I cannot figure out how many calories I need to eat...there are a MILLION BMR calculators out there and I'm too confused and just want to know what will help me lose weight and build muscle! I am 20 years old, 128 pounds, and 5' 2". I was eating 1600 for about a month and am exercising at least an hour a day, 5 days a week. I'm definitely tighter but I still have the same unwanted flab. As for eating I'm eating clean and healthy (little to no processed food) I feel like I should be seeing MUCH quicker results! I work my butt off and am eating super healthy! I don't know if I'm eating too little calories or too much! Was thinking about making it 1400 but I don't want to mess up my metabolism. Please help!! Xoxox spring break is coming up :D:D:D


  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    First read both of these:

    And then slow down, breath, relax, and ask what is really important: Being toned, or being a certain magical weight? Cause the way you are doing it, you will not hit them both.
  • Mhgretsch
    Mhgretsch Posts: 259 Member
    The links Morgaath posted are great...I just read both over the weekend and used their suggested websites to calculate my BMR & TDEE, so I'm feeling a lot more educated and comfortable with how I'm doing things. Have you looked at what ratios of macros you're eating? Perhaps it would help to cut back on some carbs or fat and add more protein?
  • rubybaby8188
    I have read the first and just read the second! The number on the scale isn't that big of a deal for me looking tone is what I want! :) I just feel like I still have excess fat on me that won't go away. When I calculate everything it says around 1750 calories but if I've been eating 1600 and only seeing a little difference will 150 more calories really matter?

    P.S. Thanks for dealing with me

    P.s.s I should probably be studying :D
  • rubybaby8188
    Yeah I feel more educated too! I just think it's strange that if I'm not losing that much fat that UPPING my calories would help?? It just seems illogical to me haha but I've been looking at my macros and need to cut carbs but it's SO hard for me! I try to only have bread with one meal but I usually eat oats for breakfast because they're healthy..but then they have a bunch of carbs. I wish I was just rich enough to hire a dietician and a personal chef :laugh:
  • TruckersWifeTruckersLife
    I am 5' 2" wish I was your weight as its considered a healthy weight I still got a long way to go. Are you trying to lose more weight or maintain
  • rubybaby8188
    Well you can do it!!! I'm trying to lose weight and build muscle...I just want to be toned! The scale doesn't matter as much to me I'm just sick of seeing flab!
  • jessxoxo1999
    jessxoxo1999 Posts: 4 Member
    the lowest recommended daily amount for weight loss is 1200 for women and 1500 for men, (ps. try not to listen to the poeple that are like "YOU GOTTA HAVE 2000 CALORIES AND EAT BACK YOUR EXERCISE" i used to do that and became overweight :P)
  • jessxoxo1999
    jessxoxo1999 Posts: 4 Member
    NONONONONONO you want to cut fat not carbs!!!!!!!! carbs are the main source of energy and they are what you use during exercise!!! fat is more easily stored and has ove double the calories per gram!!!look up "freelee the banana girl" on youtube, hope i can help!