Starting out! Good exercises to start in the gym?

So today is my first day at my new gym*! I haven't been to the gym in quite some time & have been on this weight loss journey for about 3 weeks. When I used to go to the gym, I would be there for about 2 hours. I would spend an hour on the treadmill & then do some cardio afterwards.

This time around, I am trying to be there for about 1hr-1 1/2hrs. I am also wanting to burn at least 1000 calories and burn some fat.

Any suggestions on different exercises and whatnot?

*the gym is Planet Fitness. In case you needed a general idea of what machines might be there.

Thanks for reading! x


  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    It's hard to give specific advice on this without knowing what you like and don't like. From the standpoint of steady-state cardio exercise (treadmill, elliptical, etc.), your calorie burns are affected more by your heart rate than the machine you use, so I would say find something you like doing and do that. If you like them all, then I would say just mix it up a bit.

    You should also look into incorporating some resistance training (weights/bodyweight) exercises to your routine. They help you preserve lean body mass (LBM) while you are losing weight, so the lighter you will be in better shape when you reach your goal.

    I personally do about 1/2 hour of weight lifting or other resistance training and 1/2 to an hour of cardio (running) when I go to the gym. The cardio mainly because I like to run and am training for an upcoming race. When I wasn't training for a race, I would mix up my cardio and limit it to about 1/2 hour after lifting.
  • lrmall01
    lrmall01 Posts: 377 Member
    The PF chains have a 30 minute circuit or sometimes it is labeled as a "Biggest Loser" circuit. You can ask them at the desk and they can help you.

    I'd say just do that the first couple times to get started and spend a few minutes on the cardio equipment of your choice once you complete the circuit.
  • default
    default Posts: 124 Member
    Do some research on resistance training and working out in general. If you aren't an expert or informed on how to make your gym time efficient there are plenty of resources available, you don't need to be at the gym 2 hours, you'll most likely just burn yourself out doing something incorrectly and/or inefficiently.

    Try starting strength or I believe there is a book out there for beginning resistance training for women.

    Something I've never understood, and maybe this is a personal peeve, is people that devote so much time and resources to something without properly learning how to do it. For instance, someone at the gym 3 days a week, spending most of their time doing bicep curls or low level cardio or that ridiculous crunch machine thing.

    Perhaps try a trainer for a session to teach you some basic compound lifts?
  • MrsGursky
    MrsGursky Posts: 3 Member
    What is your problem area that your wanting to work on? I just started the gym about 3 weeks ago. I usually warm up on a treadmill for about 30 min, then I do some weights or pick a part of the body (legs, arms, ect.) and use those machines I usually do about 20-30 reps and move on till I have worked everything and if Im not to tired, i'll start over and do it again but only do 10 reps so its not over doing it. You just have to make a routine that you can stick to. Of course dont get discouraged if you dont drop weight, cause muscle weighs more than fat, but you will lose inches which is an amazing feeling! Im sure ive lost an inch or two, I can feel it in my clothes. You can look on youtube and find some pretty easy workouts that you can do also! Goodluck (:
  • alaynavee
    alaynavee Posts: 148 Member
    Bumping for more advice on this topic!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    how much time you spend at the gym is irrelevant. go in there with a goal and complete it.

    i'm not a huge fan of planet fitness, unless you happen to go to one of the cool ones that have actual barbells. for the most part, that chain sucks.

    take a notebook and a pen with you. use the machines, set it and record what weight and how many reps you are doing. every week you should be increasing either your reps or the weight. and remember, a progression is a progression, be in by one rep or one pound.
  • dford5
    dford5 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm at PF too! I would definitely recommend lifting weights. I usually spend 45-50 min on strength, about 20 min on cardio (something with resistance) and do a good 5 min stretch at the end. The machines are pretty self-explanatory but if I need help, the men in the weight room are pretty friendly. They like helping girls out. :laugh: The workers can also show you how to use the machines.

    I would recommend legs/lower body one day and arms/upper another day. I can give you the workouts I started out doing:

    Lower Body:
    Abduction (3 setsx12 reps; meaning do this move 12 times, take a 30 sec break, repeat, 30 sec break and repeat once more; a total of 36 moves)
    Adduction 3x12
    Calf extension 3x12
    Seated leg curl 3x12
    Leg extension 3x12
    Seated leg press 3x12
    Glute machine 3x12

    Upper Body:
    Row deltoid 3x12
    Pull down 3x12
    Chest press 3x12
    Pulley row 3x12
    Tricep pull down 3x12
    Bicep curl 3x12
    Tricep press 3x12
  • dford5
    dford5 Posts: 92 Member
    how much time you spend at the gym is irrelevant. go in there with a goal and complete it.

    i'm not a huge fan of planet fitness, unless you happen to go to one of the cool ones that have actual barbells. for the most part, that chain sucks.

    take a notebook and a pen with you. use the machines, set it and record what weight and how many reps you are doing. every week you should be increasing either your reps or the weight. and remember, a progression is a progression, be in by one rep or one pound.

    I guess I'm lucky because mine does. lol. It is a newer one.
  • chichi2130
    chichi2130 Posts: 65 Member
    I've been to 2 PFs and they both had barbells... I didn't realize they wouldn't all have the same equipment.

    My main location also has free wifi so I am able to listen to Pandora without using up all my data.