24, Morbidly Obese

pahky Posts: 14 Member
Way back when I was thinner I cycled through periods of fasting that were always punctuated with binges. Food was the enemy. When I turned 17 I realized how irrational my eating had been. I was going to eat. The problem was I didn't know how to eat properly. So, I just ate and ate and ate and here I am! A big ol' lump of obese.

I'm not sure how I got here, really. It's like in movies when the lead wakes up and has lost 10 years. Luckily, I only lost 7.

I'm not trying to get them back but I do want to make the next few years better and that involves me controlling my weight. I need to lose nearly 200 lbs! It's quite an undertaking but my health and my happiness are worth it.

I'm really going to have to keep an eye on myself. I tend do things in the extreme. It's all or nothing.

Whew. Okay.

Hi! I'm pahky. I'm 24 years old, I'm 5'9", and I weigh 331.4 lbs (today). Though diet and exercise I'm working to lower my weight and up my happiness. What matters to me now is my health and I'm working to do this the right way.

I hope to get to know some of you all and help each other stay motivated.



  • victoria6h
    victoria6h Posts: 30 Member
    Hi pahky! Congratulations on making a change that will be better for your health! Good luck and keep your head up high, it will be hard sometimes but with a little hard work and dedication you will definitely be able to do this!!!

    Best of luck, Victoria. :)
  • Sarah_HA81
    Focus on 10 pounds at a time ! The good news is you will loss weight pretty rapidly in the beginning because of your starting weight (someone correct me if I'm wrong, not an expert).

    I am 29, over 100 pounds overweight .

    I am glad you decided to do things the right way and the healthy way. Lasting results :)

    I will send you a friend request.
  • Rosehips89
    You got this. Just take it one day at a time!

    Honestly, I keep myself motivated by knowing my job pretty much hinges on my ability to lose weight (I'm in an image-heavy industry). Which is pretty unhealthy, probably, and doesn't really apply to you.
  • pahky
    pahky Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks! I am definitely taking this one step at a time, it'd be much too overwhelming otherwise. I appreciate the responses!
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,678 Member
    Nothing to it but to do it. You've already done the hard part, which is deciding it needs to be done.
  • blainepoe
    blainepoe Posts: 27 Member
    As you get started be sure to take pride in small victories and learn from failures. It's a marathon not a sprint, and it can take awhile for some of us (myself very much included) to reprogram ingrained bad habits. Congratulations on taking that all important first step.

  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    Good for you to make this decision!

    Remember, it's always best to set small goals and big goals, in addition to your ultimate goal. Like, every 10 pounds can be short-term goals, and every 50 pounds long-term goals, or however you want to do it. This way you accomplish something every few weeks, which is very encouraging. At least it has been to my friends and I.

    All the best to you! :flowerforyou:
  • Obnoxa
    Obnoxa Posts: 187 Member

    Ahh the moment of realization, it's great and it's hellish. I can't really add anything more to what's already been said, it's the right stuff, but we're here too( I'm 5'9 with just over 100 lbs to lose), plugging away at a better quality of health! :smile:
  • pahky
    pahky Posts: 14 Member
    I'm really enjoying the advice and warm welcome from you all. It's very helpful and great to keep in mind as I set my goals.
  • jamesalytle
    jamesalytle Posts: 112 Member
    One day at a time and like joe said enjoy the small victories and learn from your defeats. Whatever you do, use bad days as fuel not as bait. If you need some encouragement feel free to friend request me. I like rooting everyone on. We're all in this together and as a big guy, I know how much we all need companionship!
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    You're on the right track!

    Sent you a friend request :)
  • pinksmama
    Welcome! Remember the big picture.. it's easy to get sidetracked by not seeing immediate results.
  • StarFall90
    StarFall90 Posts: 133 Member
    I turned 24 last week and hit 364 pounds. I have been on MFP for 2 weeks and I have lost 10 pounds so far. Feel free to add me since it looks like both our goals are to kick 200 pounds!
  • bettyjoburdett
    bettyjoburdett Posts: 120 Member
    Before you know it the day by day success that you will achieve will turn into weeks, then months, and all those little changes you make will come together and you will have lost weight, feel so much better.

    Good luck to you, use this site to track food and exercise, post or respond to posts daily, it keeps you connected to your goals, have people helping you who are going through the same thing and most of all remember that if you screw up one day, you get right back on your diet the next day.
  • rugged1529
    rugged1529 Posts: 95 Member
    Way back when I was thinner I cycled through periods of fasting that were always punctuated with binges. Food was the enemy. When I turned 17 I realized how irrational my eating had been. I was going to eat. The problem was I didn't know how to eat properly. So, I just ate and ate and ate and here I am! A big ol' lump of obese.

    I'm not sure how I got here, really. It's like in movies when the lead wakes up and has lost 10 years. Luckily, I only lost 7.

    I'm not trying to get them back but I do want to make the next few years better and that involves me controlling my weight. I need to lose nearly 200 lbs! It's quite an undertaking but my health and my happiness are worth it.

    I'm really going to have to keep an eye on myself. I tend do things in the extreme. It's all or nothing.

    Whew. Okay.

    Hi! I'm pahky. I'm 24 years old, I'm 5'9", and I weigh 331.4 lbs (today). Though diet and exercise I'm working to lower my weight and up my happiness. What matters to me now is my health and I'm working to do this the right way.

    I hope to get to know some of you all and help each other stay motivated.


    You can do you it! Stay focused, get some friends to help make you accountable. Here, it's easy to get mfp friends to help and motivate you.
  • TeriaShae
    TeriaShae Posts: 144 Member
    Hello there!

    Great story! - A little bit about me is that I am a 19 year-old college student! Handling college and a good diet and exercise can be extremely difficult at times! But I'm doing okay!
    It would be great to get to know you! My starting weight was 225 pounds and today I weighed in at 156.2!
    Feel free to add me!
  • bharriscar
    bharriscar Posts: 91 Member
    One pound at a time, one good decision at a time.
  • lizcarter1980
    Hi there! My name is Liz. I just joined this today and like you I want to lose about 200lbs. I am supposed to be having gastric bypass surgery soon so I'm hoping that will help me lose some weight so it will be easier to exercise.Glad to meet you!
  • cheripugh1
    cheripugh1 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi Pahky!

    You have taken the first big step so congrats! It is going to be a long journey with ups and downs, trust me we all have them! If you fall one day, don't give up and turn it into 2 days or a week, simply look under the couch while you're down there and see if it needs cleaned :wink: and then get up, dust yourself off and get going because YOU CAN NOT FAIL AS LONG AS YOU KEEP TRYING!

    I am super happy to see you here and started on the best journey to great health and a wonderful LONG life!
