Desperately need support

Have been eating crap for way too long now and just cannot seem to find motivation to get out of the doldrums. I used to run a bit - even ran my first half marathon last December and was super motivated after but a mix of bad weather and minor injury led me to stop and I just cannot find the energy. I really need to lose a minimum of 14lb. Please God, let tomorrow be the first day of a positive journey. I know I cannot do this alone.


  • mactaffy84
    mactaffy84 Posts: 398 Member
    Good luck! I believe that you can do it. Anyone who can run a half marathon can do ANYTHING!
  • lisawinning4losing
    lisawinning4losing Posts: 726 Member
    If you're this upset over 14 lbs, be glad you don't have to lose 40. Or 140.
  • I'm the same as you! I have been eating crap (some good days more bad days) for an entire month now (Thanks, DineOut Festival). BUT I'm trying to take it one day at a time, specifically one craving at a time until I get back into the habit. Going to kickboxing today to kick-start a restart. You can do it!
  • first how about you start right now, my first rule is if I mess up I move on , never wait till tomorrow, so if you log starting tomorrow and you slip move on and don't give up. YOU will get there. YOU can do this. I started the beginning of January and have lost 7 pounds and it may take me another month to lose 3 more, yet I'm still working toward a healthy lifestyle and I'm not giving up. Good luck on your journey:smile:

  • waggs72
    waggs72 Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you so much guys. lisawinning4losing - I know 14lb is not much- which is why I'm so frustrated I can't seem to do it. Or even lose 7lb. There are so many people here who have lost hundreds. I don't know why I'm so weak and why I keep giving up before lunchtime on Day 1!
    I've failed so many times that I'm afraid to try again and risk adding another failure to the list.
    Can I ask have you guys added many friends to your profile - and are they people you know in real life or people you've met on the forum. I really think being without a support network has been part of the reason for my failure until now.