Disheartened after puttin on a pound :-(

So, although I've only been loosing a pound a week, I was happy just to be loosing any thing at all. But this week I put on a pound. I had a treat night on Friday and had a curry but putting on a pound??? Really???
Anybody had this it can explain to me why it's happened? It makes me want to just give up :-(


  • lizzyclatworthy
    lizzyclatworthy Posts: 296 Member
    take out curry?
    I swell up like a balloon with take out food because of the salt (I have an additional medical condition which relates to salt)
    Don't sweat it (easier said than done, I lost my mind the first week I gained after months of losing) it's a pound. have a look at your diary and see if there's anything else that may have caused it. weight fluctuates tho especially for females!
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    We all fluctuate everyday, sometimes by several pounds. It'll most likely be a pound of water weight, not fat. Just do a search for fluctuation and see what people say.

    If you only weigh once a week there's a chance that the one day you weigh is a fluctuation. 2 days ago I was 116, the days before & after 114. Only by weighing everyday can you know what your weight truly is. This doesn't work for everyone of course, but only weighing once a week runs this risk.
  • ladyshellbelle
    ladyshellbelle Posts: 98 Member
    you will need to increase your exercise to compensate for the additional calories huni or reduce through the week by 100 a day.. hard but as we know to lose weight we have to eat less and exercise more.. it will come off I promise :smile:
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Weight doesn't come off nice and steadily, and there can be fluctuations up as well as down. If you have a takeaway it's likely water retention from the sodium.

    But it's much better to focus on the total weight you have lost, not the difference over an arbitrary 7 day period.
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Yeah I once put on 1kg and then stayed at that same weight for 6 weeks. One day I climbed on the scale and saw that I had dropped 2.5kgs. Didn't phase me because my measurements were showing a loss. Your body weight fluctuates drastically. Don't even sweat it.

    Track your measurements in different ways, and try make it once a week.

    And remember:
  • meggiemoo217
    meggiemoo217 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for your replies guys. I didn't even think about water retention from the curry. Much appreciated
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    its just bloating from all the sodium. a pound is nothing. your weight fluctuates throughout the week and day by day. drink a lot of water. exercise. eat right and you will be back down in no time
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    You didn't eat 3,500 calories on top of your maintenance did you?

    You cant stress over a lb.........Your weight fluctuates all the time!

    Just weigh once a week, Yes it will go up, and yes it will go down - Its the final goal/long term result you want!

    People go out on the weekend, hop on the scale on a Monday morning and could be up 5lbs from alcohol, greasy take outs, no water, lots of salt etc......Do you get the example???