no control at night!!!!!

The frustration continues. I have gained and lost weight the majority of my adult life. I do great all day long at work, and then I am very faithful with my workout, every day. BUT... when I get home in the evenings it is a whole different story. I turn into a person with absolutely no self control. Will sit on the couch and eat anything and everything! I have tried many things to stop this but nothing seems to work. I know that there are many others things that I should be doing, but once winter arrives, I just get cold and seem to think that food will warm me up I guess. Is there anyone else who has been thru this and figured out something to stop it?? I would love for this to be the year that I lose weight during winter instead of gain it. Help please!


  • khogue07
    when i feel something like that happening to me i jus brush my teeth and use mouth wash....nothing taste good with the taste of mouthwash in your mouth...hopefully that sorta helps it :)
  • sayuri1
    sayuri1 Posts: 111
    keeping yourself busy. That's the only way I was able to break that habit too. I would sit and shiver and just wrap myself in blankets. I would eat especially if I was alone. Though... if you start moving around like walking around the house will start to warm you up. I'm not saying work out twice just keep yourself moving. On days like that now I put on a karate movie (i'm a sucker for those lol) and they pump me up for some reason and I start wrestling with my hubby or niece =D
  • audiophile
    I struggle with this too! I'm in exactly the same boat. One thing I'm trying at the minute is eating my dinner at lunch time and having a sandwich at night. Also, as Khogue07 said, brushing my teeth! It really helps!

    One thing I have noticed is that I seem to binge eat after getting in from a busy day. I'm not exactly sure how to stop this, but figuring out the binging pattern is a good start, right? Good luck, and let me know if you find anything that works! :smile:
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    If your eating the right foods and if your eating 3/4 of your calorie intake before dinner then it should be easier then it is. If your overeating at night generally its because you have not got enough good clean calories in during the day. Remember artifical sweetners and processed foods can cause you to crave and not feel satisfied so inturn we over eat. So depending of your calorie requirements you should be eating 300-400 calories per mail meal B-L-D and 150-200 calories for snacks. Also combin a complex carb and protein like an apple with raw almonds or mozz stick . That will keep you satisfied and filled up longer
  • theaksf
    You've described my problem to a tee! I'm looking forward to hearing other replies. My trick is making a cup of decaf coffee. It warms me up and keeps my hands busy. Only problem is maintaining the sanity to think of these tricks when the "hunger" hits.
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    I like to munch at night too. I don't when I'm playing video games with my husband. Both hands are on the controller and I don't want to loose. So find something that keeps both hands busy. Are you crafty? Needlepoint or Latch hooks are really easy without a whole lot of effort. You could do that while you watch t.v. Now that its December you could write everyone personalized Christmas cards.
  • curtm97982
    curtm97982 Posts: 5 Member
    Evening is my worst time also. I found that if I am at home I eat because I'm bored, so I started getting out of the house. I changed my workout to late evening. My health club is opened late so I go work out at 8:00 pm. I watch my evening shows while working on my cardio. When I get home I rehydrate, shower, and go to bed. If evening at home is the place you overeat, then be somewhere else.
  • soundtrack
    soundtrack Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks for asking this! We struggle with this too!!

    Fruit smoothies might be a good treat. Get more fruit in too. Frozen strawberries, yogurt and Tropicana's low calorie OJ is how I make 'em. GOOD LUCK!!
  • eleanoreb
    eleanoreb Posts: 621 Member
    I agree..after dinner is the worst time!! The easiest way is to go to bed early!!

    Hot chocolate is also a good snack to tame your cravings.

    Brushing your teeth right after dinner is also a good idea. Don't keep junk food in the hosue it will help

    you are definitely not alone with this problem!!
  • gecho
    gecho Posts: 426 Member
    I do a craft. I crochet and knit and love reading more than anything else so i do any of those instead of snacking.
    If i have to have something I try to drink something hot (winter mostly :tongue: ) I never feel like eating while sipping a good mug of hot chocolate! (may have sugar but only 80cals so a worth while treat:drinker: )
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    Plan out what you are going to eat. Make sure it's just under your calorie goals, then stick to it. SImple as that. If it's not in the plan, don't eat it. You're letting your emotions control you, and that's hardly ever a good idea. If you can't plan everything out, then enter anything you eat before you eat it, and don't go over. If you have to have a hungry evening because you messed up and went over to early, well you'll survive for one night.
  • cowpoke06
    I'm the same way. I start scrounging around food just because I want to eat it. One thing I started doing was not keeping that junk food in the house. No chips, no ice cream. I have healthy food (although I can pound down some crackers and cheese :ohwell: )
    So when I'm digging around for that comfort food and there isn't any...there's nothing to binge on. That's an environmental strategy. Control you're environment to help you when you feel out of control.

    However, the only way to stop it is to stop it. You are 100% in control of what you put in your body. When I go buy a bad of chips and eat the whole thing I have noone to blame but myself. Weight loss is a lifestyle change and that's a behavior you will have to work at. I'm a huge emotional eater and I also eat when I'm bored or when in fact I'm thirsty and not hungry. I have literally ask myself questions sometimes. When I feel like eating and I know I've been eating normally...I literally ask myself, "am I actually hungry?" do i just want to eat just because or because I'm upset? And I have to think about it. Often times I realize that no, i'm not I don't eat anything else. Or if I am I go for something healthy. If all I want is to eat junk...that's a craving, not hunger. Also...drinking lots of fluids helps curb hunger.
  • runnermel
    wow!! thanks everyone for all of the great suggestions. It is very nice to know that I am not alone. I am definitely going to try to put these suggestions to work. One thing that a great friend once reminded me..."Nothing ever tastes as good as skinny feels!" I think I am going to make me a pretty sign with this on it to put on my fridge and pantry door. maybe that will be a little extra reminder! My goal for this holiday season was to actually lose weight between Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day, instead of gain like I usually do. so far, I am about even. Guess that is better than gaining.....Merry Christmas to all!!