Stopping Smoking



  • slelbaum
    Good Day All,

    It's been 1 month today with no cigs. I feel great!!! Yea so I gained a few pounds but now i'm getting on the work out schedule aiming for 4 days a week at the gym or the pool. I was a pack a day smoker but I also, at the time swam a mile a day. Now I have switched jobs and sit at a desk so I HAVE to start working out again and not go back to smoking. I know we can all do it if we put our hearts into it.
  • nikkiskip79
    nikkiskip79 Posts: 24 Member
    HELP!!! nearly 48 hours nicotine free and i have turned in to the most moody, snappy, moaning, horrible human being ever!!

    How long does it last.. when will i feel normal again???
  • jessykab74
    jessykab74 Posts: 167 Member
    When I quit smoking in June I used the Ecig for the first few weeks. I used very low nicotine and only when I really needed it. I didn't want to get hooked on that as well. Did I gain weight?......Yes 17lbs to be exact. I am finally taking that weight off now. The problem for me was that foods tasted really different and I craved sugar. Before quitting smoking I worked out most everyday. I was kind of obsessed. Not something I could do for the rest of my life with being a single mom to two very active kids. So anyways I did my first 5k mud challenge in (Aug) and my knee injury flared up which took me out of commission for what should have been only a week. So to make a long story short. I got burnt and lazy after I quit smoking (don't be like me) Smoking burns on a average of 250 calories a day. I promise you gets much easier!!! The first 3 days are the hardest (that is when I broke down and bought the Ecig) You got this. Honestly I look back at my weight gain and think when it comes down to it, what is some weight gain compared to a lifetime of being SMOKE FREE!
  • jessykab74
    jessykab74 Posts: 167 Member
    HELP!!! nearly 48 hours nicotine free and i have turned in to the most moody, snappy, moaning, horrible human being ever!!

    How long does it last.. when will i feel normal again???

    The first 3-4 days are the hardest! I PROMISE it gets a lot easier! Within a couple of weeks you will maybe think about smoking once a day and the craving comes and goes fast! Don't give up! You got this!!
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    I quite smoking about 10 years ago. I put on lots of weight. Sorry, I can't help you with quitting without gaining.

    But I can tell you, hand on heart, I would rather be overweight than a smoker.

    Any. Day. Of. The. Week.

    Congratulations to all of you who are kicking the evil weed. It's hard, sure, but you will not regret it. Keep strong, kids. Life really is better when you're not an addict.
  • Awesomers
    Awesomers Posts: 144 Member
    Hello! I quit 4 1/2 months ago, after smoking for about 15 years.

    The first week was ROUGH. I had a very hard time, but I stuck to it. I was an unpleasant person to be around, for sure. I just kept thinking about how I wanted to live long enough to see grandchildren. As soon as I quit, I was craving carbs and sugar like crazy.
    As soon as I got over that initial hump of despair and anger, I began working out. Three weeks after I began working out, I started counting calories. I did not experience any weight gain due to smoking, but I might have if I hadn't started exercising right away.

    One of the most unexpected benefits of quitting smoking was that I can actually handle stress a LOT better. I know, that's everyone's reason to keep smoking, but I learned that my stress levels are so much lower than they used to be. Craziness! Good luck to each of you on your journeys!
  • Kimbosbc
    Kimbosbc Posts: 143 Member
    I quit smoking in December 2006 after being hospitalized for over a week and placed on oxygen for over at month, at the age of 27, for severe lung complications. I couldn't believe that I was 27 years old and carrying around an oxygen tank. I was a pretty heavy smoker for many years. Like 1.5-2 packs per day. I did gain some weight, but I will add that I am much healthier now for the choice to stop smoking. The weight was worth it and now I am working to get that off. I am healthier now at 34 than I ever was.
  • nikkiskip79
    nikkiskip79 Posts: 24 Member
    wow some more awesome stories of success..

    Thank you all for sharing and giving me inspiration to carry on.. it will be hard but listening to you guys i know it will definitely be worth it :)
  • Weighting4results
    Don't forget cigarettes smell like a bag of burnt horrid a-holes. No one wants to smell like those.
  • jodybo2
    jodybo2 Posts: 116 Member
    For me, once I made it past the third day it was all downhill. I quit two years ago (before I found MFP). I used nicotine gum. I quit smoking several years ago and put on a good 50 pounds since I replaced cigarettes with food. This time, I used the gum and went for walks on my breaks instead of sitting and smoking. I actually lost weight and feel so much better!!!
  • Devasation
    Devasation Posts: 145 Member
    Smoked from the age of 18 through the age of 27, pack of Marlboro Reds a day. Quit at the end of August 2007 (Almost 6 1/2 years), and did it cold turkey. Haven't had a smoke since.

    I did gain some weight (about 10 pounds), and this was way before I started getting fit. One thing at a time, I suppose.
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    Haven't smoked a cigarette since Christmas - bought a e-cig as a gift to myself. I feel so much better and have been complimented on my skin tone. I've even cut down on the e-cig. There have been days that I never used it. Sure - I'm having problems losing weight but I take into consideration that I haven't worked since January 20 and I've been home during the days.

    Generally though - I'm definitely not missing the hacking cough, yucky phlegm, and smoke odor.