I need help and support

Hi - I have a lot of weight to lose. I'm so overwhelmed with so many things. I don't know where to start, how to start. The journey seems soooooooo long. Patience does not come easy for me. My whole life is suffering because of this weight - my marriage, my parenting, my own health. I'm so often out of breath. My throat hurts almost every morning from snoring. I wake often because I think I may have a little apnea, but I'm too scared to see a doctor about it.

Friend me? I need supporters. I'm choosing to do this anonymously with you all. I'm a private person and I don't want to share these struggles and admit these challenges with the real people in my life. I'm embarrassed. I lost so much weight and then I gained almost all of it back.


  • Fredhatfield2
    Fredhatfield2 Posts: 75 Member
    You have my support ojaifoods!!!! Take it day by day! The tools on myfitnesspal are pretty good.... They should be of help!
  • Tracie524
    Tracie524 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi, you can add me. I have a lot of weight to lose and started in January. I understand. I don't have a ton of support outside of MFP either but I need to do this for myself. This place has been great and everyone is very supportive.

    You will want to start by figuring out how many calories you need a day. MFP can help by setting up your goals. Logging my food and exercise every day has been really helpful so I can see how many calories I am really eating. The link below is a good start and answers some questions:


    Another good link is this one:

  • Hello, you can add me too. We are all here for each other. Outside of mfp I am doing this alone and it is hard to keep motivated. Best thing is go for small goals and don't overwhelm yourself. Set realistic goals. If you cut too much food from your daily intake your body will go into starvation mode and hold on to fat, quite the opposite of what we are all trying to do.
    Soaps :)
  • You can do this! All change is overwhelmed but DETERMINATION is what keep you going..Don't give up!
  • paulie1954
    paulie1954 Posts: 5 Member
    I joined a year ago but didn't really know how to use the site and haven't done anything until the last two weeks. I have 70 pounds to lose, with 50 being my low range goal. I weigh 215. I don't like to share my dieting much with friends/family either, not only because of the embarrassment, but also because some of them tend to try to sabotage me in little ways. We sure don't need that, we can do that ourselves! I am 60 years old, so lots older than you, but believe me, I have been doing this since I was in my 40's, so I know the struggles you are going thru, and I'm still at it! For the last two weeks, I have decided just to start with small changes. Adding that dang water!!! I don't enjoy drinking it, so I just sit there every few hours and chug as much as I can. I fill up two 32 oz water bottles in the a.m. and leave them on the counter. When I take my meds (HBP), I use 'other' water so it adds to the total. I am trying to do SOMETHING daily, at least go get the newspaper, do balance exercises (I had a hip replacement 4 yrs ago which really slowed me down), and try not to just sit on the computer (I love Facebook). I found out that you MUST plan at least your breakfast, because once you pop something in your mouth, it sets the tempo for the whole day. I boiled eggs, have oatmeal on hand, berries, yogurt. Things like that that don't add up to many calories and still give you energy and satisfy. And drink a big chug of that water before morning coffee. If you eat and then add the foods to your daily dairy, especially the later meals throw you over the calorie count and make you feel like a loser. I did go down into the dungeon that is my basement and do 10 minutes on the elliptical that has been down there 5 years. That may sound pitiful, but I had to work up to that! At first, all I could do was 30 seconds, then I got up to 3 minutes, then I went to 6 and today, well, today I just killed it! HAHAHA And I don't do it every day. I wish I could say I do. But anything added to zero is still better than zero. I'm trying. I'd love to be a help - to encourage, inspire, friendly competition, or just a few laughs. We can do this! We are women, hear us roar!