thin with stomach fat. plz help!



  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    pick up a copy of starting strength or new rules of lifting for woman and then build a lifting program around compound movements and lifting progressively heavier. compound movements = squats, deadlifts, overhead press, bench press, pull ups/chin ups…once you have these moves down incorporate them into a three day a week routine that looks like…

    monday - chest/arms
    tuesday - cardio
    wens - legs
    thurs - cardio
    frirday - back shoulder
    sat - off
    sunday - free day/active rest…

    you might also want to adjust your calorie intake so you are either maintaining or at a slight - 10% - deficit...

    Right on the exercise advice, but I'm going to have to disagree on the diet advice. I'm 5'7", and I got very ill recently and dropped to 119. I've started a bulk to put on muscle. I highly recommend you eat at a slight surplus (300 or so calories over your TDEE, go to Scooby's workshop to determine this or use MFP's settings to put on a half pound a week) for the next 3-4 months and then eat at a slight deficit (200-300 calories to lose .5 pounds a week) for 2-3 months and see where you stand.

    Given your current stats, you may just need to eat at a surplus then drop back to maintenance. You're new enough to lifting that the slight surplus can put on muscle and build back up your bone density (which I can most certainly tell you has suffered from the calorie restriction) without putting on too much fat.

    As for cardio, sure you can do cardio, just don't let it be the primary focus and don't overdo it. You'd need to eat all those calories back to see any growth.

    Perspective - to put on any weight, I'm eating a lot of calories, well over 2000 calories a day. I'm up and down in the 119 - 122 range and finding bulking to be harder than it was last time.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    pick up a copy of starting strength or new rules of lifting for woman and then build a lifting program around compound movements and lifting progressively heavier. compound movements = squats, deadlifts, overhead press, bench press, pull ups/chin ups…once you have these moves down incorporate them into a three day a week routine that looks like…

    monday - chest/arms
    tuesday - cardio
    wens - legs
    thurs - cardio
    frirday - back shoulder
    sat - off
    sunday - free day/active rest…

    you might also want to adjust your calorie intake so you are either maintaining or at a slight - 10% - deficit...

    I just started NROL4W (I'm halfway through week 2) and I love it. I've been eating at maintenance to help power my workouts but after talking to a trainer at the gym I might maintain a small deficit since he recommended that I reduce my BF%. (Currently at 23.5%, he says women should be under 22% if possible). I think 22% is a good % for me, my husband doesn't like it when I get too bony LOL.

    BTW - ST will really help you. I've been doing it for a year. I weigh 132 but look much better than I did at 125 (my wedding weight). I can't get into size 2 pants or anything (still a 4) but I look awesome in a bathing suit.

    So I'd recommend that you focus more on BF% than weight. G/L!
    How exactly do you measure BF%? Idk what mine is. I've always been a very small girl in weight, size 0, then going up to the most being a size 3. I don't care about how small my pants size is tho, I've always wanted to be higher than a zero, but In a good/sexy way lol
    Also what does NROL4W Stand for? I get the for women part lol just not the first 3

    NROL4W = new rules of lifting for women. It's a book and workout routine to get women into weight training. It's great for newbies to lifting. Body fat can be measured a few ways but calipers is usually a good option, unless you can get a dexa scan or water immersion test.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    I liked reading New Rules of Lifting for Women but when it came time to follow the program it seemed like too much variety for me and changes in the program...if you like that, great.

