Binged Twice in 2 Days

I had been eating healthy for 2 weeks but yesterday i binged and today when i binged again. I just really want to be healthy and loose the last 5ish pounds. How can i stop binging? And will this cause me to gain a lot of weight from the binging?


  • I don't know if it sounds like a cop-out to you, but often times what really helps me is to try and remember that I have all of the skills I need to achieve my goal. That positivity takes me very far.

    In terms of stopping the binge... try giving yourself a brief moment between the thought and the action. Even just a couple of beats between the two can make a huge impact. I have a rule. I ask myself "is this really what I want? Do I want this cupcake more than my fitness goal?" Sometimes the answer is "Yes, I want this more," and in those instances I give myself 15 minutes before I act on it. I have found that even just that small amount of time gives me enough space to reset, and I am in my right mind again.
  • Desert_flower3
    Desert_flower3 Posts: 58 Member
    Honestly eating what you love in moderation and exercising is the best way to stop binging and being crazy about food