Breastfeeding, working out, no weight loss :/

Hey, the title says it all...
I have never weighed this much in my life! I am so frustrated! I just invested in a bodymedia link. Which says that I have been burning between 2200-2500 calories a day. I add 500 calories on for breastfeeding - although I usually only eat around 1800 calories. I drink a ton of water (approx. 3000 ml/ 96 oz a day) I do about 20-30 minutes on the treadmill a day and add in 10-15 minutes of squats/abs/pushups or the rower a few days a week. I've been the same weight for weeks! I had my thyroid levels checked but haven't received the results yet... Anybody have any insights? Am I eating too many calories? too much fat? carbs? or too few? ugh!


  • Some women are unable to lose significant weight while breast feeding. I was one of them. It depends on what the hormones do to your body. I ate 1700 cals daily and worked out and over the 18 months I only lost 8 lbs. once I stopped breast feeding I began losing 2 lbs a week.

    Some women lose while breast feeding and some don't. Don't stress, eat healthy, and enjoy the slice connection you are developing with your child.

    Edit to add you need to be net 1500 cals for the health of your body and the health of your baby. If you don't have correct nutrition your milk is not going to be as rich and nourishing for your child and you may as well just formula feed so at least your child gets the minimum nourishment it needs.
  • :/ I hope not, I am only 5'2" so technically I am obese...I would have thought that being this big my body would not need to hold on to extra weight for breastfeeding I mean...I've got a lot to spare!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Won't the bodymedia include breastfeeding though? I don't know how it works...

    Do you weigh your food? You might be eating more than you think.
  • :/ I hope not, I am only 5'2" so technically I am obese...I would have thought that being this big my body would not need to hold on to extra weight for breastfeeding I mean...I've got a lot to spare!
    Hormones don't care how big you are. They react with your body in a predetermined way. Again some lose easily breast feeding and some don't. I was 60# overweight so had the fat to spare as well.
  • sixpacklady
    sixpacklady Posts: 582 Member
    I am also 5'2 and BFing a toddler. I lose weight regardless if I exercised and ate correctly.

    Read this, then calculate your TDEE - 20%.

    If your baby is exclusively BFing (6mo - 1 yr), add 500 cals to (TDEE -20%), otherwise 250 should be good.

    And a good macro ratio to start would be 40C/30P/30F. I peeked at your diary - not enough protein, too may carbs...
  • LoriLL79
    LoriLL79 Posts: 11 Member
    Quick question! Are you eating your exercise calories burned back? The reason I'm asking is because I'm breastfeeding as well and found that when I didn't eat at least half of my exercise calories back I couldn't loose. Once I raised my calorie intake I started to loose weight. This could be the issue for you as well. I think that by breastfeeding and working out so hard you may be under eating and this is why you are not loosing.

    I say try upping your calorie intake a little and see if that makes a difference. I hope this information helped.
  • ok I will try adding on some extra calories. I made some lacation cookies that are filled with healthy fats (flax, chia no butter etc. I use applesauce) with some chocolate chips so they still taste ok! I will usually eat one of those if I need some extra calories. I'm not trying to eat too few, but since I use the body media to calculate my activity I have not been sure of where breastfeeding fits in, and if the 2500 calories burned includes breastfeeding or not. And to be honest I have had this issue with no weight loss since the birth of my first child a few years ago ( I am currently 2 months post partem with the second). Before I became pregnant with my most recent child I had finally lost about 3 lbs but it was only after I started taking green tea supplements. :/ I obviously stopped taking them after I found out I was pregnant. and have not started taking them again since I am breastfeeding.
  • sixpacklady
    sixpacklady Posts: 582 Member
    ok I will try adding on some extra calories. I made some lacation cookies that are filled with healthy fats (flax, chia no butter etc. I use applesauce) with some chocolate chips so they still taste ok! I will usually eat one of those if I need some extra calories. I'm not trying to eat too few, but since I use the body media to calculate my activity I have not been sure of where breastfeeding fits in, and if the 2500 calories burned includes breastfeeding or not. And to be honest I have had this issue with no weight loss since the birth of my first child a few years ago ( I am currently 2 months post partem with the second). Before I became pregnant with my most recent child I had finally lost about 3 lbs but it was only after I started taking green tea supplements. :/ I obviously stopped taking them after I found out I was pregnant. and have not started taking them again since I am breastfeeding.

