Oh no...plateau!

Hi Everyone, I just joined today after a 27-30lbs weight loss...I still need a good 15-20 more pounds to go. Problem is I can tell I've hit a plateau. I know I need to push pass it but I feel I'm back at square one and it's chipping away at my motivation. Hopefully, I can track myself better now that I'm back on MyFitness Pal, push myself harder at the gym and get a lot of motivation from you all.
Needing encouragement,


  • allergygirl
    Congrats on your loss! Are you checking your measurements as well? Sometimes the scale is not your friend if there are some body composition shifts going on....
  • David_AUS
    David_AUS Posts: 298 Member
    Don't despair - it is just a change in the wind. Your persistence will break the plateau - you are looking great! Some muscle gain may be contributing to the plateau I suspect so as allergygirl suggests weight is just one measurement to go by which is great for the start of the weight shedding journey. Also or alternatively - you can get some of those calipers and monitor your body fat. Also be kind to yourself as you get closer to the leaner you the more efficient your body becomes and the harder it is to shave those last few lbs off.
  • 10nacityLex
    10nacityLex Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks Allergygirl and David...you guys are right. I really haven't been checking the inches, just the scale lately which hasn't been moving down as I'd like. I will start on measurements and keep an eye on it. I know weight ins are done weekly but how often should measurements be done? Do you guys know? Thanks again on for your imput!
  • allergygirl
    I'm not sure how often to measure, but you might start with once a week with the idea that you are going to look for results once a month. I think you could see variations weekly due to diet and hormones that might not be accurate. That's my best guess!
  • 10nacityLex
    10nacityLex Posts: 16 Member
    I thought the same thing. I looked into it further and I read that checking my measurements once a month is fine. The good news is a saw movement scale wise...I lost 2 lbs so I am making progress just by doing MFP and support from all you guys. So thanks again!
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    I feel your pain...i was there myself for a while and thats what spurred me to come back to MFP...I knew I needed to track to see what was going on...and its helped for sure.

    Good luck to you..you got this