Over it!

Ok, Almost 4 months ago I began working with a personal trainer. I weight train 3/days and have 3 cardio days a week. He made up a "meal plan" for me that has me eating a certain amount of protein/carbs/fat everyday. In that 4 months I have lost 20 pounds.- I started at 209 and am at 189 as of today... I am getting so discouraged! I don't know what the heck is going on, but my body just doesn't want to let this weight go! He has tweaked my numbers back and forth, trying to figure out what will work for me, but I am about over it! at first I was losing 2lbs/wk, then nothing... Then I did go off of it a week during Christmas, back on lost 4 pounds within 3 weeks... etc. A month ago, I gained a pound, then the next week lost 6, then nothing, and now barely 1... I don't know what to do, but I am hardly seeing results, and I am tired! I am only at half of what my goal was for this time... The other women that are on this plan are losing like crazy! And I am the biggest one! I just need some encouragement, or tips. Has anyone else had this kind of issue?


  • mallen40
    mallen40 Posts: 119 Member
    Ok, Almost 4 months ago I began working with a personal trainer. I weight train 3/days and have 3 cardio days a week. He made up a "meal plan" for me that has me eating a certain amount of protein/carbs/fat everyday. In that 4 months I have lost 20 pounds.- I started at 209 and am at 189 as of today... I am getting so discouraged! I don't know what the heck is going on, but my body just doesn't want to let this weight go! He has tweaked my numbers back and forth, trying to figure out what will work for me, but I am about over it! at first I was losing 2lbs/wk, then nothing... Then I did go off of it a week during Christmas, back on lost 4 pounds within 3 weeks... etc. A month ago, I gained a pound, then the next week lost 6, then nothing, and now barely 1... I don't know what to do, but I am hardly seeing results, and I am tired! I am only at half of what my goal was for this time... The other women that are on this plan are losing like crazy! And I am the biggest one! I just need some encouragement, or tips. Has anyone else had this kind of issue?

    Have you been taking weekly measurements, not just weighing yourself? Your body will change even though the scale says something different. Muscle weighs more than fat. I know for me even though the scale says one thing, my clothes fit better and I feel better. I focus on the good it has done for me more so the number on the scale. I use to be so OCD about weighing myself to where I was doing it every day. I had to literally put the scale up for awhile so that I would stop it. Because I would constantly be discourage.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Ok, Almost 4 months ago I began working with a personal trainer. I weight train 3/days and have 3 cardio days a week. He made up a "meal plan" for me that has me eating a certain amount of protein/carbs/fat everyday. In that 4 months I have lost 20 pounds.- I started at 209 and am at 189 as of today... I am getting so discouraged! I don't know what the heck is going on, but my body just doesn't want to let this weight go! He has tweaked my numbers back and forth, trying to figure out what will work for me, but I am about over it! at first I was losing 2lbs/wk, then nothing... Then I did go off of it a week during Christmas, back on lost 4 pounds within 3 weeks... etc. A month ago, I gained a pound, then the next week lost 6, then nothing, and now barely 1... I don't know what to do, but I am hardly seeing results, and I am tired! I am only at half of what my goal was for this time... The other women that are on this plan are losing like crazy! And I am the biggest one! I just need some encouragement, or tips. Has anyone else had this kind of issue?

    20 lb in 4 months is a very good amount, what exactly were you expecting? Plus you said you went off plan over xmas so it's really less than 4 months. Focus on the fact that you have lost so much rather than wanting a quick fix. Did you gain weight overnight??
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    Let me sum up
    You've lost 20 lbs in 4 months-including a week off at Christmas. You still have more to lose.

    Weight loss is not linear. Remember your one week of losing 6 lbs after a week of gaining one?
    It seems to be working for you-so what if it is taking longer than you want!
  • Ok, Almost 4 months ago I began working with a personal trainer. I weight train 3/days and have 3 cardio days a week. He made up a "meal plan" for me that has me eating a certain amount of protein/carbs/fat everyday. In that 4 months I have lost 20 pounds.- I started at 209 and am at 189 as of today... I am getting so discouraged! I don't know what the heck is going on, but my body just doesn't want to let this weight go! He has tweaked my numbers back and forth, trying to figure out what will work for me, but I am about over it! at first I was losing 2lbs/wk, then nothing... Then I did go off of it a week during Christmas, back on lost 4 pounds within 3 weeks... etc. A month ago, I gained a pound, then the next week lost 6, then nothing, and now barely 1... I don't know what to do, but I am hardly seeing results, and I am tired! I am only at half of what my goal was for this time... The other women that are on this plan are losing like crazy! And I am the biggest one! I just need some encouragement, or tips. Has anyone else had this kind of issue?

    Have you been taking weekly measurements, not just weighing yourself? Your body will change even though the scale says something different.

    He measured me to begin with and only once since then. It might be a good boost. Thanks!
  • allikat399
    allikat399 Posts: 36 Member
    20 lbs in 4 months is about a lb a week. This is great! I've read a pound a week is good for permanent long term weight loss, rather than just water weight. Congratulations!

    OTOH, I understand what it's like to be frustrated bc you want more. Have you tried measuring? It might make you feel better to be seeing the inches come off too. MFP has the option to track measurements and since you're weight lifting that could be why you don't feel like you're seeing as much as you should on the scale. If you are following the plan religiously, then that is just how that plan works for you.

    If you still think it should be working better than it is, maybe you need to evaluate your own behavior. Are you having an extra snack a little more frequently than you realize? Grabbing a dessert after dinner because its weight watchers and doesn't cost you as much as "real" ice cream? Grabbing seconds because you worked out today so you have a little wiggle room? I'm only mentioning these because I've caught myself doing this and saw success by fixing it.
  • Ok so I need to get over myself... It's just frustrating is all. This aint my first rodeo, as they say, and its just never been this hard to lose. I know it's not a quick fix.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    Ok, Almost 4 months ago I began working with a personal trainer. I weight train 3/days and have 3 cardio days a week. He made up a "meal plan" for me that has me eating a certain amount of protein/carbs/fat everyday. In that 4 months I have lost 20 pounds.- I started at 209 and am at 189 as of today... I am getting so discouraged! I don't know what the heck is going on, but my body just doesn't want to let this weight go! He has tweaked my numbers back and forth, trying to figure out what will work for me, but I am about over it! at first I was losing 2lbs/wk, then nothing... Then I did go off of it a week during Christmas, back on lost 4 pounds within 3 weeks... etc. A month ago, I gained a pound, then the next week lost 6, then nothing, and now barely 1... I don't know what to do, but I am hardly seeing results, and I am tired! I am only at half of what my goal was for this time... The other women that are on this plan are losing like crazy! And I am the biggest one! I just need some encouragement, or tips. Has anyone else had this kind of issue?

    Have you been taking weekly measurements, not just weighing yourself? Your body will change even though the scale says something different.

    He measured me to begin with and only once since then. It might be a good boost. Thanks!

    Yes I can almost guarantee you are leaner doing strength training 3X per week don't let the scale get you down. You will be thankful once you drop the other pounds and you see nice lean muscle underneath (I am sure you can tell already but we are our own worst critics)
  • mallen40
    mallen40 Posts: 119 Member
    You should measure yourself each week along with weigh-ins. It does get discouraging along the way, I know because I still get discourage. Just keep with it. In the long run you are doing this for you. To make you feel good about yourself and be healthier. Also keep in mind that as you get older it seems a little harder to lose. I can tell because when I was about 10 years younger, losing 20 lbs was a piece of cake, now not so much :smile: