Kraft all natural peanut butter

This has become my new poison. I've convinced myself that since it's the pure peanut version, that it isn't a horrible vice. How far from reality am I?


  • ldula88
    ldula88 Posts: 169 Member
    I eat anywhere from 2-6 tablespoons of peanut butter a day. It has really great healthy fats and some protein. My brand of choice is Maranatha organic, but many brands are switching to more natural ingredients and less chemical nonsense. I usually pair mine with an apple for the awesome combo of carbs, protein, and fat, but let's be honest- I like to sit there with a tablespoon measure and just eat it straight as well ;) the only thing you have to watch out for is that you make sure you measure it out, and don't eat more than you plan to. 2 tablespoons is a decent serving size, usually around 200 calories.
  • hstoblish
    hstoblish Posts: 234 Member
    I eat 2-3 tbsp of peanut butter every day. Sometimes more. I could live without so many things, but definitely not this.
  • seever
    seever Posts: 30
    I love it too, but is there any crap in there, or can I believe that 100% peanuts is just that?
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I just eat the regular peanut butter. There isn't enough "crap" even in that to worry about. Plenty of good fats and some protein though.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
  • BornxVillain
    BornxVillain Posts: 79 Member
    I will never give up peanut butter! It's my only sweet treat. :wink: