Leslie Sansone-Walk at Home

aprildauer Posts: 168
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Just want to know if anyone has used her workouts and what kind of results you got? I know everyone gets different results but I want to know if they work before I start and get discouraged. Thanks in advance.


  • angisnee
    angisnee Posts: 236 Member
    I've included her workouts in the past few months, not regularly but just when I want to mix things up a bit. Honestly, they make working out not feel like much work, but my HRM proves I must be doing something!

    I have noticed that you really have to focus on form and try hard to get a good workout. It's really easy to just go through the motions because they are so basic.

    So, I would recommend them as a good place to start. Good luck to you in whatever you decide to do!
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    When I started I could not even finish the One Mile Video, and I didn't even THINK about keeping up with all her moves!! I just did the best I could. I still do her workouts when the weather is bad or my work schedule is too screwy to get in a "Real" walk.
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    I've got a couple that I use when it's too cold to get outside and workout. You can definitely get a good workout - you just have to put the effort in. I've added hand weights and it really amps up the calories burned. They are easy to follow and low impact so anyone can do them. I usually burn 500-700 calories for 45 minutes, but I really push myself to get that.
  • BobbieJo_1977
    BobbieJo_1977 Posts: 197 Member
    When I first started losing I used her DVDs and I loved them. Still do!
  • I did the 4 mile the other day then created my own workout using her steps like she suggested. Used jogging instead of walking for the rest periods and did 50/50 second intervals of jogging and the other steps.
  • Love Leslie! I'm regularly doing the FAST 4 miles (intervals and stuff) now - I worked my way up from the one miles (and those used to suck for me). I have the 5 mile DVD here, but I'm a little afraid to use it.

    My ticker in my sig is just my results from August, and I pretty much exercise with Leslie exclusively, so it sure can't be hurting me!
  • EmmieSu
    EmmieSu Posts: 136
    I LOVE walking with Leslie!! I loved the first dvd I bought so I "liked" her on FB. Last month, she had a 21 days before Thanksgiving Challenge, so I signed up, and lost 10#, in one month!! I've never lost 10# before!!! It doesn't hurt my knees, like other dvds, and if I can't keep up (improving each day), I just keep moving. She's upbeat and encouraging, it"s not about wearing bikini, it about being healthy, and that's what she focuses on. You can check out her website, there's a Dec. Challenge coming up. With WAH and MFP, I feel like a different person, I enjoy walking everyday, and being accountable here. I think you'll find that you'll enjoy it! You can also split up the walks, if you can only do a mile, do a mile, don't feel like you failed. You can do it!!!
  • Thank you all for your input. I bought her 5 Day Slim Down and was watching some of it before trying it and it looked really easy, as in not really to much of a workout. That's why I asked. If it works Ill be trying it today. Thanks again.
  • suzikelley
    suzikelley Posts: 210 Member
    I LOVE Leslie, too!! We have Comcast cable, and they have a couple of her videos On Demand that I like to use - and I have a couple of her DVD's as well. I ALWAYS work up a sweat, and it's low impact - so I can do it even though I have Rheumatoid Arthritis.

    About 8 years ago or so I lost 50 lbs (not the healthy MFP way.. but I did lose it) and during that time I did her DVD every single day. I really noticed that it was great at firming up as well!! I'm short (5'2") and have always had short legs and bigger calves... but even my legs were slimming so much more than I thought they'd ever be!! It's a great all around workout... working every major muscle in your body.

    YAY for Leslie!! =)
  • Emmie; What is WMH?
  • Emmie; What is WAH?
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Emmie; What is WAH?

    Walk at Home..

    I love leslie too I've been doing her 3 mile DVD...yes it seems to easy and doable but its really a good work out...

    I recently bought Zumba but I try to alternate between the two
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