hair loss/ shedding.



  • I have not experienced hair loss or hair thinning but by eating high protein foods you can prevent this
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I had very, thick wonderful hair. I lost weight, I took vitamins--everything was fine. I didn't change anything in my diet or my vitamins. My hair started falling out like mad. Right and left all over the place, the shower, the bed, the car, the floor. By the hand-full.

    The cause? SEVERE stress. I've got the stress better managed and my hair is getting back to normal.

    Yes, this was exactly my experience. And I didn't even lose weight except for a couple pounds. I wasn't on a diet and was eating at or above maintenance.

    Luckily, it grew back. That was nearly two years ago. It takes a long time to grow (even though the new growth started immediately after the loss). My hair is doing great now and back to my natural color. I had also colored my hair with henna, indigo, and lemon juice. I want to grow it long again like it used to be.
  • prettyface55
    prettyface55 Posts: 508 Member
    Did any of you see a dermatologist or family dr?
  • AnexRavensong
    AnexRavensong Posts: 262 Member
    Mine has started getting thinner and it really upsets me. My hair is a big part of me! Over waist length, red, thick and curly.. now it it is getting thin near the scalp and I'm getting concerned.

    I would worry if I was on a stupid 1200 call or less diet, but I'm not (eat anywhere from 1700 to 2k) so I don't get what the deal is :/ but it has started within the last 3 months or so.. :/
  • rocknlotsofrolls
    rocknlotsofrolls Posts: 418 Member
    you have beautiful hair. There can be so many reasons for hair loss. These are some:

    1. You need more protein
    2. You need to eat more, which is not your problem it seems
    3. You need more iron
    4. You could be stressed. Are you stressed?
    5. Thyroid problem
    6. Hair dyeing/chemicals
  • cheripugh1
    cheripugh1 Posts: 357 Member
    I have an issue more with dry scalp, but have had some thinning. I have extremely long hair so I went to Sally's Beauty Supply Store and I have "HAIRepair Vital Oils for Hair & Scalp"... put in on, use a clip to gather and hold my hair up and run around the house doing my stuff and then shower it out works great! Sometimes all day, sometimes a couple hours, it just works great!

    it is grapeseed and sweet almond oils.. all organic!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Did any of you see a dermatologist or family dr?

    I saw my family doctor, was referred for blood tests and ultrasounds and imaging and an allergist. Everything checked out as healthy and normal. For me it was stress. I had other stress symptoms as well.

    I didn't really need to change anything except to manage my stress better.

    And even though I was not anemic I did make the choice to increase my iron levels from 30 to 75 under doctor supervision.
  • janupshaw
    janupshaw Posts: 205 Member
    I saw my GP, he wasn't overly concerned. It doesn't have to be a specific issue (low iron, anemia, low protein). My doc thought it happened because I had been in a near constant deficit for months, and it was my body's way of saying it was getting worried. He thought it would work itself out withing 6 months.
  • Jkn921
    Jkn921 Posts: 309 Member
    Just read the first post so sorry if my post is repeating anything.

    I experienced this in late November 2013 and noticed my hair was relatively thinner and disappearing from the top compared to its original thickness. My problem was lack of calories and too much exercise - I started eating more boosting up to 1600 calories and less than a month the top of my head was covered again but still relatively thin. Now, it's grown quite long and is getting a lot more thicker back to its original form. My tip - eat more calories and keep a balanced diet, if you do excessive exercise: cut down.
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    Did any of you see a dermatologist or family dr?

    No. I had telogen effluvium with both my pregnancies and was well aware that, a.) I wasn't going to lose all my hair, just those hairs in a certain cycle of growth and b.) it would last about 6 months, and it did.

    It makes sense for someone who is experiencing this for the first time to seek medical advice.
  • prettyface55
    prettyface55 Posts: 508 Member
    Did any of you see a dermatologist or family dr?

    No. I had telogen effluvium with both my pregnancies and was well aware that, a.) I wasn't going to lose all my hair, just those hairs in a certain cycle of growth and b.) it would last about 6 months, and it did.

    It makes sense for someone who is experiencing this for the first time to seek medical advice.

    Thank you for the positive thinking!!
  • Hi all,

    Like a number of you said, hair loss or thinning can be caused by physical changes like weight loss/gain or nutritional deficiencies. That is, you have to get enough protein, iron, zinc, vitamins and minerals. Marine proteins specifically have been known to help. If you don't think this describes your situation, you should probably consult a derm or GP because there may be another underlying cause (hormones, birth control pill, stress, medications, etc.). Millions of U.S. women face this though -- definitely not unusual.
  • VegasFlyer
    VegasFlyer Posts: 2 Member
    All of the tips you been given might be viable, however, there is one simple thing to which you should be able to easily self -diagnose if you are logging all of your food.

    You need to be sure that you are consuming a MINIMUM of 60 Grams of Protein DAILY. In most cases, that is the cause for hair loss.
  • johndee
    johndee Posts: 25 Member
    Yes, but mine started after having children and then slowed down. My hormones were way off. I started using Biotin (which is good for hair, nails and skin). It slowed it down, but did was still noticeably thin. I was getting fed up when talking to people they would look at the top of my head. I literally wanted to scream my eyes are here not up there. I noticed a huge different when two years ago I started using essential oils on my scalp (Rosemary, which helps to strengthens your hair follicles and peppermint to stop hair loss ) before going to bed, I take my multivitamins, biotin and message my rosemary oil onto my scalp, which also promote circulation and the additional benefit is that it helps to relax me.
  • jennifries227
    jennifries227 Posts: 113 Member
    Definitely want to stress the possibility of a thyroid issue, as well. My hair is finally starting to grow back after getting my thyroid taken care of. I lost about half of it, and now I look really weird with my 2 inch hair and my 14 inch hair... LOL

    Folic acid is also good for your hair. I take a prenatal vitamin because of the added folic acid. My hair has been stronger and softer since I started it. More so than on a regular multivitamin.