Unable to work out, doctors orders....help!!!



  • czechwolf52
    czechwolf52 Posts: 194 Member
    If you cant exercise then portion control will be the key. Get a food scale and measure everything that you eat and prepare. Focus the meals around protein, that will keep you full. Also please eat more than 900 calories a day. Your body needs proper fuel to function. Set the mfp settings to a reasonable level and net at least 1200 calories a day. You will feel much better eating 1200 calories than 900.

    Talk with your doctor and see if water exercise would be a viable option for you. It is low impact and helps out a lot of people with joint problems. If your problem is solely in your knees ask your doctor about arm exercises, such as resistance bands, hand weights, or a table top pedaler machine.
  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    There is a type of yoga that you can do in a chair. It was created for older people with arthritis problems so it is extremely low impact and doesn't require a lot of movement. I don't quite remember what it's called but I believe I saw a few youtube videos on it. Try asking your doctor if you can do that.

    I have a yoga DVD with Sting's wife, Trudy Styler, called "Weight loss Yoga" it's by Giam. I got it at Target. It has a sequence in a chair that is pretty good, about 30-40 minutes long. I was actually surprised with how much I felt like I worked while being in a chair. You could probably also do the abs yoga on there. There is barely any impact on your knees so you should be able to do it safely with the chondromalacia (although I'm not a doctor). Check out You Tube, there are likely chair yoga sequences on there. You could get toning and at least a light calorie burn. I agree to walk if you can, even if it's slow and just 10 minutes or less at a time. Talk to your doctor about maybe doing yoga and walking...sometimes the work out is more about changing your mindset and connection to your body rather than killing yourself with a huge calorie burn. Obviously the doctor knows your condition best but sometimes with this sort of condition it does more harm than good to do absolutely nothing.
  • There is a type of yoga that you can do in a chair. It was created for older people with arthritis problems so it is extremely low impact and doesn't require a lot of movement. I don't quite remember what it's called but I believe I saw a few youtube videos on it. Try asking your doctor if you can do that.

    I have a yoga DVD with Sting's wife, Trudy Styler, called "Weight loss Yoga" it's by Giam. I got it at Target. It has a sequence in a chair that is pretty good, about 30-40 minutes long. I was actually surprised with how much I felt like I worked while being in a chair. You could probably also do the abs yoga on there. There is barely any impact on your knees so you should be able to do it safely with the chondromalacia (although I'm not a doctor). Check out You Tube, there are likely chair yoga sequences on there. You could get toning and at least a light calorie burn. I agree to walk if you can, even if it's slow and just 10 minutes or less at a time. Talk to your doctor about maybe doing yoga and walking...sometimes the work out is more about changing your mindset and connection to your body rather than killing yourself with a huge calorie burn. Obviously the doctor knows your condition best but sometimes with this sort of condition it does more harm than good to do absolutely nothing.

    I will most definitely have to try that dvd! Yes its a short term thing :) Will be better in a couple months (hopefully) Just doing some physical therapy. then I get to get some kind of shots in my knees which i dont know much about yet, they said we would discuss them when it came to that point. And learning to tape my knees as well :)
  • Lucky for you that weightloss is 80% diet and 20% working out. I cut all the crap from my diet and started eating "clean" with occasional cheat days and I lost weight... simple as that! Now, if you are on any medications or diet restrictions - that may be an issue but other than that - just ditch all the bad stuff in your pantry and go grocery shopping for good stuff.
  • try drinking water at different temperatures. I used to LOATHE water! I had always tried to drink it ice cold. One day, I was coughing up a lung and grabbed a bottle of water from the back of the car (in Texas, 90F) and chugged it. AND... I LIKED IT!!! Now, I drink most of my water room temperature, I still don't like it cold.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    If you are only eating 900-1200 cal you should be losing. Might need to ask your doctor about that.