Need friends and MAJOR Motivation:)

I am about to be 24 years old and I am miserable. I am a night shift nurse who loves to hang out with friends and LOVES food! I get so motivated at times, where I will lose 10 or so pounds, then just get super depressed and eat it all back and then some. I am too young to be this unhappy. I have met all of my educational goals. It is time to focus on my spiritual, emotional and physical health. I'm sick of being depressed and angry at my self for being so heavy. I am way too beautiful to feel this ugly…(emotionally and spiritually talking.) I have been on this site for a while, but really haven't gotten into it. So I hope this time, it will stick.

Hopefully some of you guys can help me on my journey and give some encouragement.

I need help, especially since I work 12 hour nights 3x's a week.

Current Weight: 215
First Goal: Under 200
Ultimate Goal: Size 8 and Ability to run 3 miles:) whatever weight that might be


  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    We sound similar here. I know what it's like too, working the night shift. I was an aide and we in the nursing profession do love our food, especially on nights! The girls and I used to do a pot luck type thing once a week, oyyy.. but that was a few years ago for me. I'm at 212 lbs right now after having my 3rd baby and I have similar goals as you for the long term.

    When I was working though, if I got spare time, I'd just walk up and down the halls or on "break" I'd walk around the building downstairs near the lunch room.
  • brenda5476
    brenda5476 Posts: 24 Member
    I have had an issue lately with depression due to lack of sun - but have a light now and find that this helps a lot.
  • Jess6901
    Jess6901 Posts: 14 Member
    I've been on this site for a while too, but never got serious about it. I'm a cna and I work nights and I know exactly what you're talking about with wanting to eat at night. I am really wanting to stay motivated and stick with it this time and I would love to have people to keep me motivated.
  • mobtownRN
    Well lets do this! :)
  • Shameka808
    Hello I feel what you are saying. What we have to learn is that when we mess up and go on a eating binge all we have to do is start fresh the next day, as long as that binge is not an every week binge then just remember that it happens ......even to the best of us. If we fall off just get back on..... dont allow yourself to stay down. Also I love to hang out and eat with family and friends as well so I try to choose places that have meals under a certain calorie amount......and if they dont......I have learned to just eat half of the meal and save the other half for another day. You may even want to drink a full glass of water and/or eat a small salad befor the meal comes out. If you know you are going out try to eat super light up til that point. It's hard but it is not impossible. You can do it. I also keep low cal snacks in my purse as well as prepare some of my food on Sunday for the week which helps out alot .
  • ajsullivan85
    I am finally taking time for myself with having 3 kids to get into shape! I tried a couple of years ago but didn't stick with it! This time I am!
  • niloufarK
    niloufarK Posts: 13 Member
    i am here for you ;) i sent a request and I know exactly how you feel Im 16 and in high school and gained 20 lbs ever since and I think that the fact that we realize the lack of time we put on our health and tackling it heads on will make us successful. Best wishes
  • stat1124
    stat1124 Posts: 163 Member
    Sent you a request mobTown and happy to be there by ya side while you get things back on track. Im a naturally positive person these days and you can tell from looking at my wall. I'm almost at me goal and I go there with great people on this site supporting me so I'm paying it forward. I'd love to help out however I can!
  • nurselucyp
    Oh I know exactly how horrid night shifts are! Good luck! X
  • jetinder
    jetinder Posts: 31 Member
    you can do it. One of the best things about this site is that you can surround yourself with people who face the same challenges as you, and eventually, you can inspire them too. Never give up! :smile:
  • mohawkRN
    mohawkRN Posts: 40 Member
    I hear you - I am also a nurse and when I was your age, I worked almost exclusively nights. Fifteen years on, I have a couple of kids and can luckily go per diem so I can pick my shifts. I am convinced that this has helped me tremendously with my fitness. I know how hard it is to try to exercise when you're working so much. These days, we have 24 hour gyms near us - I could have used those back then! I think that working nights does a number on your mental health.

    …and God knows, I know what those back room snacks look like…when we have to work ****ty shifts, like holidays, nights, weekends, the SuperBowl (any excuse, really), we all bring in yummy food to make it more fun. Maybe you could bring in fruit and veggie trays that look so awesome you won't be able to resist them! Also, check out some of the recipes over on or - they have things like chocolate muffins and cupcakes to help satisfy those cravings (and reward yourself for the hard work you do!) without racking up too many calories!

    Good luck! The fitter you are, the easier the job will be (at least physically!) and you will have more longevity in the profession!
  • deeptirao1
    I know how it feels. I am 25 and studying for an exam which is in may.SOOOO basically i just sat and home and ate while i studied :( but one fine day sept 23rd 13 i just decided to change things around.I always loved to swim and had stopped all kinda activity in the name of the holy education ;) 3 years ago.So i kept giving myself realistic goals like 4kgs a month .

