Anyone starting Focus T25 today? or do you have any tips?

Hey! I started the Beachbody Focus T25 workout program today and would love to link up with anyone who is also on the plan. I am working hard to follow the nutrition guidelines too. Please feel free to add me!

If you've completed T25, how was it? And tips & tricks for a newbie like myself?


  • ames341
    ames341 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm starting today too! Would love to have some support! Good luck :)
  • Mad4282
    Mad4282 Posts: 171 Member
    Hi there! I am starting week 3, so far no loss on the scale but a few inches and I am definitely increasing my endurance (I barely survived week 1!)
  • jahall76
    jahall76 Posts: 328 Member
    Day 1 in the books. WOW! I wore my HRM and burned about 265 calories in 27 minutes (25 workout + 2 min cool down) I'm really happy with that. I was only able to follow the modifier, Tonya but I hope in the weeks to come, I don't have to use the modifier.

    Everyone feel free to add me.
  • frankiep73
    frankiep73 Posts: 40 Member
    I started today and also was thankful for the modifier Tonya. I also am doing the 5 day fast track to start myself off. I had already reduced what I was eating the last 10 days or so, with mostly focusing on ditching the junk.

    I workout with a group at work 2-3x a week, though only 2 are of any kind of true benefit. I will be doing that on top of my T25.

    My husband is also starting today. For him, it will be to get him to actually do it and to stop eating fast foods.
  • rjwilki3
    I am starting today as well. First time trying anything like this for a couple of years. I was 6 weeks into insanity in 2012 when a triathlon accident shattered my collarbone in 5 places. 2 years and about 5 stone later I have decided its time to try and take control again and get back in shape.

    Did the cardio today and it really kicked my butt, however I am determined to see it through. I will be cycling to work some days as well, but probably not more than 3 times a week as I do not want to burn out and be put off.

    Its the start of a long journey, but they all start with the first step.
  • dcarter1020
    dcarter1020 Posts: 73 Member
    My husband and I are starting week 5 today. I can't believe we've made it this far already. I will say that I rarely have gotten my 2 workouts in on Fridays though. So far I love the program. I haven't lost a ton of weight, but I've lost inches. I'm kind of scared to start Beta, because I'm just starting to feel comfortable with Alpha. That must be the beauty of the program. The moment you get comfortable, Shaun T bumps it up another notch lol!

    Good luck to those of you just starting. YOU CAN DO IT!!
  • ProudMom2Jade
    ProudMom2Jade Posts: 18 Member
    Have any of you doing T25 done Rockin' Body? How does it compare?
  • LaurenMariex33
    I'm starting week 2 today! I need to make sure I actually do it today! The past two days were rest days (did the stretch video yesterday), but I'm excited to get back at it!
  • lutzka1
    Feel free to add me!
    I am on week 3 of Alpha and I use Tanya quite a bit for modifying.
    I haven't seen any weight loss and only an inch and half of loss so far total. But it takes a little while for my body to start burning once I restart a program.

    I have yet to fit in 2 workouts myself. I've done a work out and stretching but not two full workouts in a single day.

    Extra motivation, support and experience with T25 would be very helpful as in my family, I'm the only one currently taking steps to improve my health and fitness level.

    I look forward to comparing notes on the T25 experience. Good luck and I hope you fit in your workout today:)
  • Orion782
    Orion782 Posts: 391
    I'm on on my 2nd Round of T25, currently on 2nd week of Alpha.

    Just go hard. You will feel yourself getting stronger, and the part of T25 I LOVE vs. Insanity (I am an Insanity graduate too) is obviously the time commitment. If you can't give 100% for 25 minutes a day, then why are you even trying?

    Love the workouts, and Shaun T. is a boss.

    For added weight loss, do it early in the morning in a fasted state. I follow an I.F. regimen and it has worked wonders for me.
  • maryhoey
    I am starting the program today as well! I am excited to get going. Feel free to add me!
  • koronakona
    koronakona Posts: 15 Member
    I started T25 last week, so I am on the 2nd of week of Alpha. I typically hate to workout in my home. I'm not a DVD workout person at all. I prefer to exercise outside, but the short and cold winter days were making that difficult. I decided to try this out. And I absolutely LOVE it! It is a TOUGH 25 minutes, but anyone can do 25 minutes a day. I follow Tonya when I need to so I'm glad there is a modifier when I'm feeling wiped out. I love Shaun T.! He makes the workouts easy to follow and is a great motivator as well.
    I'm 40 and started out at 171 pounds last week. I measured myself over the weekend and lost 3 inches overall (mostly waist and hips) and lost 1.5 pounds the first week. But I am most impressed with the amount of energy I have throughout the day. Do these workouts first thing in the morning. You won't be disappointed. And your workout for the day is DONE! No excuses!!
  • tatiee24
    I just finished my first week of Beta today with a double workout! My best piece of advice would be to make sure you are working at the highest level that you are able. I did follow Tanya on some moves since some of the turning hurts my knees but I was still able to lose 10.5 inches in the Alpha phase. One question for those of you that do it: how do you track T25 through myfitnesspal? What type of exercise do you consider it?
  • anicrad
    anicrad Posts: 3 Member
    I'm on on my 2nd Round of T25, currently on 2nd week of Alpha.

    Just go hard. You will feel yourself getting stronger, and the part of T25 I LOVE vs. Insanity (I am an Insanity graduate too) is obviously the time commitment. If you can't give 100% for 25 minutes a day, then why are you even trying?

    Love the workouts, and Shaun T. is a boss.

    For added weight loss, do it early in the morning in a fasted state. I follow an I.F. regimen and it has worked wonders for me.

    What's an I.f. regimen?
  • anicrad
    anicrad Posts: 3 Member
    I added an exercise named it t25 and just change the calories everyday to what my heart rate monitor says I burn.
  • marylograno
    I started today! I cursed Shaun T for straight 25 minutes. I hope I get better soon or my neighbors will call in domestic violence...
  • hunebear16
    hunebear16 Posts: 1 Member
    I just started it this morning. It has worked great for a friend and I hope I see the same or close to the same results!
  • KudraM
    KudraM Posts: 73 Member
    I was thinking about ordering it, but wonder how it will work for 40+ group. Anyone here in that age range and using the system? I am concerned about ankle injuries (mine are weak).
  • MarlaVSings
    MarlaVSings Posts: 66 Member
    At least 2 people in the T25 videos are over 40 :)

    I'm in my 30's but am working off old injuries. I try to pace it so I'm going slow enough to keep correct form, but fast enough to keep it challenging.
  • rjwilki3
    Day 2 down, I found it a bit easier than day 1, although I am still bathed in sweat. I had to get up at 5am to fit it in as I know I am busy after work this evening. But I suppose that is the beauty of this programme as its only 25 mins a day its easy to fit in.

    Good luck everyone today, remember focus and you will get through :)