Do you follow the Goal Calorie Amount on MFP?

Hi so i have been stuck and havent lost since like December. I have had around 700-1200 calories at most my goal is 1200 should i follow that? I need to lose 7 lbs and i have my setting to 2 lbs a week


  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    You're sometimes only eating 700 calories a day?

    That's actually very dangerous. 1,200 should be the smallest goal you ever set.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    With so few lbs to lose, you should be set at 0.5 lbs per week.

    Do you use a food scale for solids and measuring cups for liquids?
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    With only 7 pounds to lose, you should be aiming at 0.5 pounds/week loss, not 2. It's not a race.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Hi so i have been stuck and havent lost since like December. I have had around 700-1200 calories at most my goal is 1200 should i follow that? I need to lose 7 lbs and i have my setting to 2 lbs a week

    There is a reason MFP set your goal to 1200 NET calories. This is the minimum level required for your body's nutritional needs.

    Your heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, etc......are using calories ALL day long (even while you sleep). Not giving your body enough calories to work with is dangerous. Let's say your heart needs nourishment and you have not eaten enough (think fuel).....your body will go have to make a I keep this lean muscle mass.....or do I catobolize muscle for fuel? Your body will feed your heart muscle with whatever is this diet long enough & your hair will fall out......your lung function is more important than a full head of hair.

    Losing < 10 should have a realistic expectation of losing 1/2 pound a week.....2 pounds a week is for people who are very overweight.
  • erizek14
    I just go by serving amount my mom does portions for dinner i have diabetes so she counts the carbs
  • erizek14
    With so few lbs to lose, you should be set at 0.5 lbs per week.

    Do you use a food scale for solids and measuring cups for liquids?

    I just go by serving amount my mom does portions for dinner i have diabetes so she counts the carbs
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    With so few lbs to lose, you should be set at 0.5 lbs per week.

    Do you use a food scale for solids and measuring cups for liquids?

    I just go by serving amount my mom does portions for dinner i have diabetes so she counts the carbs

    So in other words, you really have no idea how much you are eating. Being 18, you should start taking control & counting your own carbs. MFP can be a good leaning tool. Measuring portions is part of the learning process.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    With such a small amount to lose, 2 pounds a week is extremely aggressive, impractical, and unsafe. Change it to .5 pounds a week and for gawd's sake eat more!

    MFP is quite notorious for setting calorie goals FAR too low, regardless of height and weight. For example, it told me to eat 1200, and my BMR (the bare amount of calories I need to LIVE) is 1280. And I am extremely tiny, only 5 feet. So unless you are smaller than me, or wheelchair-bound, it is almost a CERTAINTY that you are eating too little. (This can result in lean muscle loss, chronic fatigue, metabolism damage, and bingeing due to over-restriction.)

    go to

    and enter your height/weight/activity level.

    Subtract 20% from the number it calculates for you, and that is the number of calories you should be eating a day in order to lose weight.

    Good luck!

    edited for typos
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    Hi so i have been stuck and havent lost since like December. I have had around 700-1200 calories at most my goal is 1200 should i follow that? I need to lose 7 lbs and i have my setting to 2 lbs a week

    It seems unlikely you could eat 700 - 1,200 calories and not lose weight. I agree with the folks who suggest you might be eating more than you realize. Also agree that you shouldn't try to lose 2 lbs. a week with so little to lose.
  • erizek14
    Well i was in recovery last year from anorexia so its harder after recovery to lose a little bit of weight i want to be 106 lbs