Losing weight on a recumbent bike

Are recumbent bikes as good of a cardio workout for losing weight as other exercises? Has anyone lost any weight using this as their primary form of cardio exercise?

My go-to exercise has always been walking on a treadmill with an incline or walking outside, and that has been successful. I'm just a little bored with walking the treadmill (and can't run or jog), so I decided to try the recumbent bike for the first time this week. My impression is that it just seems a little *too* comfortable and easy. Tonight, I did a 30 min workout and didn't even break a sweat. I used the machine's 'fitness challenge' setting so that it would change the levels and resistance for me so that I wouldn't be tempted to just sit and coast.

After work today, I wanted to skip the gym but told myself to at least go and use the bike, since I can sit and read. It barely feels like working out.

I'm just wondering if anyone has actually lost any weight with a recumbent bike. If so, does it sound like I'm not pushing myself hard enough on it? Or is that the benefit of the bike - to be super comfortable?


  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    You need more intensity if you are not sweating for 30 minutes. Are your feet strapped down? You need to go faster and/or increase the resistance.
    I'd work on speed first.
    Can you ride an upright bike? If so try at least 1 spin class to get the feel of really working out.
    Then try some of those drills on your recumbent.
  • azyaria
    azyaria Posts: 18 Member
    I did try spinning a couple of times and hated it, which is why I stayed away from bikes for a long time.

    My feet are strapped down. Do you think speed is more effective for weight loss then resistance?
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    Recumbent bike has been part of my routine for over a year.
    Yes it helps.
    It's certainly better than missing the gym altogether.

    I do weights and walking as well and started a new circuit regime today,
    But I would not have gotten down to the weight I am now where I can do body weight exercises without the help of the bike
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i've personally have never been able to get a good workout (ie heart rate over 140 BPM) on a recumbent bike since the motion gets a little weird (at least for me and my legs) once i increase it a certain resistance or go past a certain speed.

    i i find upright to be much better in terms of getting into a good heart rate
  • dacricket
    Recumbent bike is pretty much my only form of cardio as I have issues with my knees/feet that make running a no-go for me. And yes, that and calorie intake watching is how I've lost the weight I've lost so far.

    What helps me is having a good cardio play list and watching my heart rate on the bike. I read too, but I've found that if I just read, I tend to slow down.