you for sharing that link!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Could it be a muscle gain?

    Nope, that takes weeks or more, and usually with a caloric surplus
  • ash_37
    ash_37 Posts: 35
    I started turbo fire last week too. I omly lost 1ib. I hope to c better results next week too. Keep me informed of your results. Would love for us to stay in contact.
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    Has happened to me a couple times from particularly strenuous workouts. Best answer I found/figured out is that your body holds on to water/nutrients to repair muscle. Typically this happened to me but the excess weight went away after a few days following.

    ^^this always happens to me too. As long as you are logging what you eat and exercising, the scale will go down eventually. It usually takes me a week or sometimes even 2 after starting a new work out.
  • stutba
    stutba Posts: 152 Member
    After my workouts, usually a run of 5 miles or so. (I don't usually notice it when under 3 miles or when situps, pushups, etc are involved. I can actually see my stomach bloat for the next 10 - 12 hours and gain weight. The water weight then goes a way within the next day or two. I think gaining after a hard workout is normal.