    But i preferred something easy for me to memorize going into the gym...i did these programs and after a while added a few accessory lifts in.

    trust me I started this at 40 and very overweight.
    Lifting weights made me look smaller than I ever have and look better as I reach my desired weight.
    You will be able to weigh MORE and look just as small.
    you have gotten a lot of good advice here. :smile:

    The overall body workout will be fantastic for your belly improved significantly and I did NO stomach exercises.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    I was going to post some pictures but dont want to hijack your thread or anything...i will PM you if you are interested:flowerforyou:
  • NoehmiEsquivel
    NoehmiEsquivel Posts: 29 Member
    I was going to post some pictures but dont want to hijack your thread or anything...i will PM you if you are interested:flowerforyou:

    Don't worry hijack away! It would be nice for others to see (if you don't mind) That may have the same or similar questions to mine:)
  • NoehmiEsquivel
    NoehmiEsquivel Posts: 29 Member
    Btw, thank you EVERYONE for your help! It's so amazing to be able to get some help and opinions on things. :heart:
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member

    before...40 years old...wish I took more pics but I hated being photographed.

    after and still going...and i lift HEAVY for me and I dont see any "bulky" muscles people worry bout...i would consider my before bulky if anything.

    get it going.
  • kittikat1119
    kittikat1119 Posts: 96 Member
    DANG!!!! If you are not an inspiration for us women to weight lift I don't know what would be!!!! Now I am wanting to run and pull out my Chalean Extreme videos....:happy:
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    With people who are underweight, it's extremely common for them to still have higher amounts of body fat. So if you want to get a flat stomach, there is a strong chance you will need to build the muscle back up that you lost. You can do this with a bulk phased followed by a cut. This means you would need to eat a surplus to gain weight (mass) and then after 8-12 weeks, drop calories to just below maintenance to lose any new fat you gained.

    The alternate option is eating at maintenance and try strength training to lose body fat and maintain muscle, but this is definitely the long approach. I worked with a woman where she ate 2100 calories on lifting days and 1800 on non lifting days, and it took a year to go from 26% body fat down to 18% body fat. So it can be done, but it's definitely long.

    Would you mind sharing what program she followed, Psulemon?

    Also, good luck OP! You've gotten some good advice in here, especially from Cranq and Psulemon. I've been in your place (same height, lower weight), and just keep going down, never being happy with my stomach.

    I'm 139 right now and with a flatter stomach than when I was 100, so weight training does wonders (to self-esteem, too!).
  • mumx5
    mumx5 Posts: 325 Member
    following :)
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    DANG!!!! If you are not an inspiration for us women to weight lift I don't know what would be!!!! Now I am wanting to run and pull out my Chalean Extreme videos....:happy:


    What on earth does Chalean Extreme have to do with lifting heavy?
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member

    The alternate option is eating at maintenance and try strength training to lose body fat and maintain muscle, but this is definitely the long approach. I worked with a woman where she ate 2100 calories on lifting days and 1800 on non lifting days, and it took a year to go from 26% body fat down to 18% body fat. So it can be done, but it's definitely long.

    This sounds awesome to me! I'd be thrilled to drop that much body fat in a year! To the calipers I go!
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    DANG!!!! If you are not an inspiration for us women to weight lift I don't know what would be!!!! Now I am wanting to run and pull out my Chalean Extreme videos....:happy:

    She did this by lifting weights.
    Progressively heavier weights.
    Not some cardio endurance video posing as a weight lifting routine.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member

  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member

    The alternate option is eating at maintenance and try strength training to lose body fat and maintain muscle, but this is definitely the long approach. I worked with a woman where she ate 2100 calories on lifting days and 1800 on non lifting days, and it took a year to go from 26% body fat down to 18% body fat. So it can be done, but it's definitely long.

    This sounds awesome to me! I'd be thrilled to drop that much body fat in a year! To the calipers I go!

    I dropped from 24% to 18% eating at a flat rate of 1800, lifting heavy and some carb cycling in just 6 months. I stuck to it every single day and logged everything that I ate. As close to 100% accurate as humanly possible.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member

    The alternate option is eating at maintenance and try strength training to lose body fat and maintain muscle, but this is definitely the long approach. I worked with a woman where she ate 2100 calories on lifting days and 1800 on non lifting days, and it took a year to go from 26% body fat down to 18% body fat. So it can be done, but it's definitely long.

    This sounds awesome to me! I'd be thrilled to drop that much body fat in a year! To the calipers I go!

