Looking to lose 30lbs and gain a weight loss buddy !

This is probably my third year making an account. I want to lose weight for the right reasons this time, but i have never actually connected with anyone on here. I would love to have a buddy who wants to lose weight as well, to somehow keep up the motivation, share exercise tips with, even meal plans ? If interested, please let me know :)


  • hannahcc12393
    I'm looking for the same thing! Made plenty of accounts in the past but never stuck to them. I would love to see if a buddy will help me lose the weight that I need too :)
  • dxc92
    dxc92 Posts: 138 Member
    I have 23lb to lose and have lost 23lb so far - half way there! I have been using MFP consistently since April last year so feel free to add me :)
  • umegoodness
    I sent you a message and added you as a friend. I totally get the feeling to need support; it can be so hard to do this by yourself!
  • mikmurphy
    mikmurphy Posts: 57 Member
    I could use a few extra friends too. I lost sight of my goal for a couple of months, but am ready to get back in action!
  • GinNJuice75
    GinNJuice75 Posts: 186 Member
    Me too! I have 39lbs to go! Feel free to add me (thats to anyone)
  • molly_fargo
    I'm looking to lose 40 pounds and would love some new MFP buddies as well! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • kayleigha97
    Me too, I'm looking for more friends to help keep each other motivated. I'm sending you a request! xx
  • toniistracking
    toniistracking Posts: 57 Member
    20 pounds to go here AGAIN! I really want to keep it off this time. MFP friends are keeping me in line LOL! Feel to add me and I'll pay it forward!
  • Areyanna_
    Areyanna_ Posts: 6 Member
    Looking to lose 30 pounds also. I plan on going to the Air Force but the recruiter can't even put me into the system until I lose the weight. I'd love to make some friends on here and support and motivation. I am Areyanna or Arey for short. I will add and please add me. :)
  • cheriannab
    cheriannab Posts: 14 Member
    Same with me. I sent you a friend request!
  • Bridget38D
    Hi there,

    I'm starting my weight loss journey....again but this time I'm sticking to it. My goal is to lose the first 20 lbs of my 60lb goal. We can help each other.
  • ElisaGutierrez26
    I'm in the same boat I want to lose 30lbs I have already lost 27lbs hope we can help each other out and stay motivated
    I've sent you a fried request
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I'd definitely like to do this as well. Would it better to start a group or a separate thread in a more specific area?

    Here's my deal: 35, looking to lose 30 lbs. (I think), 5'9", currently 192 lbs. I've got some thyroid and insulin resistance issues that I'm working on with my doctor -- on both Nature-throid for the thyroid and metformin for insulin resistance (just started a few weeks ago). I eat low carb-ish (50-85 carbs/day) and started weight lifting (Starting Strength program 2 days/week right, now, will probably be 3 days/week in a few months). I also do Bikram yoga 2x/week and then walk (probably 15-25 miles/week).

    I'm hoping to lose weight, but I'm waaay more concerned with body size/composition. I'm currently about a size 12, but would like to be an 8 or maybe even 6 (not sure if this would be too skinny for me or not). I think that's probably a 30 lbs weight loss, but will adjust as necessary.

    Oh, and I'm getting married at the end of July, so I'm really hoping to reach it by then!
  • Fit_in_Folsom
    Fit_in_Folsom Posts: 220 Member
    Looking to lose 20lbs here. Feel free to add me if you are looking for a strong supporting friend :)
  • popimp30
    looking for help on some meals when u go to fast food chains
  • shannonross79
    I just joined tonight. I am looking for some motivation from people and to share success stories as well as some weaknesses that you have experienced. I don't know how to add people so please feel free to add me... Hope I can figure out this site after I spend more time looking at it. I would love to share meal ideas and what seems to be working for most people. I just started exercising doing Pilates and I really enjoy it. I am a mom of three rambunctious children so I am not only doing this to lose weight, I want to be healthy and set good eating habits for the whole family.
  • danyvaone
    that's easy