    I think bodymedia calculations include the BFing calories as well. Please see my post above...
  • Hi,
    I had exactly the same issue after both my children, or I should say "have" as I am also breastfeeding and finding the pounds hard to shift. DirtyCurves is right -it's all about the hormones and your body's increased need to hold onto fat stores at this point to protect your milk supply. With my eldest I found that the weight didn't really start to come off until I was down to only one or two feeds a day, and then I started to lose pretty easily. Please don't worry - it will happen eventually. Just focus on being as healthy and strong for your child as you can be - fitting into jeans again can wait!
  • According to the body media my daily calorie burn is usually 2400-2500 (this includes my workouts since I wear the band all day) I do not know if it includes breastfeeding, I wrote the company to ask. No response as of yet. I usually eat 1200+ 500 for Breastfeeding and then any additional calories the body media adds on (I have it linked to my account on MFP ) I am usually under by a few hundred calories. so I eat about 1800 calories a day I guess I will try to increase my calorie intake to 2000.
  • LoriLL79
    LoriLL79 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you. This is my third child and have been struggling to find out what works. For me how many calories to eat has been trial and error. Now that I added breastfeeding into my calculations and make sure I eat enough I've been loosing a pound a week. I'm sure that after some reworking your meals such as eating more cookies(can't complain about that :happy: ) you'll figure it out.
  • Oh and don't forget to deduct a good few pounds of boob weight if you're making comparisons with your pre-baby body. That always makes me feel better! x
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    It sounds like you may be eating too little. I'd check out the link posted previously and determine your BMR (which is likely WAY higher than 1200 calories (or even 1700 if you're adding 500 for BFing), and never eat below that. Then figure out your TDEE and knock off 10-20% and eat there and see how it goes.

    That said, I wasn't tracking calories when I was BFing my daughter (she just weaned at 15 months) but I also didn't lose any weight. Since she weaned I've started REALLY paying attention and tracking and have lost about pounds. Good luck mama!
  • sixpacklady
    sixpacklady Posts: 582 Member
    Oh and don't forget to deduct a good few pounds of boob weight if you're making comparisons with your pre-baby body. That always makes me feel better! x

    Ha ha, me too :)
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    ok I will try adding on some extra calories. I made some lacation cookies that are filled with healthy fats (flax, chia no butter etc. I use applesauce) with some chocolate chips so they still taste ok! I will usually eat one of those if I need some extra calories. I'm not trying to eat too few, but since I use the body media to calculate my activity I have not been sure of where breastfeeding fits in, and if the 2500 calories burned includes breastfeeding or not. And to be honest I have had this issue with no weight loss since the birth of my first child a few years ago ( I am currently 2 months post partem with the second). Before I became pregnant with my most recent child I had finally lost about 3 lbs but it was only after I started taking green tea supplements. :/ I obviously stopped taking them after I found out I was pregnant. and have not started taking them again since I am breastfeeding.
    I would not eat more. You are probat eating more than you think, or more than you need to lose. How old is your baby???
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    ok I will try adding on some extra calories. I made some lacation cookies that are filled with healthy fats (flax, chia no butter etc. I use applesauce) with some chocolate chips so they still taste ok! I will usually eat one of those if I need some extra calories. I'm not trying to eat too few, but since I use the body media to calculate my activity I have not been sure of where breastfeeding fits in, and if the 2500 calories burned includes breastfeeding or not. And to be honest I have had this issue with no weight loss since the birth of my first child a few years ago ( I am currently 2 months post partem with the second). Before I became pregnant with my most recent child I had finally lost about 3 lbs but it was only after I started taking green tea supplements. :/ I obviously stopped taking them after I found out I was pregnant. and have not started taking them again since I am breastfeeding.

