
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I don't get how you haven't gotten scurvy yet. Do you take vitamins?

    Vitamin fortified Cocoa Puffs ftw!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I know, but it not healthy and i'm not getting any younger......

    Both true statements. So, stop acting like a child and eat properly. If you want to juice then do it. The internet is full of recipes. But you still need protein and fiber. Just eat proper meals, regardless of whether you drink juice or not.

    Seriously, if you want to be healthy then eat mostly healthy foods. Eat a variety of foods.

    Yep! I have a co-worker who is a few years older than me who refuses to eat fruits or veggies. I tease her, telling her she is worse than a kid. I have several fruits/vegetables that I do not care to eat all, some that I will only eat if raw or if cooked a certain way, and a few that I absolutely love. This business of the over-reaching claim to dislike *all* when they have never been tasted in full variety or cooked in various ways is very childish.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    How do you know what you like if you have never eaten fruits and veggies all throughout your life. This reminds me of my ex....

    Me. Do you like chick peas ?
    He: No...
    Me: what don't you like about them ?
    He: I don't know, I never tried them......

    Oh I hear this a lot, from kids and adults!

    Oh, yeah. "That looks gross" is something I hear from time to time. I say, "GOOD! More for me then. Go away!"
  • sue_langley
    sue_langley Posts: 63 Member
    I like to dip my celery in almond butter, you could try and celery is very filling. I do this especially when i'm craving something not quite so healthy for me : )
    You can do it, take it slow and be patient with yourself
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member

    How do you know what you like if you have never eaten fruits and veggies all throughout your life. This reminds me of my ex....

    Me. Do you like chick peas ?
    He: No...
    Me: what don't you like about them ?
    He: I don't know, I never tried them......

    Oh I hear this a lot, from kids and adults!

    Oh, yeah. "That looks gross" is something I hear from time to time. I say, "GOOD! More for me then. Go away!"

    Last night I got from a 6 year old "Ohhh that smells so good" so I said have a bite and see if you like it! "ewww no, it doesn't look good and smelling good doesn't mean it tastes good" arrrggggg wouldn't even take a small bite lol
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    How do you know what you like if you have never eaten fruits and veggies all throughout your life. This reminds me of my ex....

    Me. Do you like chick peas ?
    He: No...
    Me: what don't you like about them ?
    He: I don't know, I never tried them......

    Oh I hear this a lot, from kids and adults!

    Oh, yeah. "That looks gross" is something I hear from time to time. I say, "GOOD! More for me then. Go away!"

    Last night I got from a 6 year old "Ohhh that smells so good" so I said have a bite and see if you like it! "ewww no, it doesn't look good and smelling good doesn't mean it tastes good" arrrggggg wouldn't even take a small bite lol

    It's funny when a 6 yr old says it.
  • So today, I put my words into actions, I went to Tropical Smoothie and got a smoothie...........Banana, Kale, Spinach, Mango.......... I drank about maybe a lil over a half of a cup.....It was not so terrible, but not so good, it was tolerable for a lil bit............. I didn't really like the banana taste, so maybe I will try something else next time..........
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    So today, I put my words into actions, I went to Tropical Smoothie and got a smoothie...........Banana, Kale, Spinach, Mango.......... I drank about maybe a lil over a half of a cup.....It was not so terrible, but not so good, it was tolerable for a lil bit............. I didn't really like the banana taste, so maybe I will try something else next time..........

    Nice! As many have said that's what the fruit in smoothies always were for me - great taste I liked to mask the ones I didn't , and help get down more fruit/veg. I would have thought kale could be rather overpowering but I'm happy to hear your results. I pretty much can't do that anymore, though. There's always some recipe that calls for apples that I'm trying and I slice them up to take to the gym for long workouts; I'd be broke if I continued making smoothies with apples

    Homemade Applesauce, anyone? The instructions I saw said to core and peel the apples , but I could not be bothered to peel. 4 apples, 3/4 cup water, 1/4 cup sugar (highly optional), and 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon. Cook on medium heat till the apples are soft (15 to 20 minutes). Personally I just microwave them for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally to mix the cinnamon in. Smells awesome while cooking, too
  • mhasita
    mhasita Posts: 93 Member
    When I was a child I never ate anything other than rice, eggs and ketchup. Give me anything else and I was all like "ewww, I want rice, eggs with ketchup" I was like this until I was 20 years old.

    Now that I'm older, I eat almost anything you put on my plate. Even exotic gross-looking things like snails. You know how I did it? I changed the way I looked at food and allowed myself to try new things, even If I thought they were gross.
  • Thank you for recipe....I tried it, and I added a cup of was pretty good...........
  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member
    My friend has a rule with her kids

    They have 3-5 item list of foods they will not eat. If its not on that list then they have to eat it, or at least take a bite.
    They can change the list anytime they want, but any changes start the next day.

