Has anyone tried Duromine?


I have been on My fitness pal for a few years now.. with some success when I log in everyday and list my calories.... However my sister started on Duromine.. I got a script from my doctor and on day 5 now... I have lost a few kilos already... It has taken away my appetite. so now I must remember to eat... enough not to be on starvation mode.

I think it will be great to be on Duromine and learn new habits with food. i.e. now I have to stop myself from eating things that the body does not need when I am not hungry...

I need to loose another 14 kilos... and to be able to wear all my clothes that have shrunk in the wardrobe...


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    what happens when you stop taking it? supressing your appetite is not the same thing as learning how to make healthy choices and portion control.
  • lissmh
    lissmh Posts: 2 Member
    I heard it was similar to taking speed?!?
  • Spudnut72
    Spudnut72 Posts: 33 Member
    My doctor has suggested I try Duromine or something similar- I would love to hear from other guys (and girls) with similar stories who have tried this.
    The story so far: Start weight 103kg - Goal weight 85kg - current weight loss - 9 kg over 12 months. Height - 5' 8". Weight loss has plateaued over last month or two. Not a huge amount of weight loss but I am the fittest I have ever been. (Friend me to see my diary and exercise chart etc)

    My concerns -
    Is it safe to drive and can you function normally on the treatment?
    Can I still do large amounts of exercise and physical activity on this without 'falling apart'?
    What happens when weight loss achieved and you go off Duromine?

    I race outrigging canoes and Duromine is a banned substance under ASADA rules. Has anybody tried an alternative that may be safe for competitive athletes.
  • whits35
    whits35 Posts: 3 Member
    hi there

    I went on duromine march last year and weighed 108kgs i did the whole three months but some days i wouldn't take one ect so maybe lasted me 4 to 4 and a half months by September last year i was 87kgs, I found it gave me alot of energy and motivation then once the weight started to fall off and i saw results that was enough motivation for me to carry on my self, i have been off the treatment now and am 82kgs, I read up alot about this before i took it just off the internet and things and found a lot of people took it thinking that the fat would just melt away, How ever while i was taking it i was also playing one 60min game of netball a week plus another 60min practice and would try to go to the gym 3 times a week some times it was more some times less and then maybe once a week i would do a 60min hilly bush walk but i would jog as far as i could walk jog again walk, I had no issues with it other than the first couple of days with the body adjusting then some restless nights but didnt feel to bad for it in the morning
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    STOP! Are you crazy putting that crap in your body?
  • I did years ago - it was very effective to lose weight (just wasnt interested in food) and besides the heart racing a bit too much, my main issue was not being able to sleep - there are only so many times you can rearrange the linen press, do the ironing or wander the house (quietly) at 2am because everyone else is sound asleep and you are bright eyed and bushy tailed..... laying there wanting desperately to go to sleep and just not being able to!
    I would also hate for it to cause a long term heart problem - its not a safe option for me personally.
  • toronto_j
    toronto_j Posts: 206 Member
    These drugs are chemically similar to amphetamines. It really bothers me that quite a few people here have posted about their doctors giving it to them.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    You do not need pills and potions to lose weight, and personally, I tend to wonder what the point is in trying to lose weight and improve your health, if you are going to fill yourself with unnatural chemicals like this. Do yourself a favour, and do this the healthy way and learn good habits without the use of these appetite suppressants.
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    You said yourself that you are only eating less because your appetite has gone, so it isn't really like you are "learning" new habits as you claim. What happens when you go off this medication and your appetite returns?
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    You said yourself that you are only eating less because your appetite has gone, so it isn't really like you are "learning" new habits as you claim. What happens when you go off this medication and your appetite returns?

    I kind of agree here. Are you really learning new habits if your appetite is suppressed? What happens when it comes back?
  • rachrach7595
    rachrach7595 Posts: 151 Member
    It is basically legally manufactured speed and it comes with side effects that are quite serious.
    I wouldn't personally look to pills to boost your weight loss.
  • GO_NadZ_xO
    GO_NadZ_xO Posts: 445 Member
    Wow. So much negativity! I have been on and off duromine for the last 6 months. When I'm on it, I obviously lose weight from not eating much, but that helped my stomach shrink to a normal size.
    We should all know by now that the more you eat, the larger your stomach gets, then it takes more to feel full. As for it being like speed, yes, it did give me a lot of energy which I could use at the gym or other activities. And when I came off it, my body was accustomed to the exercise and it created its own means of energy for me to keep going. I dont understand why so many people have so many bad things to say about Duromine. There is a reason that doctors only prescribe it for 2 months at a time. They will also only give you a certain mg of it, so some people dont even feel a high.