    I think bodymedia calculations include the BFing calories as well. Please see my post above...

    How would BF media account for breastfeeding?
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    Hey mama! First off, join this group:

    It's full of wonderful mamas who are nursing their babies and trying to get healthier in the process. A few already mentioned above that nursing can hinder weight loss in some. My son is 13 months and still nurses very frequently and I am only 10 pounds below my weight the day I delivered. However, I haven't stayed within my calories and only started regularly exercising in December. So, I can't say that I'm one of the moms who struggles to lose weight while nursing because I think it's more my poor choices that are hindering the weight loss.

    With that said, I'm hungry ALL the time. My calorie goal is 2650 right now (I'm 5'6, 240, lifting 3 days a week and cardio/yoga 2 days a week) and I estimate I'm still burning around 300-400 for nursing. With that said, I had to take a step back from all of the numbers (I was an obsessive weigher too) because I became too frustrated with calories and the scale and my lack of progress. Since I started listening to my body cues I've lost about 5 pounds. I have no idea how many calories I'm eating, but I'm feeling better and making better choices. My milk supply is good (I pump at work, and it's remained consistent), so I know I'm eating plenty.

    All of this is to say that perhaps you would consider taking a calorie counting break for a week or two and just journaling what you eat. At the end, you can log it and see how many calories you consumed and what happened with your hunger, energy during exercise, and milk supply. It's easy to get caught up in "I must eat 1800" and forget to listen to what your body is telling you, especially while nursing. Those hormones can get crazy :)

    Just my two cents. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want a fellow nursing mama to support you!
  • According to the body media my daily calorie burn is usually 2400-2500 (this includes my workouts since I wear the band all day) I do not know if it includes breastfeeding, I wrote the company to ask. No response as of yet. I usually eat 1200+ 500 for Breastfeeding and then any additional calories the body media adds on (I have it linked to my account on MFP ) I am usually under by a few hundred calories. so I eat about 1800 calories a day I guess I will try to increase my calorie intake to 2000.
    His seems reasonable. A 500 cal deficit is 1lb a week and a good rate of loss. Love and nourish yourself and your baby and you will be an allstar mom! If the body media doesn't include breast feeding that brings it up to 2lb a week while still eating 2000 cals. That's a score either way!

    Also remember you will have huge water weight fluctuations which may hide weight loss. Weigh in weekly but don't let the numbers discourage you till you have weighed for 6 weeks. By then you should be able to see the downward trend.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Here is a post to BodyFit media on Facebook in regards to breastfeeding

    "Does the BodyMedia Fit account for calories burned while breastfeeding? Should I assume that it doesn't and add the 500 calories on top of what it says I burn?
    "Producing milk uses 200-500 calories a day (depending on how often you are breastfeeding). Since I am exclusively breastfeeding, my body is using more calories to produce the milk. I am curious if the device picks up on this or if I need to calculate it some other way."

    "BodyMedia FIT Hey Cindy! Right now there is no validated study to verify our technology and breastfeeding. You may want to consult a dietitian to get an accurate idea of how many calories it burns. -Hannah"
  • I have only been weighing in weekly as I have had previous issues eating disorders and seeing no change (and a nearly 200lb number) can be a trigger! Thank you everyone for your help. I am going to look into those linked threads and probably add in a few hundred calories to stay around 2000. Although I don't end the day hungry so that might be a challenge! Hopefully I will see some results but I figure I might not see results until 3 month post partem or even longer but I appreciate any input and my food diary is public if anyone has the time to look over it and maybe I'm taking in the wrong calories with out realizing it.