Upping your calories

Is a week enough time to tell? I use to do 1200 calories and was successful. I lost the bulk of my weight on August/September but fell behind in October and most of November.

Nov. 9th I was 140.4 and was not following the rules
Nov.23 I was back up to 142 and not surprised but was trying a bit harder
Nov. 26 I was down again to 140 and today back up to 142.

I know 2lbs doesn't sound like much and most people fluctuate like that however looking at the bigger picture my weight has not really moved in a week. I weigh myself daily and I know that isn't always wise but looking at last week versus this week only there is no move. Is it possible to know that the 1400 calories a day might be working already or do I need more time? Looking back I am comsuming around 1250 - 1350 most days...mix in 2 kind of bad days too.

I am 5'4" and my goal weight is around 130 but my body doesn't want to let go of the 142...HATE that number.



  • eglass64
    eglass64 Posts: 180
    Try changing your routine..That might help, shcking your system so to speak. Good Luck
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    Well no I'd say a week is not necessarily enough, and 2 lbs could just be fluctuations in water weight. Or you exercising? I'd imagine that 1400 calories would be ok for you if you were exercising, in fact you might even need more.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    See that is the thing I was super strict before. I counting everything, walked miles and exercised with my Wii. That sorta all fizzled away in October.....damn Halloween! Now getting back to it should already be the shock my system needs no? Also my exercise has been very minimal. I have had to work longer hours and by the time I get home and kids to bed and house cleaned there isn't much time left before I fall asleep. I am trying to get back full force but right now it is baby steps.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Just a thought. You might try doing the flux calorie thing. Eating 1200 one day 1400 the next. Maybe your strict diet is the cause of your body trying to stabalise. If you give it some confusion, and some days of excess healthy calories, maybe it will help break the cycle. It's hard because we are so afraid of going backwards, but sometimes we need to back up to get a run at it. Best wishes.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Thanks :happy: My strict diet was back in August/September and I haven't really been tracking or anything since. I have eaten horrible for sure and expected a gain but now that I am back to work I would think it should be anything but yet another gain. I just find it frustrating that I eat like pure crap and gain maybe 2lbs then get back to calorie counting and still gain! Just seems like whats the point. I know that is the wrong attitude and I am working on it but it is taking eveything I have to not dive into the box of chocolates here.
  • Loseittoo
    Loseittoo Posts: 74 Member
    You are in the healthy bmi range. Losing more weight will be slow and hard. You have very little fat reserves left to burn.

    Whats your body fat %. Thats a good measure of where you need to be. 140 may be your ideal weight. And it will take awhile to drop those last 10lbs you want to lose.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    to answer your original question, no, 1 week is not enough time, 1 month is closer. Plus, the changes are going to be small, when you're that close to your goal, any weight lost will be in smaller increments.
  • determined99
    ive been trying to lose 10 pounds forever and i seem to be gaining and loosing the same 2 pounds as well!! i'm loosing inches though and that's encouraging...don't give up!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Sometimes my body just decides to say "hold the *f* up" and will stay the same +/- 3 pounds for a few weeks. After that I get a big (5-7 pound) drop. Maybe its a mental thing, I don't know, but its like my body is trying to get me to quit on the healthier lifestyle. I am not going to give in, but the body has had years of having the same trick work! Hold steady, it will come off.