    I dropped from 24% to 18% eating at a flat rate of 1800, lifting heavy and some carb cycling in just 6 months. I stuck to it every single day and logged everything that I ate. As close to 100% accurate as humanly possible.

    The only thing gleaned from this will be carb cycling. Just you watch.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member

    The alternate option is eating at maintenance and try strength training to lose body fat and maintain muscle, but this is definitely the long approach. I worked with a woman where she ate 2100 calories on lifting days and 1800 on non lifting days, and it took a year to go from 26% body fat down to 18% body fat. So it can be done, but it's definitely long.

    This sounds awesome to me! I'd be thrilled to drop that much body fat in a year! To the calipers I go!

    I dropped from 24% to 18% eating at a flat rate of 1800, lifting heavy and some carb cycling in just 6 months. I stuck to it every single day and logged everything that I ate. As close to 100% accurate as humanly possible.

    The only thing gleaned from this will be carb cycling. Just you watch.

    Of course. Even if I mentioned that I followed a 5 day traditional bodybuilding split and did HIIT once a week they'd still say that I was successful because of carb cycling (which I only did the last two months).
  • hamelle2
    hamelle2 Posts: 297 Member
    pick up a copy of starting strength or new rules of lifting for woman and then build a lifting program around compound movements and lifting progressively heavier. compound movements = squats, deadlifts, overhead press, bench press, pull ups/chin ups…once you have these moves down incorporate them into a three day a week routine that looks like…

    monday - chest/arms
    tuesday - cardio
    wens - legs
    thurs - cardio
    frirday - back shoulder
    sat - off
    sunday - free day/active rest…

    you might also want to adjust your calorie intake so you are either maintaining or at a slight - 10% - deficit...

    Right on the exercise advice, but I'm going to have to disagree on the diet advice. I'm 5'7", and I got very ill recently and dropped to 119. I've started a bulk to put on muscle. I highly recommend you eat at a slight surplus (300 or so calories over your TDEE, go to Scooby's workshop to determine this or use MFP's settings to put on a half pound a week) for the next 3-4 months and then eat at a slight deficit (200-300 calories to lose .5 pounds a week) for 2-3 months and see where you stand.

    Given your current stats, you may just need to eat at a surplus then drop back to maintenance. You're new enough to lifting that the slight surplus can put on muscle and build back up your bone density (which I can most certainly tell you has suffered from the calorie restriction) without putting on too much fat.

    As for cardio, sure you can do cardio, just don't let it be the primary focus and don't overdo it. You'd need to eat all those calories back to see any growth.

    Perspective - to put on any weight, I'm eating a lot of calories, well over 2000 calories a day. I'm up and down in the 119 - 122 range and finding bulking to be harder than it was last time.

    Jumping in here...hope thats OK. : ). So working an area of the body (legs for instance) only 1X per week is good?
    New to this weight lifting thing and I thought you had to work every area 3X per week to see results. I love this schedule!
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member

    The alternate option is eating at maintenance and try strength training to lose body fat and maintain muscle, but this is definitely the long approach. I worked with a woman where she ate 2100 calories on lifting days and 1800 on non lifting days, and it took a year to go from 26% body fat down to 18% body fat. So it can be done, but it's definitely long.

    This sounds awesome to me! I'd be thrilled to drop that much body fat in a year! To the calipers I go!

    I dropped from 24% to 18% eating at a flat rate of 1800, lifting heavy and some carb cycling in just 6 months. I stuck to it every single day and logged everything that I ate. As close to 100% accurate as humanly possible.

    The only thing gleaned from this will be carb cycling. Just you watch.

    Of course. Even if I mentioned that I followed a 5 day traditional bodybuilding split and did HIIT once a week they'd still say that I was successful because of carb cycling (which I only did the last two months).


    I can't post pics because I'm in the gym lifting, but there are plenty in my profile.

    I'm also hypoglycemic so I do not carb cycle ever. Messed with my blood sugar too much.

    I had abs. Bulking now but they will come back when I cut again.