    Things i did
    1st i was kinda skeptical about getting into a swim suite :( so the 1st month i worked out at home (Jillian Michaels 30 days shred level 1 ) its available on youtube
    2nd...once i started seeing results the 2nd month i was glad to be back in the pool
    and now i swim every day

    Keys the right food and lot of water

    P.s: I lost 20kgs to date(lots more to go) and don't fret too much about slipping off any any kinda regime once in a while
  • gwenny0407
    gwenny0407 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there,

    Don't get depressed. I completely understand the frustration and anger with yourself. Let me first say, your goal is completely realistic. When I first started years ago I was 220 pounds and size 22. It took me awhile, but I got down to 127 and a size 4-6. The most meaningful thing someone told me was "Have patience, the rate you lose is typically the rate you will gain back. So if you lose slowly, you will be able to catch yourself before you gain too much back." Anyhow, it's true. I stayed that weight for quite awhile before I met my now husband. He's gorgeous, runs marathons and drinks beer. Okay, well, I can drink beer with him, but the other thing.... Anyhow, it's taken me a couple years but I've slowly gained about 40 lbs back just from that. Now I've decided, if I want to do the Pub thing with him, I also have to do the running thing. So now I'm training for my half marathon. I started training at the beginning of the year and just yesterday I ran a little over 5 miles.

    Anyhow, I'm living proof you CAN do it. Patience. With yourself, and with your friends. The hardest thing to losing weight: food pushers who tell you to eat something and lose later (mom, heavy girlfriend, boyfriend). Make a plan to deal with them. The hardest thing to learning to run: Walking out the door. (I still and always will struggle with this, just keep going).

    Good luck!!! Be one of the ones who stick with it and WINS!
  • mobtownRN
    thanks so much :smile:
  • mobtownRN
    I hear you - I am also a nurse and when I was your age, I worked almost exclusively nights. Fifteen years on, I have a couple of kids and can luckily go per diem so I can pick my shifts. I am convinced that this has helped me tremendously with my fitness. I know how hard it is to try to exercise when you're working so much. These days, we have 24 hour gyms near us - I could have used those back then! I think that working nights does a number on your mental health.

    …and God knows, I know what those back room snacks look like…when we have to work ****ty shifts, like holidays, nights, weekends, the SuperBowl (any excuse, really), we all bring in yummy food to make it more fun. Maybe you could bring in fruit and veggie trays that look so awesome you won't be able to resist them! Also, check out some of the recipes over on or - they have things like chocolate muffins and cupcakes to help satisfy those cravings (and reward yourself for the hard work you do!) without racking up too many calories!

    Good luck! The fitter you are, the easier the job will be (at least physically!) and you will have more longevity in the profession!

    Dang those potlucks!
    thanks for the add!!
  • Cookie_4
    Cookie_4 Posts: 152 Member
    I've been gaining and losing the same weight for years now and can understand your frustration. I love hanging out with friends and LOVE food but am working to have a healthier relationship with it :heart:

    MFP and the people I've met here have been really helping me. Feel free to add me if you need some support!
  • GIRL1983
    GIRL1983 Posts: 15 Member
    I am in the same boat, I loose a bit and then get so busy and down that I put it all back on again!!
    Add me :)
  • angelchipps
    angelchipps Posts: 3 Member
    You seem seriously overwhelmed. Instead of setting massive huge goals, set small ones. They are more attainable, its more rewarding and helps keep the motivation up!

    We all yo-yo. I have struggled with my weight my entire life. When I became pregnant, I gained 70 pounds. I was 209 lbs. I am now 166. It's taken me about a year to lose the 40+ pounds. Slow and steady is the best way !

    Set your goal to drop 5 pounds in one month. I know what you're thinking, 5 pounds?! Seriously,... that's like nothing, but it IS. When you reach that goal, set the next for 8 pounds... etc. You CAN DO THIS.
  • GIRL1983
    GIRL1983 Posts: 15 Member
    I am in the same boat, I loose a bit and then get so busy and down that I put it all back on again!!
    Add me :)
  • mrshargett
    hi i hear what ur saying..i to am a cna. but what i do is as soon as i get off work i go straight to the gym cuz i know if i go home i won't get back out..after about two Weeks i started seeing a diff in my body now its a part of my routine...i feel guilty if i don't go..i feel so much better and sleep better..when i eat crappy i feel like had too bea lifestyle change..make yourself go then it will be easy to go..u juz have to stick with it and when u start getting compliments from people at work and ur friends will notice and ask what ur doing ur self esteem will sky rocket..i'm 43 and have to work my add of but i'm enjoying pity and i feel better than i did in my twenties