Do you work out 60 min/day 5 days a week?

So I'm learning more and more about weight loss. This is my first attempt at trying to lose and as of right now I am not working as my business is closed for the season. My concern is when I re open how much time I can focus on working out. So this is where I stand with trying to make a goal I can stick with on top of my healthy eating. I'm 5'7" and currently 190lbs from 208lbs.

Right now I am able to work out 60 min/day 6 days a week but I want to adjust this to match what is going to be my new schdule. I do not go to a gym for my exercise.

I do work 10-12 hrs a day 6 days a week standing all day. I own a food trailer so it also gets hot and sweaty lol

Any advice you can pass on to me as to what is working for you and your busy schdules would be greatly appreciated!!


  • Sunitagt
    Sunitagt Posts: 486 Member
    Do whatever works best for your schedule. I walk 40 minutes every morning, and 3x a week I go to the gym for higher intensity exercise, about 40 minutes. I only go to the gym on days where I work a 9 hr shift, and don't even bother on the days I work 10.5, 15, or 17 (so, I think that qualifies for busy schedule). Anyway, consistency isn't too hard when you make it fit in your schedule instead of forcing yourself if you don't feel like you have time.
  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    I work out for 45 minutes, 3 days per week. I have a daughter and a part time job and I'm also the person responsible for preparing meals and keeping my home clean so I'm pretty busy. I can't work out much more frequently than that.
  • jac_84
    jac_84 Posts: 128 Member
    im just looking to see what people are doing to lose weight. Im willing to make it work and not force myself. Im more less seeing with how much I should really be doing like if 60 min a day 5 or 6 days a week is really working if I i were to do 30-45min a day 4-5 days a week and still see great results.
  • jac_84
    jac_84 Posts: 128 Member
    I work out for 45 minutes, 3 days per week. I have a daughter and a part time job and I'm also the person responsible for preparing meals and keeping my home clean so I'm pretty busy. I can't work out much more frequently than that.

    do you find you are losing 1-2lbs a week , more or less?
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    With the right intensity and combination, I am fairly sure that 45 minute sessions can be just as affective as longer workouts, if not moreso. The most effective workouts I had were HIIT sessions on the treadmill, preceded by a short warm-up on the elliptical, coupled with some weight training.
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    Some times intensity can make up for less time. Right now I workout 1 to 2 hours 5 to 6 days a week. I do some weights, a couple HIIT workouts, run, walk and do martial arts.
  • azyaria
    azyaria Posts: 18 Member
    Hmm - I also work 10-11 hours a day, though I have a desk job and sit all day. (for what it's worth, i'm also the same height and weight as you.)

    I work out almost every day of the week. On weekday mornings, I wake up at 5am and I walk for 40-60 minutes each day before work (during the winter I am in a gym, but when its not too cold or raining I walk around my neighborhood). I work 8am-6pm. When I come home, I might do some strength training or core exercises if I can't fit them in before work. I usually don't have the motivation so I really try to do everything before work.

    On weekends, I go for longer walks - closer to 80 minutes because I have the time. I don't really do any strength training then because I'm lazy :p

    In my opinion, because you are on your feet all day you probably won't need to spend as much time as I do working out - so keep that in mind when you start working again!

    If you DO want to aim for the 60 minutes that you are doing now, maybe you can break it up throughout the day to make it more manageable – 20 min in the morning, 20 at lunch, 20 at night. It doesn't have to be in 1 block of time. Or 30 minutes of cardio before, 30 minutes of strength training or circuit training after.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Seems a bit over the top to me...too much and too much time! But if its working for you and you're not getting injured...go for it.
  • mom2dzbnwe
    mom2dzbnwe Posts: 129 Member
    With the right intensity and combination, I am fairly sure that 45 minute sessions can be just as affective as longer workouts, if not moreso. The most effective workouts I had were HIIT sessions on the treadmill, preceded by a short warm-up on the elliptical, coupled with some weight training.

    This is what I've found too...though I use a different combo...I do 30 day shred or Focus T25 for <30 minutes 5 days per week and some days (weeks) I don't have time for anything else. Currently, I'm doing 30DS then following it with 30ish minutes on the treadmill at a light jog/fast walk...and have seen great results!
  • Broderick50
    Broderick50 Posts: 842 Member
    I try and get 60 min 5 days a week sometimes it's more sometimes it's a little less. Like everyone else said experiment find what works for you.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    im just looking to see what people are doing to lose weight.

    Your weight loss is largely about energy consumption, not necessarily your workouts. With MFP, your calorie goal includes a deficit for weight loss without any deliberate exercise...regular exercise just allows you to eat more whilst achieving the same goals.

    For example, when I did MFP and was losing (been maintaining for 9 months), I had a calorie goal without exercise of 1,850 calories to lose 1 Lb per week...which means my maintenance calories without exercise was 2,350 calories roughly (500 calorie deficit). On average I burned around 300-400 calories with my exercise which increased my calorie goal to lose weight to 2250...but I still maintained that 500 calorie deficit to lose 1 Lb per week because my non exercise maintenance number also moved up by that my new maintenance was 2750 and 2750 - 2250 = 500 calorie deficit still.

