Stretch Marks

So I know technically you can't make stress marks disappear entirely, but I'm really glum about mine, and they make it hard to feel good about my body I'm working so hard to tone. Has anyone had any success trying to reduce their appearance? What did you do? Thanks!


  • tudazies
    tudazies Posts: 50 Member
    I know extactly how you feel. I have extremely sensitive skin and I use bio oil. It fade them really well. Also works on burns as I have had a few accidents in the kitchen. On my stomache :S my stretch marks are on the hips. I use the oil twice a day in the morning and at night before bed. I did not notice much of a different but my husband is one of those brutally honest people and he commented a month after using that he could barely see them. It also works on really old scars. You can get it at Walmart or shoppers drug mart. Hope this helps you.
  • whits35
    whits35 Posts: 3 Member
    I wish there was something that worked I have really bad ones under my arms like around my arm pits argh so ugly
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I used Elastin 3. I bought it on amazon. I was covered in stretch marks, but by the time the bottle was finished the scars were all but gone. You can't even really see them anymore in my profile pics.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I was a fat kid, so I've had stretch marks for many years. I don't just have them localized in one area either, I have them all over.

    But they're old, and are lighter, finer than new, more bolder colored marks. Stretch marks do fade some with time.

    I know people have had various successes using creams and the such, but I've only seen people talk about these solutions being effective on newer marks. Not sure if any topical cream would have much effect on very old marks.
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    I don't buy in to the expensive stretch mark miracle creams. I use cocoa butter. I used it when I was pregnant and I use it now after the shower. But as one poster said .... Time. My daughter is 4 now and they look better.

    Vicks also is a good suggestion. I have done that from time to time!
  • kellymac518
    kellymac518 Posts: 132 Member
    i absolutely had success with a one of the Palmers stretch mark lotions... i think its called "massage lotion for stretch marks"... it made mine much less noticeable, turning them the color of the rest of my skin instead of that pinkish/reddish color they used to be. if you get the one with the "bio t elaste" it is supposed to help the elasticity of your skin if you use it 2-3 times a day... marketed towards pregnant women on the front but if you read the label on the back it says it is also good for weight loss. and no, i'm not a spam-bot promoting a product for money... i am a real person who had real results. it was a few years back so i can't remember how long it took before they became less noticeable but i was able to stop using it eventually and they never went back to being more noticeable. it isn't that they are 100% unnoticeable but they are much better than they used to be!

    i buy it at my local wal mart / target