What are you weight loss goals set at?

rgohm Posts: 294 Member
I am trying to lose weight in a healthy way, of course, but I also don't want to lose too fast or too slowly. I am reading that you shouldn't try to lose more than .5 lb a week because you will lose muscle. I just started a weight lifting for women class to help with strength and endurance and definitely don't want to lose what I am working towards. I have also started drinking protein shakes to help with muscle healing time and promote muscle growth, if the label can be trusted.

What is your take on weight loss and what do you have set for your weight loss goals? I know not everybody is going to have the same answer because we all have different goals and starting points; I just want to get an idea of what other's are doing.


  • addieblue
    addieblue Posts: 17 Member
    In the beginning I had my weight loss set to 1kg (abour 2lbs) because from previous experience with diets I knew that this is managable. However, I am working out now and I found that my body is changing more in terms of cm rather than in terms of weight + my original setting was for 1200 calories which I don't think is that easy or healthy to follow in the long term. So now I have my weight loss goals set to 1lbs per week and my calories to 1320 per day.. We'll see how this will go :smile:
  • rgohm
    rgohm Posts: 294 Member
    Currently my daily goal is 1790. I will see how this goes for a little bit. I have not been losing much weight at all but I can tell my body is changing a little. :smile:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Your desired rate of loss should correlate to how much fat you have to lose...the leaner you are, the slower you go to preserve that lean mass. For example, I'm at a healthy BF% but could lean out a little more and lose about 10 Lbs or so of fat...that's not much, and I don't have a lot of fat on my...so my goal is about 250 calories per day deficit...about 0.5 Lbs per week.

    When I had 50 total Lbs to lose I was set for a 1.5 Lb per week loss rate...when I hit around 20-25 Lbs left I switched that to 1 Lb per week loss rate...when I lost a total of 40 Lbs I went into maintenance which is where I've been the past 9 months until my recent decision to try to knock off a couple more points in BF%.

    Keep in mind that if you're set to only 1/2 per week, scale losses can be hard to see as they are pretty easily masked by daily weight fluctuations...at that rate of loss it is really important to look at the trend over months rather than days and weeks. Also, you don't have a whole lot of margin for error, so precision is key...i.e. use a food scale if you're not already.
  • Followingsea
    Followingsea Posts: 407 Member
    My mother had a saying that I hated growing up: Aim for the stars and you hit the roof, aim for the roof and you never get off the ground.

    That said, I have my goal set for 1 lb a week loss (-500 calorie daily deficit) despite being on my last 5-10 lbs because ... my YTD average daily deficit is -352 calories. I am hitting the roof, and it's working for me.

    At this stage I'm looking more at fat loss / recomposition than scale weight, though.
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    I had only about 20 pounds to lose, so I set up for .5 lb/week, which for me comes out to 1630 calories. I seem to be losing more than that most weeks. (I don't eat back all my exercise calories because I know sometimes I'm sloppy with measuring my food.)
  • rgohm
    rgohm Posts: 294 Member
    I appreciate all the replies so far. Thank you!