    Use your diet for weight control; exercise for fitness. I try to get in 30 - 60 minutes 5-6 days per week for fitness. I'm in maintenance now so my exercise has nothing to do with trying to lose exercise is good for me and allows me to eat a lot more than I otherwise could.
  • arios952013
    arios952013 Posts: 201 Member
    There for a while I could only work out once a week - it took me a couple of months to lose 8 pounds, and I was watching my calories for the most part. Just recently I upped my exercise. During lunch instead of going out with the guys I go to the gym and do cardio - 60 minutes 5 miles... Then I try to get weights in at least 3 times a week - upper, core, lower. Take a day off... I also decided to give up dairy, grains, oil and meat. See Dr. Fuhrman - Eat to Live. I prefer it because I don't like meat much and can get plenty of protein through my veggies and my pea and rice protein in my smoothies. Hope that helps.
  • BIW2012
    BIW2012 Posts: 97 Member
    Make your rest day a day when you are working most/super busy. I never plan a rest day on weekends - I'm free those days so I like to do a couple of hours of activity if I can.

  • csmccord
    csmccord Posts: 272 Member
    So I'm learning more and more about weight loss. This is my first attempt at trying to lose and as of right now I am not working as my business is closed for the season. My concern is when I re open how much time I can focus on working out. So this is where I stand with trying to make a goal I can stick with on top of my healthy eating. I'm 5'7" and currently 190lbs from 208lbs.

    Right now I am able to work out 60 min/day 6 days a week but I want to adjust this to match what is going to be my new schdule. I do not go to a gym for my exercise.

    I do work 10-12 hrs a day 6 days a week standing all day. I own a food trailer so it also gets hot and sweaty lol

    Any advice you can pass on to me as to what is working for you and your busy schdules would be greatly appreciated!!

    One of the misnomers is that to lose weight you have to spend obscene amounts of time exercising, and honestly if you are just looking to lose weight, and start building some muscle mass, you don't need to spend hours upon hours in the gym. When I started, I would go 3 times a week for an hour, of which 15 to 20 minutes of that was warm up and cool down. I attend a group fitness class that is strength training, however it concentrates on lighter weights, higher reps and really steps up the pace. MY HRM has me at an average of about 150 BPM (My resting BPM is 60 or 65). At my body weight I burn about 600 calories from that 45 minute class plus the warm-up and post-workout stretching.

    So, you don't have to walk for hours to help burn the calories, as long as you choose to do something more intensive.
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    I am doing Body Revolution which is under 35 minutes a day. Sometimes I run two days instead of doing the cardio and that is closer to 50 minutes. My first round of Body Revolution I lost 19 lbs in 13 weeks. I eat back all my exercise calories and it has been working great for me.
  • sweetblackberry1
    sweetblackberry1 Posts: 29 Member
    Well i workout 4 or 5 time a week sometimes 40 minutes to one hour , when i don't have much time i do 20 or 30 minutes at this time i have great result. But luckily i work 3-10pm so i have all morning to exercise.
  • jac_84
    jac_84 Posts: 128 Member
    Looks like this will be a lot tricker then I thought lol
    I work from 8:30am until as late as 9pm 6 days a week and spend my 7th running around. Self employment at its finest lol. No lunch breaks and definitely do not go to the gym (which has lousy hours and programs to boot).
    anyone in the same boat as me and manage to make it work for them with good results?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Looks like this will be a lot tricker then I thought lol
    I work from 8:30am until as late as 9pm 6 days a week and spend my 7th running around. Self employment at its finest lol. No lunch breaks and definitely do not go to the gym (which has lousy hours and programs to boot).
    anyone in the same boat as me and manage to make it work for them with good results?

    Again, exercise isn't is good for you, but not required for weight loss. You do not have to spend obscene amounts of time exercising to lose weight...your weight can be 100% controlled with diet.

    I'm sure you could squeeze in a walk in the mornings or something...that would be beneficial to your overall health and well being. You're also on your feet all day and working in what I would call a pretty active environment...your NEAT calories (Non Exercise Burn) is going to be fairly substantial.
  • jac_84
    jac_84 Posts: 128 Member
    Again, exercise isn't is good for you, but not required for weight loss. You do not have to spend obscene amounts of time exercising to lose weight...your weight can be 100% controlled with diet.

    I'm sure you could squeeze in a walk in the mornings or something...that would be beneficial to your overall health and well being. You're also on your feet all day and working in what I would call a pretty active environment...your NEAT calories (Non Exercise Burn) is going to be fairly substantial.

    Ill keep this in mind once i get back into my work schedule. maybe also get a tracker for my steps will help go towards it as well. Im willing to get my butt out of bed earlier to make this work I just dont want it to take over my life like work does. lol thank you for the advice :)
  • The mantra you always hear is weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise. Working out is great for overall health and certainly helps with weight loss, but an overwhelming majority of what's going to contribute to weight loss is nutrition. If you are hitting your calorie goal (or coming a little under) and you are paying attention to your fat, carbs, and protein to make sure you are getting close to your goal for each, then you are going to lose weight.

    Once food truck season starts back up, be sure to redo your goals as your base calories may increase due to (I'm assuming) increased daily activity compared to the off-season.

    If it were me, and I was working seasonally in a food truck, then I would get in the habit of working out now (mostly for health reasons) during times I knew I would be able to work once the season starts up again. This way, I would have a well established pattern once I was back in the truck.