Hip pain

Now that I'm exercising regularly, it has come to my attention that I may have a bit of an issue with my right hip. I've never been able to stretch it down to the floor as far as the left one when sitting cross-legged. And now that I'm doing more lower body work I find it's really very inflexible and I sometimes experience twinges, not screaming pain but aches, when I'm working out. I was doing a Fitnessblender workout this morning that involved lying on my back with the leg extended making large circles in the air. Every time I rotated up and out to the right I would feel a small pop as I brought my leg down and around. No pain with the pop.

Does this sound like something that might work itself out as I become fitter? Something I need to accommodate so as not to cause injury? I'd like to push it as far as I can, safely, to try and improve the hip strength and flexibility. I should mention that my mother had a hip replacement recently and my daughter had hip joint formation issues at birth that had to be corrected with a brace. So it may also be a hereditary thing that was never diagnosed for me. I know you're not doctors but thanks for any input or advice!


  • momwhosbusy
    momwhosbusy Posts: 154 Member
    My daughter and I both have the same issue. Advice from the PT was to strengthen the glutes and the core and that will help to keep the hip joint where it should be. BUT...check with YOUR doctor! Lack of muscle support for is what it was for us but it could be something entirely different for you.