I just ruined my diet . ways to make me feel better? :(



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    One could have a bad day or even a bad week. But if one is consistent, it's hard to discontinue reaching your goal.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Stop obsessing over one day that you didn't give 100%. Stop looking for others to make you feel better. The thing that works for me is to go for a run or get under a barbell.

    DO something - that will get you back in the right frame of mind. :flowerforyou:
  • For some perspective.

    4 days ago I ate 3700 cals, 1900 over my goal. For 2 days my weight was up. Today my weight is down 1.5lbs from my original weight. One day won't hurt you unless you let that one day stop you from getting back on track.

    Edit to add

    I didn't reduce my cal goal or exercise more than usual, I just got back on track.
  • LiveMore101
    LiveMore101 Posts: 84 Member
    No! Don't do that!
    Trust me, I know from experience, just continuing to eat junk food will get you NOWHERE!
    This weekend I binged a bit myself, but hey, there is always TOMORROW to do better! If you ate a lot of junk food today or right now, just finish the day off by eating healthy and clean. I know you might still feel horrible because of all that you ate before, but trust me, you'll feel much better tomorrow if you eat some healthy stuff instead of finishing off with a bunch of junk food.
    Within a month, I've lost about 9 pounds, by just eating as clean as possible and exercising. I binged a few times and overdid the junk food, but I still got great results! You can too! So don't be so hard on yourself because that does NOT help!
    I promise you, you will be so much HAPPIER if you don't quit!
    KEEP GOING! :)
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
  • I just had a four day weekend and throughout it I consistently managed to exceed my limit by 300-500 cals. My solution? Trying harder this week and reducing my portions. ;) Good luck.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    i don't know whats wrong with me today i ate a lot of junk :( I am in tears right now because I have been trying hard just to always mess up. I feel like I should just keep eating since I have already ruined my diet :cry: :brokenheart:

    Been there, done that, have the pounds to prove it. Get over it. Forgive yourself. Move on. One bad day does not a failure make. Only quitting is failure.
  • Yes, get off your backside, exercise and stop whining about it. Tomorrow is a new day, make it count!!
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    You didn't ruin anything. Make yourself feel better by doing better tomorrow.

    Whenever I overindulge, I stick by the argument of "you didn't get fat eating half a pizza, you're not going to ruin all your hard work now if you eat half a pizza".

    I love this!
  • HerbertNenenger
    HerbertNenenger Posts: 453 Member
    Your calorie goal may be too low for you.
    Reevaluate your goals and pick something less aggressive.

    No food is junk.
    Yes an apple is nutritionally better than a ho ho.
    But everything in moderation will make for a happier you.

    The fact you're in tears over this is not a good sign.
    And you might benefit from talking to a counselor

    I respectfully disagree with the "no food is junk" comment. For obvious reasons.
  • It happens to everyone! I cheated 2 weeks back and went all out (I mean I eat till I couldn't move) lol but I just went extra hard in gym and still managed to lose weight just keep your head up and remember if you made it this far you can keep doing it!
  • Your calorie goal may be too low for you.
    Reevaluate your goals and pick something less aggressive.

    No food is junk.
    Yes an apple is nutritionally better than a ho ho.
    But everything in moderation will make for a happier you.

    The fact you're in tears over this is not a good sign.
    And you might benefit from talking to a counselor

  • jbabbitts
    jbabbitts Posts: 7 Member
    i don't know whats wrong with me today i ate a lot of junk :( I am in tears right now because I have been trying hard just to always mess up. I feel like I should just keep eating since I have already ruined my diet :cry: :brokenheart:

    Okay - So you didn't mess up... by definition a diet is - the kinds of food that a person habitually eats. I told the love of my life that I can NOT date him and "diet". I can however watch how much I eat and work out harder to enjoy those dinners out.

    If you give up the foods you love and you crave you will fail. You need to enjoy the foods you love in moderation while finding new foods that are better for you prepared in a way you love. It's okay to feel not good that you over did it... It is bad to beat yourself up about it. So what if you had an off day - don't give up because you made a boo boo. Get up and walk it off. Hold your head up high and keep going.

    Its okay if it comes off slowly or if you have a rebound pound or two... You are making more progress by doing something than the people sitting on the couch doing NOTHING.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Okay, so read through all the comments, glad you're feeling better. I was going to take a peek at your food diary to see what constituted a bad day in what you are doing, but your profile is private (that's okay, mine is too) so I'm going to base this on my own experiences and offer my point of view:
    So let's reflect... when you're ready (you said you're getting to your mad at yourself stage and this is good for you, either at this stage or at the point you can look over things with a clear head..... my mad at myself stage is not always a good stage for me to look at stuff like this, I have to get to determination before I can be clear) look back at what you think you did wrong and ask yourself why you think it was wrong... it may not be that wrong at all. For example:
    You look and say I ruined my diet because I ate {fill in food you feel was wrong}. Was it wrong because your diet says you can't eat it (maybe you're being too restrictive, this for me is where I fail, if I tell myself I can't have it, then I want it more, and I'll eat more and beat myself up because I did eat it)? If yes, maybe you need to rethink your diet and find something that works that's a little less restrictive Was it wrong simply because you ate too much of it? As a bunch of people said here, moderation with favorite foods is a big key, think about weighing and measuring, or next time cut what you have in half, eat that half and know that if you want the other half, you can have it... do you really want it? Maybe, maybe not, depending on how you feel at that point you can decide and then be clear on how to handle it (ie next meal will be back on my food plan so I can get right back to where I should be, I worked out an extra 20 minutes because I knew I was going to do this, someone's organizing a game of kickball, I can burn off those extra calories if I join in, let me go grab my kickball shoes!) Was it wrong because you we're bored and wouldn't have eaten it if you'd had something else to occupy yourself? If it's this, have a plan to occupy yourself when you get to this point... I give myself a manicure (can't touch anything for at least an hour or I'll mess it up) and if you still want it after that, have a small amount. Or if you're in a craving mode, set a date that you can have it (and I don't mean a far away date). My give in to cravings day is Friday, so if there is something that I'm really craving, if I still want it on Friday, then I can have it on Friday, if I don't want it on Friday then I don't have to have it, I have something else (I have Friday's as my eat out for lunch day, treat day, or whatever you want to call it, but you can use whatever day works for you.... I find that by Friday, I usually don't want whatever I was craving)
    Just keep going, one foot in front of the other and soon you'll be where you want to go, if you mess up at one meal, don't let it ruin the rest of your day, just get back on track for the next time you eat.
  • Stop viewing it is a diet and view it as a lifestyle change, and understand that obstacles are part of the journey to any goal. Forgive yourself and move on.
  • Whats done is done ... one day of eating won't mess up your diet.. It takes burning 3500 calories in order to lose a LB and it takes the same to gain a LB so while you may have eaten junk and consumed more calories that you planned.. don't let it get you down, you most likely didn't eat enough to gain a LB and everyday is a new start .. so whats done is in the past just look forward to the upcoming days!

    I used to do the same thing... Now I give myself a little treat every few days.. and it really does help with the cravings and the days of eating anything and everything I see.

    Good Luck and Don't beat yourself up over this :)
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    It was one day...
  • its natural to binge once and a while. I had this issue the other night i was so proud i had eaten so well and then 1am hit and Idk what came over me, i added a good 600 calories in 5 mins. So the next day i dusted myself off, so to speak, i decided to make myself feel better i would knock off a couple hundred calories from what i normally eat and add on another 20-30 mins to my work out. And that is what I did yesterday and will be doing again today and tomorrow i will resume back to normal. Remember one bad meal will not hurt you.