Anyone beginning strength training this week?


I am a 43 year old mother of 2 teenagers who just began with MFP on 01/30. I have read a tremendous amount of good information on this site (I have a lot of free time at work) and it has been very helpful. I am looking to lose 80-90 pounds and would love the support of any new friends. I am also starting strength training using P90 tomorrow. I am doing the elliptical but I know I need to be strength training as well especially at my age. It would be great to have some friends who are starting it as well so that we can keep each other accountable and share experiences.

Best of luck to everyone and I look forward to seeing your success!


  • jeneferphillips89
    Meeeeee :-D I'm starting SL 5x5 today, I was doing the C25K program but I need to take a short break because of a shin splint and figured this would be the perfect time to start with the free weights. I'm looking to lose somewhere in the 100lb ballpark but I just want to be comfortable in my skin. Friend request is being sent :-)
  • mandietaylor79
    Hi there. I am a 46 year old mother of 2 boys and I have started back at the gym again today. I do mostly weights at the gym as I walk regularly with my dog for the aerobic exercise. I am looking to lose 14 - 21 lbs.
    Do you have a gym programme? How often are you going?
  • GIRL1983
    GIRL1983 Posts: 15 Member
    I love strength training but I need to get back into a routine after being idol for months!! Add me :)
  • rhonda6373
    Thanks everyone! I will post my workouts in my diary each day and post in the friend area if I need help. I cannot sleep tonight (now today) and I have to be up officially in 2 hours. Since I could not sleep, I went ahead and worked out. Those 10 lb. weights are heavier than I remembered and the abs OMG. I know it will get easier though. I look forward to the day I can do a regular push-up and possible a lunge without my pre-arthritic knees cracking and hurting.

    No, I don't have a gym program. I used to but quit to save money. I have an old Power 90 DVD that I use that is pretty good. I plan on initially 2 times a week strength training and 4 times or more cardio.

    Do you all work out 2 or 3 times a week with weights or do you think it makes that much difference?

    Let's get to it ladies!