Advocare--really worth it??

Okay, so I have tried a ton of different diet plans, "lifestyle change" eating habits, and supplements (Weight Watchers, South Beach, Ally, plus numerous weight loss supplements OTC). I have a friend that is just wrapping up the Advocare 24 day challenge and claims that it really works. The problem I have with their answers are that they seem really canned (I feel different, I see changes, etc). What I am not hearing are specific examples...inches and pounds lost compared to not doing the challenge. So I have been on MFP for about a month and have lost 9 pounds just by tracking calories and exercising--plan to do my measurements tonight). I have to adhere to a low carb/ low dairy regimen to get there, though. What I want to know is who has compared just calorie cutting (with smart food choices) with exercise to the 24 day challenge with exercise? It seems really expensive...would like to hear from people that really gave it a good test and are not just trying to take advantage of the pyramid scheme. Thanks!


  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    So, you have tried a whole bunch of different diet plans/supplements etc. and yet you are asking about another one? Even after you have seen results with tracking calories? I suggest save your money, continue counting your calories, exercise for fitness and stop looking into programs that seem magical.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    So, you have tried a whole bunch of different diet plans/supplements etc. and yet you are asking about another one? Even after you have seen results with tracking calories? I suggest save your money, continue counting your calories, exercise for fitness and stop looking into programs that seem magical.


  • shawnamay590
    shawnamay590 Posts: 12 Member
    Harsh, but I agree with you. This person kinda made me feel like my results weren't that great and gave me the impression that they couldn't tell I had done anything, so I thought I would start investigating. Maybe my insecurity was interpreting that, but I don't know.
  • oldkmom
    oldkmom Posts: 5 Member
    Advocare has some good products, but it's not a miracle. It is just a "lean and clean" (with low carbs) eating plan and some supplements (some that you should probably already be taking--like Fish Oil, etc). You start with a cleanse that cleans out your intestines (TMI, but true), which accounts for a large part of the loss.

    I did it and lost 26 lbs total and 14.75 inches. soon as I stopped following the plan, I bloated right back up.

    I go to church with people who SWEAR by the products--they became distributors just to get the discount--and they claim to feel better. They were already pretty healthy and didn't need to loose much weight.

    My advice is if you are looking at it for weight loss--forget it. If you want the supplements and products to feel better--try it.

    I did feel better after the cleanse and it broke my sugar craving. But, just like any other program, if you're not committed to the change, it won't "stick"
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    There is nothing magical about Advocare or any other MLM product.
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    Nah. Not worth it. Think about how you've lost 9 pounds in a month, which is fantastic. Who needs expensive products? Not us MFP-ers. :)
  • I am glad you posted this, I have several friends pushing Advocare and I am not going to do it. My two cents is I have done the diet yo yo for years and if you don't make lifestyle changes nothing will last long term. For about 5 weeks now I have been writing down everything I am eating (good and bad!) Doing Pilates 2 x's a week (1 hour per session) and cardio 3 x's a week (30 mins per session). I do not deprive myself of anything food wise, but writing it down holds me accountable, like when I see it in writing it is "real". I also drink a lot more water - I used to drink a lot of diet soda. By doing these things, I have dropped about 20 lbs. It came off pretty quickly at first and has now slowed down to losing about 1 lb every 2-3 days or so, which I am okay with. I feel like the changes I have made are sustainable and I am not buying anything "extra" that I won't be able to keep up with term. I think the diet changes I can do as I am not depriving myself and I honestly feel so much better - like if I have something that isn't good for me I feel yucky and find I don't want it anymore. Good luck with whatever you choose.
  • Toblave
    Toblave Posts: 244 Member
    Advocare is an Multilevel Marketing company like Amway. They sell their products through "independent" distributors who also then try to recruit you to pay more money, often hundreds of dollars, to sell the products. Their responses are usually scripted canned responses and taught to them by whoever got them to sign up to sell the stuff.

    While not all MLM businesses are scams, they are very difficult to make money in unless you then recruit your friends and family to join; often by leveraging your relationship and their trust in you. Needless to say, it can lead to some damaged relationships and still make no money.

    While I don't know much about the Advocare products, I'm always suspicious of these types of businesses and the motives of the people selling them. I'd stay clear of it.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Waste of money.
  • It's worth it. Especially if you need a kick start to get you back on the right track. I like it because it gave me step by step instructions on what to do and when to do it. If you just take the products it will not make you lose weight, you have to be dedicated in eating healthy and exercising, but these products get you started and help the weight loss process speed up.
  • wyattj99
    wyattj99 Posts: 454 Member
    I am glad you posted this, I have several friends pushing Advocare and I am not going to do it. My two cents is I have done the diet yo yo for years and if you don't make lifestyle changes nothing will last long term. For about 5 weeks now I have been writing down everything I am eating (good and bad!) Doing Pilates 2 x's a week (1 hour per session) and cardio 3 x's a week (30 mins per session). I do not deprive myself of anything food wise, but writing it down holds me accountable, like when I see it in writing it is "real". I also drink a lot more water - I used to drink a lot of diet soda. By doing these things, I have dropped about 20 lbs. It came off pretty quickly at first and has now slowed down to losing about 1 lb every 2-3 days or so, which I am okay with. I feel like the changes I have made are sustainable and I am not buying anything "extra" that I won't be able to keep up with term. I think the diet changes I can do as I am not depriving myself and I honestly feel so much better - like if I have something that isn't good for me I feel yucky and find I don't want it anymore. Good luck with whatever you choose.

    Keep doing what your doing on MFP. Just think that your doing it without magical diets out there and when you friend puts the weight back on and you don't, can prove her I lost 60 lbs and plus just at home with spending my money on healthy food and working out to you tube videos. I did buy a stationary bike ofr 20 bucks at a yard sale and weights at Walmart. I spend money wisely.