    My sister has a "no thank you bite" rule. Even if they don't want it, they still need to have that one bite.

    It can take at least 7 tries before you like something. I got myself to like bananas, I kept trying them until I could eat them, same with avocado.

    Now, potatoes I will never eat though.

    To the OP: Good luck on trying new foods, and keep trying.
  • other than the obvious that corn isn't a vegetable... its a grain... i do have a suggestion on the vege's, like others have said - try them - but, here's what i did with both my daughter and my niece - they were not allowed to say whether they liked or disliked a vegetable or fruit (or any other food) until they had tried 3 full bites in a row of that food (worked like a charm on almost everything but brussel sprouts, they never did like those). So if you have never tried it, buck up and take a few bites - just be sure you do your research on how to prepare them so you aren't over-cooking them, or eating something raw that is really meant to be cooked either. The worst culprit for vegetable hate is over-cooking. Example: raw potatoes are terrible (tho also not really a vege), and kiwi was never meant to be cooked!! Just don't sit there and let yourself say, "I don't like this!!!" before you even try it - blindfold yourself if you have to, but just remember, your vege's are not going to kill you, especially not in only 3 bites.

    They are also right about your taste buds changing - if you are having a hard time finding any at all, even after trying them, that you like - find those that you can at least tolerate eating, keep eating them frequently for a few weeks and your taste buds will adjust more to the flavor, you'll find they get better.

    The person who suggested looking into your allergies may also be onto something, but more than likely it probably just comes down to your Mom not being stern enough in making you try them and presenting them in a palatable manner when you were a child - you'll just have to figure out how to overcome that.
  • melissamarah
    melissamarah Posts: 168 Member
    Have you tried preparing the fruits or veggies differently? Growing up, I always thought I hated pretty much every vegetable. Especially asparagus. Ugh, it's slimy, bitter and weirdly stringy. When I started dating my husband, I described asparagus this way, and he looked at me like I was crazy. It turns out my parents loved OVERCOOKING veggies! He made me some stir-fried veggies with a bit of olive oil and garlic and it turned out I actually liked asparagus!

    Everyone has one or two fruits or veggies they hate. For me, it's bananas. But every couple of months, I try a miniscule bite of a banana just to see if my taste buds have changed. They haven't. I can't even stand the smell of them.
  • LynsP79
    LynsP79 Posts: 76 Member
    ....I'm not even sure what to say.

    GROW UP?
  • If you juice - drink it right away. Don't try to save it. Add carrots and apples to make it sweet, until you gain more experience. I still can not stand the taste of wheat grass - ever - yuk. Too bad, because it's a life saver!
    Good luck, go slowly, and only buy a wide mouth juicer - so you don't have to chop so much. Good luck!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    juicing requires fruits and veggies-doesn't sound like your up for that. You could always try juicing meats and junk food together I guess, since that's what you say you eat!

    good luck with that!
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    Making juices can be great and very tasty. Find some recipes to start with but the key is you should try to keep it mostly veggie based. I know this sounds weird, but trust me, it's very important. The general rule I've heard is each juice should be about 80% veg juice and about 20% fruit. A little bit of the fruit juice gives it the nice sweet juice flavor. If you do too much fruit, that sugar REALLY adds up fast and you are doing yourself no favors. Things like cucumbers are awesome as the majority of the base of your juice with things like an apple or a lemon being particularly good for flavor. Find recipes to guide you, at least as first. After a bit, you get the hang of it and have a better idea of what you like and what works well together.
  • just start . . . eat some every day . . . I put veggies on the table at every meal and required that my kids try them; eventually they got used to seeing them and the taste; my grown kids both eat everything; so maybe put veggies on your table every meal and taste them.

    roasting broccoli always seems to convert non-broccoli eaters into roasted broccoli lovers

    we do nothing that doesn't reward or serve us in some way . . . how does this reward / serve you? Does it make you special, different? Does it get you attention? Does it allow you to be irresponsible about your health (i.e. I don't like x, therefore I can't eat healthy?).

    I grew up in a house where your choice of food was related to status (i.e. Dad got first choice, ate what he wanted) . . . that ties in a lot to how I eat as an adult.

    dunno . . . health consequences are so far out into the future, hard to 'get it' until it's too late . .
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Apples and corn is the only "fruit/veg" that I would eat, and as I have gotten older I only eats those every once in a blue moon..... I look at fruits and vegetables and I just think that they are nasty and this leanred behavior started as a kid..........

    You are now an adult and it's time to try new things. How do you know you don't like them? I doubt you will like juicing
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Oh jeez...sorry, no help here. I have no patience for adults who have the kiddie "I don't like fruits and vegetables!" attitude. I get it enough from my 10-year old.