My Hope Of Sunshine

Hello, my name is Usha. Who is this Usha and what does that mean. Does a name have meaning? The place where I come from India, every name has a meaning. Well, my name mean “first ray of sunshine”. I was born in the early hours of the day. My mom was so happy to bring me into this world and she said I looked very beautiful and happy. She named me in a symbolic way to grow, prosper and shine in this world as “Usha”.

By this time you might have known why I am on this blog. But you might not have known my life journey. Fasten your seat belts for a long story but I tried my best to abbreviate.

Here I am to share my past unconditionally without wanting to be judged by my friends and family. Growing up as a child, I was second among four sisters. I was one of the strongest, hard working, always stood for what is right. In our culture a girl is not considered as on par with a boy. It’s sad but true. However, growing up I never believed in it and I always fought for it. I thank my parents for never brining up that feeling in me. At present that notion is changing in the society.

As a girl growing up I grew strong, bold and studious. I became comfortable in my skin. This is when I started adding extra pounds. I never realized it but it kept on adding. My friends, family suggested that I need to reduce my weight to get a proper groom. I wasn’t interested in marriage. I wanted to be a self dependent woman. In our society most of the marriages are arranged marriages. One day an alliance came which was my first ever, and I fell in love with him. He is the prince charming. He became my love of my life. I never loved anyone so much. I knew no boundaries of joy with him. I was so happy and deeply in love. He believed in me and I poured all my life in front of him.

From the time of engagement to our wedding there was 14 months in between. I was told to reduce weight by several sources including my hubby to be. I remember the very first letter he wrote with pencil sketches how I should look before and after. He gave me lots of inputs either how to reduce weight. At the time I tried several different diets, yoga, massages, jym and whatnot with not much of a result. One of the reasons I liked him because he gave importance how I looked inside rather than outside. He made me feel comfortable.

We got married and moved to US. The first two years were wonderful. I had several surprises for him. Being new in US not having a car or license, I used to walk several miles to get some small gifts to surprise on different occasions. He wasn’t interested in them but I sure did. I felt romantic. I was living in my dream world. The third year I got pregnant. I had a beautiful daughter. She is an angle. This was an important milestone in my life. This is also one of the dreaded time in my life since I found I wasn’t the love of his life. My world trembled and shook. My heart broke into pieces. Then came the arguments, fights, quarrels, and brawls whatever you can call. He started to blame at me, my parents and everything else. The grudge kept adding and I kept accumulating pounds.

I cannot solely point to that; it is also me who lost confidence in myself. I took the comfort of food. I made bad choices of eating. I became aloof from the rest of the world. He became dubious that I talk badly about him to my friends and family. I stopped talking to the rest of the world. I shut myself in from the rest of the world.

In the past few months there came a point I couldn’t take it anymore and wasn’t ready to face it anymore. There was a lot of anger that needs to vent out and I need to find peace within myself. I understand now that I need to let my past go away. I wish it was only a bad dream, I wish it never had happened but we cannot change the past. What I can change or can try is my present and the future. This is not an easy realization to make. It came after 5 long years of sorrow, grief and mourning if someone can understand the pain I was in.

My husband stopped sleeping with me more than 2 years ago. When I had emotions he rejected constantly and one day he said on my face that I was fat and he cannot make love to me. I was crushed. I did not want to be stared at my food plate from my hubby or others. We want to make our relationship work. I can see we are working together to heal our pain. I am happy about it. Currently, along with various other stuff, he is supporting me in setting up the weight goals.

All my life I have been a chubby life. One day my 4 yr old daughter after the shower asks me “ Mommy you have fat thighs. You are fat.” Until then I never heard the word fat from here. I didn’t realize that my forehead frowned instantly. She realized the emotion and then asked “Is fat a bad word? ” I didn’t have an answer for her. Is she wrong? No.

Currently I am 200 pounds, the heaviest weight ever in my life. My blood pressure is constantly 150/99. My BMI is 35. The word weight always lingers on my mind. I do not want to be self-conscious anymore.

