Starting again...3 years later

Hello everyone! This may be a long post for those that feel like reading. If you don't feel like reading it, still feel free just to say hi!

3 years ago I started on this site. I was working at a restaurant, I was 21,and married. I lasted about a month and quit it all. Fast forward to last year March. I decided I was going to run. My dad runs, he is 50. About 8 years ago he was diagnosed with diabetes. He was pretty overweight and pretty bad off...he decided something had to change. He started running and lost a good bit of weight. He isn't far from what his weight is suppose to be. Anyway I decided to run with him. I had exercised at all in those year in between. I expected to be able to only do a mile. That was my goal. Once I got there I felt great and ended up running 3! I was so proud. I only ran about 4 more times after that 3 miles, faster every time. I started myself too far too fast and something was very wrong with my knee. It was swollen for about a month and hurt very badly. I saw a doctor is our area...he was quite rude and said all I needed was insoles that he conveniently sold. So I bought them...they didn't help and I quit running.

Now about a month ago a guy I work with (no longer in the restaurant business...I actually work for the Geek Squad at Best Buy) said he was doing a challenge on the Nike app if I was interested. 1000 miles in a year. Realistically I know I can't do it, but I figured it was a great time to start running and again and finally get into shape. I'm 6'1 and last time I went to the doc about 2 months ago I was 240 lbs. The challenge starts on March 1st, which is my birthday. I went with my dad and got a nice pair of running shoes for my birthday (Nike free 3.0 V5). I ran for the first time a bit down about it because I had to stop at .71 of a mile. I couldn't even do a full mile. My foot was cramping up very badly and I stopped.

I am trying to be realistic this time around. I started back up here to try to fix my eating habits and iv started to run. Im not sure what my end goal is at this point. I know the BMI says I should weigh 180. Id love to be there...but I would be happy at 200. Im not sure if this combo of eating right and running will get me there, or if its not quite enough. I am going to give it my all though, and I hope to find some friends here, maybe in the same boat, or maybe they have over come this already. I am trying to take it one step at a time. I always had bad asthma my whole life, and because of that building up my lung capacity will not be fun...but I know it will be worth it.

If you took the time to ready all this, id love your thoughts, or advise! I look forward to hearing from you.


  • comeoutontop
    comeoutontop Posts: 14 Member
    Hey, good luck!
  • jen3761
    jen3761 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi there! I think that is so great that you are ready for a change and you sound very motivated to do it! :)
  • ShredEdde
    ShredEdde Posts: 21 Member
    Feel free to friend me… I am starting back up after being stuck in a desk job.. I have run everything from 5k to ultras and am going to work myself back up to some high mileage… But trust me you have to take it slow in the beginning.
  • Evelynnn2014
    Running helped me back when I was 20 yrs. old or so. The weight just kept falling off. Now I'm 40 yrs. old, starting this program today and hoping for similar wonderous results. We can see how it goes and keep each other motivated. At least the snow is finally melting so I can get out. Losing weight at 40 (and keeping it off) is so much harder. At least you have young age on your side! Stay motivated!