Need a little support!

:blushing: I seem to be on a rollercoaster ride and can't seem to stay on track with my healthy eating! I'm on Fitness Pal by myself and I could really use some encouragement! I don't know how to become friends with anyone on here so if you know how and would like to work together to achieve success in our health I would love it. I'm an energetic, typically positive, girl with a passion for life. What do you say?!?!!


  • MrsGursky
    MrsGursky Posts: 3 Member
    Eating healthy is the hardest part of it all! I diet Sun-Thurs and friday is my cheat day. If you dont have a cheat day and you start craving something, just go ahead and have some of whatever it is so you wont binge eat. Ive done this a million Ive been doing special k protein shakes and bars to help with the sweet tooth.