I know I have tried exercise and diets several times with no luck. This time the difference would be I am doing this for myself to regain my confidence level. I want to live a healthy life. I want to be in control. I want to prove myself.

I never liked the idea of social network and pouring everything in public. I feel as if I am being naked in front of the crowd. Someone told me if you share your burden, it reduces. Here I am for the first time in my life I am blogging my journey. I have read several success stories and would like to be part of it.

Every time I start my weight loss goal, I think I shouldn’t fail. But with experience I realize there will be failures certain times. I read “Success is a journey not a destination”. I am taking first step towards success starting from today. Honestly, I will try to journal what all I eat and workout.

I will try to focus on positive things. I need all the support that I can get.

I want to make friends with this community. People who are travelling this weight loss journey please make as your friend.

Wish me Luck my fellow Sun Rays and be my friends ………………………….


  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    We all have taken comfort in food, for whatever reasons. We are here for you to be supported, encouraged and learn about healthier choices. Good luck to you on your journey!
  • meljr66
    meljr66 Posts: 29 Member
    Good luck to you! I have found that when I feel better about myself, life is better in general. Do this for you!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I'm sorry for your pain and anxiety. But your beautiful daughter and yourself is one of the best reasons for a healthy lifestyle change. It's never easy to make the hard changes. But there are so many people on here who have overcome so many obstacles and have gotten strength from each other, and learned that they too have inner strength to offer. We are very happy that you are here and will support you always.
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    Your post made me sad... I wish you the best of luck in your journey. And remember what you said; you're doing this for YOURSELF. If you need any help, don't hesitate to ask.

    =) Cyprianna
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Well done for taking that first step and sharing your story, it must have taken a lot of courage. Welcome to MFP, I hope you reach your goals.:flowerforyou:
  • ebertat
    Good luck to you. It sounds like you have struggled for a long time. To find that your love, the one who didn't focus on your appearance but rather your inner beauty let you down has got to be very difficult. Keep your chin up, you can succeed! I am new to this website but have already found it helpful. I truly wish you the best.
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328
    Congratulations on your first step towards your new life!

    It sure was hard for you to write this all down, I hope your burden has deceased a little bit!
    You're not alone, you are not the only one with such a life story!

    Every 5 mile walk starts with a step, and continues with a step, and another one, and another one. That's the way you should make your journey.
    First step is done, don't try to make the next step a mile, you will net reach it. Little steps, little changings, slowly improving your habits, that's the way to go!

    My first steps were:
    - join this community
    - log everything I eat and drink
    - start drinking a lot more water
    - watch where I can make a change, like cut portions for one meal per day, or exchange one meal towards a better choice
    - start with some exercise ( I started with 30 minutes of stationary bike every other day, which was "very" long, now I sometimes do 5 days of that in a row, trying to do more than 30 minutes or doing some strength training after bike)

    My next steps will be:
    - get a regular exercise schedule
    - cut portions to stay within the calories goal every day
    - make better choices of healthy food

    Many won't agree with me, but I still recommand this:
    Don't try immediately to eat under your calorie goal. Simply math example: if you eat like 5000 calories right now, and MFP tells you you only need 1500 calories to lose 1lb per week... if you switch from 5000 to 1500, you will be always hungry and starving yourself half of your days, after all that's less than a third of what you had before and this might lead to giving up really soon... now if you cut down step by step, like try to eat 4500 this week, 4000 next week and so on, you give your stomach the chance to get used to have less and this way you probably will stick to it.
    Same with exercise: if you do nothing at all right now, and get a program of doing 60 minutes every day: your body will be sore after the first day, get worse after the second day and you probably might give up the third day, as you can't handle being sore all the time. Rather start with 5 or 15 minutes every day, or every other day... and slowly increase.
    Let your body get used to your changings, but not all at once, rather step by step.

    Wish you good luck on your journey!

  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    Thank you all for your support and wonderful suggestions. I will try to keep up.