Does everybody try to go for 2 lbs a week?!



  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    i set mine to two pounds a week. i don't have a problem with the 1200 calorie limit. i also work out almost every day, so those exercise calories add up and that gives me some extra wiggle room if desire. its normally hard for me to eat all of my calories in a day anyways, i usually eat some nuts as snacks to help get me to the calorie range i need to be at for the day.
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    I set mine to 2 lbs a week. I have a lot to lose and I am right now losing more than that. However, I wouldn't be upset with 2 or even less so long as I'm losing and I know I did everything I could that week.
  • Cubetor
    I did 1.5 a week but losing more than two pounds a week. I like to have the cusion for the days I dont make it to the gym or when I go visit my parents and have moms cooking. Once I hit my goal I will drop it down to 1 pound a week.
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328
    I did 1lb per week, as this was the recommended number. I still stick with it, even though 0.5lb would be better for me, as I never am able to stay within calories. I am losing constantly, some weeks more than others, but I haven't had a gain so far, which keeps me happy and going :-)

    CORTNEY5 Posts: 87 Member
    I chose 1.5 lbs a week, just to motivate myself to see if I could actually do it. It was hard to limit myself to the 1200 cals per day at first, but now that I've been doing it for a month, I have a good feel of what 1200 cals feels and looks like in a day, and I know it's ok if I go over a little bit. I'm just starting to understand that going under is worse than going over.
  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
    I go for two a week becausei had over 100 lbs to lose and figured that was the best way. i lose minimum 2 a week and closer to 4.
    I don't mind the extra work or the low cals. i also don't eat 1200. i eat 1950 and burn 2950 a day. and end up losing over 3