Hi everyone!

My name is Jessie, I'm 29 years old. I have gained weight while I was in a terrible relationship. Plus I have three medicines I take now and all have weight gain side effects. One even stats 25% of people taking it will gain 10 lbs or more. Being that I was already in a relationship I didn't care if I gained extra weight. I'm now single and went to Florida for a summer and lost some weight! Riding bikes, jogging, and going to a gym. I got back home to in Virginia and lost motivation no good places to jog or ride bikes and no free gyms. So I gained the 13lbs I lost back. Recently looking at youtube videos seeing peoples accomplishments and before and after pictures it has got my motivation back and I now know I don't have to go outside to exercise all the time there is a lot I can do in a house even without equipment. I was just using excuses. I no longer drink sodas I haven't in three weeks, I drink plenty of water and do cardio 30 mins a day, then lift dumbbells in reps. I went from 2 push ups to 20 in three weeks!I I have lost 8 lbs and feel much healthier :o) and it's not as hard as I thought especially when you get into a routine. I want to be healthier for myself plus maybe find another girlfriend. Any advice you can give me in keeping motivated and what to eat and not will be great.


  • jlshea
    jlshea Posts: 494 Member
    Track everything and don't give up. Just keep thinking how confident you will feel when you talk to girls going foward. Also, when you hit your goal and look great it would be kind of cool to run into your ex looking all sexy and maybe with a new girl on your arm. Do it!
  • comeoutontop
    comeoutontop Posts: 14 Member
    thank you! I am very happy for myself especially since I haven't logged in in a month then found out I have lost 8 lbs. How do I add display pic and the picture that shows how much weight I have lost in message board posts?
  • jlshea
    jlshea Posts: 494 Member
    Lots of people do it through Tinypic and then you just have to be sure that when you post that IMG is in lower case.
  • comeoutontop
    comeoutontop Posts: 14 Member
    thank you