Busy Mom ready to shed some lbs.

kmdebellis Posts: 5
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, I'm Kristen. I have 2 kids (2.5 yrs. and 9 months) and although I'm having a tough time getting workouts in or eating very well, I think it's time to try a little harder! I'm also anxious to see how other parents manage to work on themselves while also taking care of little ones that suck up all your time and energy, LOL.


  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    i have a 2 year old and a 8 mo. i sneak in a fast paced 30- 40 min walk on my lunch break (which is an hour) as often as i can.... or at least 2 or 3 days a week. sometimes it is the only dedicated exercise i get but it keeps me from feeling totally lazy! and as for eating- plan as much as u can and i aim to eat at least one piece of fresh fruit and one veggie a day!
  • stenochick
    stenochick Posts: 142 Member
    Hi, welcome to MFP!!! I, too, am a working mommy of a 2.5 year old and a 6.5 month old. It is hard to fit in the workouts! I can relate. I am fortunate that I have a long lunch break, so I've been trying to fit in walks in there -- I will be starting the couch to 5K thing in a few weeks. I've been walking at lunch or I've been walking up and down the stairs at the building I work (5-story building). I try to take the stairs whenever I can. Good luck. This is a grrreat Web site!

  • shavaughn1
    shavaughn1 Posts: 2 Member
    i have 3 kids 4, about to be 3, and 8 months and the thing that really helped me get motivated was finding a gym with inexpensive childcare. the kids look forward to going to the gym everyday and not only am i doing something amazing for myself (working out) but i get a break from chasing them around it gives me something to look forward too :) as far as eating i plan out my meals at the beggining of the day its much easier to avoid overeating and junk when i have it all planned out i just open the app on my phone and eat what ive already planned for the day
  • AmberElaine84
    AmberElaine84 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi and Welcome to MFP! I am a stay at home mom with three kids. They are 6,3, and 1. After having my son a year ago I decided it was finally time for ME. I knew I wasn't having any more kids with the exception of maybe being a surrogate mother later on down the road. I don't know how I fit time in to work out, I just knew I HAD to do it. If it meant I was cutting my dinner short or missing my favorite show while the baby was sleeping, I was going to do it! I did it, and you can too!! I delivered my son a year ago at 204lbs, and I am now 138! You can do this, you just have to want it enough!!! Good luck!
  • sarahjj1
    sarahjj1 Posts: 10 Member
    I have three kids myself. 8, 7, and 5. I am finding that I have time to exercise in the afternoons. This was true too when they were little. However, I had to prioritize exercise time while they were resting/napping instead of chores or what I really wanted to do which was eat and watch tv. Now that they are older I still have one at home and I am working out usually before my other two get home from school. I am most successful with the Biggest Loser DVD's and Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I can do these in my basement while they play upstairs or around me on the floor. Good luck!
  • Suisho25
    Suisho25 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Kristen,

    I have two little girls, aged 5 and 2. I just started a new diet and exercise routine three weeks ago and so far things are going well. A new gym opened up around the corner, its not too expensive and doesn't tie you into a contract, always a bonus! I work out three evenings a week after the kids are in bed, (So he can't moan about having to look after them, after doing a days work!). Also I have a Labrador pup that requires around an hours walk each day through the week, and she gets longer walks both days at the weekend, we also do some kind of sporting activity with the kids, like swimming.

    As for dieting, MPF makes that really easy, today was a heavy calorie day for me, plus I didn't take the dog out because the ground is so icy and I didn't want to get pulled over, I'm only 5ft! I let my dad take her instead! Usually I am miles under my calorie goal and have managed to lose around 6lbs so far. I want to lose around 15 more and get ultra fit!

    What are your goals?

    Best Wishes,

    Northern Ireland
  • donbogi
    donbogi Posts: 175
    Hi, I'm Kristen. I have 2 kids (2.5 yrs. and 9 months) and although I'm having a tough time getting workouts in or eating very well, I think it's time to try a little harder! I'm also anxious to see how other parents manage to work on themselves while also taking care of little ones that suck up all your time and energy, LOL.

    Hello and welcome! I'm from Arlington Heights so hello neighbor - well sort of! LOL!

    I wish you great success and again welcome!

  • Karasene
    Karasene Posts: 140 Member
    I too am a busy mom! I have a son-6 and a daughter-18 months. I also run a daycare from my home, giving me a total of 10 children during the day. i also work 12 hours a day. I just know that exercise and eating healthy is something I HAVE to do! As soon as I put my daughter to bed at 8, is when i workout. Somedays, well most days I am exhausted but if i want to loose weight i will do it! I find now that when deadlines with my goals it pushes me to complete them. You will have to find a routine that works for you. getting up even earlier is not an option for me lol! Goodluck and remember you can do anything you put your mind to!
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