Slow weight loss

:angry: It has been discouraging to not see the scale going down. I have been coming way under my calorie intake for the day after exercise but don't understand why I am not shedding the pounds. I am being told that if I am lifting weights as well as cardio that I may acctually gain weight. I guess that is fine as long as I get cut, that is the main goal. I want to look better than I have ever looked by the time I am 40!!


  • vayax
    vayax Posts: 152 Member
    I'm not an expert here, but for everthing I have read on here you should not go under your calorie goal because that slows down your metobolism...also you should eat back some of your excercise calories.... Try eating a little bit more and you will see the scale go down ;)

    BTW, are you Tico?? pura vida!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Eat more of your exercise cals........................ AND when you weigh yourself each week, also measure your inches. THAT is a shocker!!!! I haven't lost weight in 2 months. BUT I've lost 3 inches. THATS HUGE to me!
  • kcrino2002
    Wow, I would not have thought that keeping your calories at the recommended level would help. I figured that less is better, God knows I could eat more with no problem!! No I am not Tico but I lived there for 3 years and love the people and that country.
  • kcrino2002
    That's a good idea to take measurements, I will start to do that. If I could lose a couple inches in spots and gain them in others would be great!
  • vayax
    vayax Posts: 152 Member
    No I am not Tico but I lived there for 3 years and love the people and that country.

    I'm not tica either but I have been living here for 9 years already.... Love the people and the country as well!
  • kcrino2002
    I am very jealous! I can not wait till I can go back and retire. I am hoping to move back to San Carlos if I can.