staying in my 1200 cal range but now gaining

I'm staying within my 1200 calories but gaining only ounces but eventually that is going to add up. Is my body to used to this dieting. I've been doing it for over a month now. What can I do differently, please help very discouraged!!!


  • 1. Are you exercising yet? If not, exercising will bump you past your plateau. If you are, add a day or two of slightly more intense cardio.

    2. When you weigh yourself, begin looking at the foods that are causing you to gain and lose ounces. Do those foods have more salt, for instance? When you notice that you gain after eating certain foods, try replacing them with more natural alternatives. For instance, I noticed that Fat Free Milk was spiking my insulin levels, so I switched to Coconut Milk with no added sugar.

    3. Do not cut back any more calories! If you are doing tips one and two and still gaining weight, add a larger calorie day every other week or every week. In other words, on one day every other week, eat 1500 to 1600 calories for one day. That way, your body won't go into starvation as easily.

    Good luck!! Don't lose hope!
  • It's possible your body is going into starvation mode. Eating less and exercising more is the general idea, but if you exercise TOO MUCH and don't eat ENOUGH your body will think it's starving and cling to every calorie it gets, and you'll gain weight.

    It's also normal for weight to fluctuate by ounces (and even full pounds) every now and then. How often are you weighing yourself? Try to keep it down to once a week, at the same time every week, so you know you're getting consistent measurements.

    Also considering changing your exercise routine if you have one. Sometimes the body gets used to the same workouts over and over again. If you do yoga, try different poses. Try a new aerobic routine. But keep it fun! You won't keep it up if it's not fun!

    Don't get discouraged. You're doing great. Just keep enjoying good, healthy food, and keep your body moving. Your body will take care of the rest. :)
  • sunshine1082
    sunshine1082 Posts: 85 Member
    I'm staying within my 1200 calories but gaining only ounces but eventually that is going to add up. Is my body to used to this dieting. I've been doing it for over a month now. What can I do differently, please help very discouraged!!!

    If you are truly eating 1200 calories a day, you are not gaining weight. What you are seeing is likely normal weight fluctuations.

    If you actually are gaining weight, then you are eating more calories than you think. Starvation mode, at least the way people tend to use that term, is a myth. You are not going to suddenly start gaining weight because you've eaten too little (that said, under eating is still a bad thing).

    I'm not sure how often you weigh yourself, but if it is every day, you may need to space that out a bit more so the day to day fluctuations don't freak you out. If you space your weigh ins out, and you still keep seeing the scale going up, you may need to reassess how you log your calories to make sure it's as accurate as possible.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    You're eating more than 1200 calories. If you were truly eating that little, you'd be losing weight. Tighten up your logging/weighing/measuring.
  • brasgold
    brasgold Posts: 17 Member
    Starvation mode is such a myth in these circumstances. Weigh and measure everything you eat. People normally don't lose cause they are eating too many calories.
  • ivypompom
    ivypompom Posts: 2 Member
    Stop eating fast food and junk food.. Eat more fruit and veggies... Plan your meals ahead so you don't eat bad...
  • skiextrm
    skiextrm Posts: 144 Member
    Not to invalidate your concerns, but ounces of fluctuations would not worry me. An extra cup of coffee is 8 oz, a little more water not excreted - easily 4 oz. My weight can change by .5 to 1 lb daily. Stick with what you're doing, note the suggestions, and look for a downward trend. Try weighing weekly if you're doing it daily. Slow and steady.
  • You're eating more than 1200 calories. If you were truly eating that little, you'd be losing weight. Tighten up your logging/weighing/measuring.

    I am not eating more than 1200 cal, what you see is what went into my mouth nothing more nothing less.

    my logging weighing and measuring are very accurate, as a matter of fact I care around a measuring cup and measure restaurant foods in and give the rest away, if I don't give it away it is logged everytime. Im in this to lose weight not lose my mind by lieing to myself, thanks
  • kmac0001
    kmac0001 Posts: 17 Member
    #1 I don't know how you are living on as little food every day as you are (500-700 calories some days???).

    #2 Most of what you eat is processed and full of sodium, which causes the body to majorly retain fluid. I'm familiar with this because I tend to eat too much sodium.

    You need to eat closer to the 1200 and eat more healthy, whole foods. It's not going to do any good to be thin if you get to a point where you get sick from being unhealthy.