    If you have something negative to say about something, please keep it to yourself. Like me, some people have tried everything and anything to lose the weight and it just wont budge. For some people, duromine is the only thing that has worked for them and that probably, finally, makes them happy.
    I went through hell and back, hating myself and having no self esteem because NOTHING was working at all. Don't judge someone just because their way is different to yours.

    Just saying.
  • toronto_j
    toronto_j Posts: 206 Member

    We should all know by now that the more you eat, the larger your stomach gets, then it takes more to feel full.

    The stomach doesn't change size except with surgery.
    And when I came off it, my body was accustomed to the exercise and it created its own means of energy for me to keep going.

    I don't even know what that means.
  • nhradeuce
    nhradeuce Posts: 168 Member
    In my opinion, unless you are building habits that you will keep for the rest of your life, you are just setting yourself up for failure. In order to be fit and maintain a healthy weight, you are going to have to learn to exercise and eat right. If you lose weight with meal replacements, appetite suppressants, weight watchers or what ever other means people are willing to try, you will eventually get off that and then what? What happens when your appetite comes back? What happens when you are not having a shake for lunch and need to eat food?

    Eat right and exercise. The sooner you make those your habits, the sooner you will reach your goals and keep them.
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    Wow. So much negativity! I have been on and off duromine for the last 6 months. When I'm on it, I obviously lose weight from not eating much, but that helped my stomach shrink to a normal size.
    We should all know by now that the more you eat, the larger your stomach gets, then it takes more to feel full. As for it being like speed, yes, it did give me a lot of energy which I could use at the gym or other activities. And when I came off it, my body was accustomed to the exercise and it created its own means of energy for me to keep going. I dont understand why so many people have so many bad things to say about Duromine. There is a reason that doctors only prescribe it for 2 months at a time. They will also only give you a certain mg of it, so some people dont even feel a high.

    If you have something negative to say about something, please keep it to yourself. Like me, some people have tried everything and anything to lose the weight and it just wont budge. For some people, duromine is the only thing that has worked for them and that probably, finally, makes them happy.
    I went through hell and back, hating myself and having no self esteem because NOTHING was working at all. Don't judge someone just because their way is different to yours.

    Just saying.

    People aren't being "negative" or judgemental - they're raising valid concerns about the health implications and sustainability of the OP's approach to weight loss. In addition, they are challenging that approach because it sets a worrying example to others reading this board.
  • Emi1974
    Emi1974 Posts: 522 Member
    It didn't help me. Just as Optifast and the juice fast didn't achieve lasting effects. I am the queen of Jo-jo.

    It will only work if you change your eating habits. It can jump start you diet and help you lose some weight but you have to keep the changes after Duromine. If you can do that, you are strong. If you are that strong...why take Duromine.

    Side effects I suffered from: dry mouth, cracked lips, headaches and heart palpitations. you have to take the capsule very early in the morning or you will be up half the night.

    Like anything out there, it will help some people...
  • ptw330
    ptw330 Posts: 14
    I am thinking of taking duromine since xmas i havent had much motivation so and have found it hard to get back into the weighloss last year i managed to lose 30kg but over xmas put back on 8kg have managed to lose 4kg so im back to 26kg! Took duromine 15years ago so i know the side effects
  • BronwynNZ
    BronwynNZ Posts: 28 Member
    Wow. So much negativity! I have been on and off duromine for the last 6 months. When I'm on it, I obviously lose weight from not eating much, but that helped my stomach shrink to a normal size.
    We should all know by now that the more you eat, the larger your stomach gets, then it takes more to feel full. As for it being like speed, yes, it did give me a lot of energy which I could use at the gym or other activities. And when I came off it, my body was accustomed to the exercise and it created its own means of energy for me to keep going. I dont understand why so many people have so many bad things to say about Duromine. There is a reason that doctors only prescribe it for 2 months at a time. They will also only give you a certain mg of it, so some people dont even feel a high.

    If you have something negative to say about something, please keep it to yourself. Like me, some people have tried everything and anything to lose the weight and it just wont budge. For some people, duromine is the only thing that has worked for them and that probably, finally, makes them happy.
    I went through hell and back, hating myself and having no self esteem because NOTHING was working at all. Don't judge someone just because their way is different to yours.

    Just saying.

  • I tried it when I was a teen and partied a lot wow I remember being up all night on it with my flat mate :) fun times. My sister was put on it in oz for her thyroid condition making her sleep all the time. I guess it could work as weightloss :)