Lets keep eachother motivated!!!

Hi my name is ally <3 I'm n this site because i decided to lose weight AGAIN! I always start off good then just decline.... I hoping with some new friends on this site we can stay on eachother to meet our goals I'm currently at 222 as of this morning this is my heaviest ever! I never want to see this number again. I guess what I getting to I'm looking for people to help set challenges for eachother share tips and inspire! Post here or message me if intrested if I dont respond right away don't fret I'm headed off to work but I WILL GET BACK TO YOU soooooon <3


  • slimmalikah
    slimmalikah Posts: 61 Member
    Hi Ally! My name is Malikah and I've been up here for just 7 days. Looking to become healthier while losing weight. Just want to look and feel good in my clothes.
  • Allykay19
    Hey malikah! Nice too meet you! Im really excited too lose this weight i hope i can help too support u in your goals!
  • aless820
    aless820 Posts: 101 Member
    Hey there! just started working out and changing my diet last week! Hoping to drop 20 pounds by the summertime!

    Here to support you and looking for the same!
  • mikedank5988
    mikedank5988 Posts: 3 Member
    Motivation is key. A challenge group is a great way to help push yourself and be held accountable. Good luck to all of you ???? don't give up and always push to be the best you
  • tilulah1304
    tilulah1304 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi just came back after being away from MFP for a while.. Looking for some motivational people to keep me going..
    Send a friend request if you like.
  • Tra2012
    Hello I have had MFP ( My Fitness Pal since 2012) . I have yet to loose weight- well after a surgery last year and being at home for 2 months I really blew it. When I am depressed I wanna eat. I hear that some people do the opposite. I live in Chicago and I have signed up for the gym in January and have yet to go smh... I wanna loose about 50 pounds. I do know that encouraging words do help. Motivation is the key if I see that you trying I wanna try to. I just got to get started. Look at the news about Chicago weather. I find an excuse not to go because it cold. I should be at the gym rain, sleet and snow. Yes please motivate me and I will motivate you back with kind words. We can all do this its easy to put on the pounds but it is hell to get them off.
  • Allykay19
    @aless820 thats an awesome goal!! stay focused and you'll be rocking that bikini in no time ! <3

    @mikedank5988 thanks for the kind words C: . What kind of group challenges do you have in mind??

    @ tilulah1304 Well it's good to see you back hopefully this wll be the time you reach your goals!! feel free to message me where ever your losing that motivatin hopefully we cn kick eachother back into place <3

    @ Tra2012 well first things first at least your here. you have taken steps in the right direction now it's the time to get your feet off the ground and start running!!! I too know how food can be a comfort but just know that so can a friends shoulder and I am here to help <3 Just keep your eyes on ur goals and tell yourself is that 10mn treat really worth stepping back so far? I'm glad to see you part of our lil team here and I know you shall reach your results just remeber it didnt take a day to gain that weight dnt expect it too be gone in one <3

    @everyone I'm glad too see how friendly everyone is remeber you contrl that intake you have power over your body. so would you rather have another slice of pizza sitting on the couch for the next ix months while you get fatter and fatter all the while becoming more depressed or do you wanna do something about it and let that sexy inner you shine on the outside make the choice where's your next step ?
  • Lesliemollett
    i feel ya im at 216 now i have lost 2 lbs so far and got a long way to go. i am gettin married in a few months and then going to florida in may for my honeymoon, so im excited but also not sure if i can stay on track so lookinf for friends to help me along thee way and keep me motivated. so look me up guys thanks
  • Allykay19
    @Lesliemollett congrats on the wedding!! your goals are almost the same as mine m at 222 wanting to lose 62lbs!! I'm sure you'll look beautiful on your wedding day feel free to mess me anytime if your feeling in need of encouragment
  • nettenoo31
    Hi Lesliemollett - I to am getting married in May, and 207 at the moment, would really love to drop a dress size or two prior to nuptuals, but struggling - perhaps us gonna be brides can motivate each other??
  • scjessup88
    HI everyone, nice to hear so many stories from you all. I, too, have started mfp recently (again). Mainly to record my food and exercise so I can actually see whats happening. I joined a gym in december and have been extremely diligent to go at least 2-3 times a week, sometimes 4. I've been eating better too..more leafy greens, lean protein and less sugar. But its now February and I haven't had much progress on the scale or in measurements. Its so frustrating and it makes me want to forget the whole thing but I told myself I wont let that happen this time. Im going to keep going. And, like all of you, I think a bit of encouragement would definitely help because I definitely dont want to give up this time! Looking forward to a good year xx
  • Allykay19
    wOOT WOOT!! New day what kind of goals do we have for today


    anyone else up to the challenge?
  • louisegibbs85
    louisegibbs85 Posts: 304 Member
    Feel free to add :)
  • j_bark
    j_bark Posts: 1,274 Member
    First step is hard but you are doing it!

    Happy to help any and all who want motivation, feel free to send a friend request.
  • Allykay19
    day one squat challenge complete !
  • aless820
    aless820 Posts: 101 Member
    Thanks! I sure hope so! And I can tell your motivation is there so I'm sure you'll never see 222 again! Stay inspired! And good for you on the squat challenge! Gotta start somewhere, so why not today :)
  • angel_of_harmony
    angel_of_harmony Posts: 188 Member
    Hi my name is ally <3 I'm n this site because i decided to lose weight AGAIN! I always start off good then just decline.... I hoping with some new friends on this site we can stay on eachother to meet our goals I'm currently at 222 as of this morning this is my heaviest ever! I never want to see this number again. I guess what I getting to I'm looking for people to help set challenges for eachother share tips and inspire! Post here or message me if intrested if I dont respond right away don't fret I'm headed off to work but I WILL GET BACK TO YOU soooooon <3

    Hi ally! I am also guilty of starting over again. I just passed my goal of loosing the weight I gained when on hiatus from mfp. I am about a month and half active and have lost 6lbs. I currently weigh 206lbs and my goal is 160. I am very competitive so look forward to these challenges you speak of. Feel free to add me if you'd like a motivated friend.
  • Allykay19
    @ angel of harm sounds awesome! glad to meet you :3 you should def do the squat challenge with me

    @aless mmmhmm you can believe i am !!! how's your journey going?
  • AreUjoking2
    Hi Ally, I am pretty new here also. I'm close to 20 days now, I would love to help support each other. Just send a friend request, as of now, I accept all friend requests. So if anyone else wants a new pal, just send a request.
  • Allykay19
    happy thursday everyone make it count!!!