Can I do strength training with a back problem?


I've finally decided to stop worrying about what people think of me and want to get my chunky butt in the gym to do some proper work to help me shed my extra pounds however all I have ever done in the gym before is the running machine and bike. I really would like to start some strength training and tone up while losing the excess weight however I have a back issue (not sure what as yet but looks like sciatica) does anyone know if this even possible? If I can do strength training can anyone recommend how to get started on this as I can't afford to get a personal trainer.


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    After getting clearance from your doctor.. follow a good strength training program, like New Rules of Lifting (book) or Stronglifts (online).
    Make sure you are 100% sure of your form on the exercises. Check form vids on Youtube, and also video yourself, especially for exercises like deadlifts & squats.
    Learn how to contract / brace your abdominals when you exercise, to protect your back.

    If you do everything correctly, you may or may not get back pain, depending on the nature of your back problem.
  • Hozman121
    Hozman121 Posts: 76 Member
    Last year I had a SI joint injury from work and spent 6 weeks with PT. Most of it was with a body ball. Just sitting on it and doing certain movements to help strength core. Do a search online for SI joint workout and sure you will find several exercise to help engage and strengthen core muscles.