Busy mom trying to stay on track

Hey everyone. I am a busy 21-year-old mom of two toddlers. I am trying to lose weight and the last week - week 1/2 I have gotten off track when I was doing so well. I am trying to balance being a stay at home mom, full time student (who is behind in all classes at the moment), having errands, grocery shopping, dr. apps, and bills to pay, on top of keeping the house clean. I have gotten back to being very stressed and depressed with my lack of staying on the right diet/workout plan I had for myself.

How do you stay on track? Whether you are a mom or student, or have a full time job? How do you stay on track having a busy schedule? I have 48 Days to reach my goal, or at least get close to it and I have wasted the last 2 weeks (every in my house has been sick on and off as well the last month, mainly the kids) I just really want to get on track and lose these last 20 something lbs. I want to feel good about myself when I look in the mirror and when I go to the beach in April for our Family vacation.

Thank you in advance to any one who answers/gives advice or ideas/tips.


  • louisedavies311
    louisedavies311 Posts: 110 Member
    put yourself first take 10 minutes after each meal to log your calories, exercise: try walking to places instead of driving kids will probable enjoy that.

    I am a working mum with 3 teenagers and have to make time for myself (believe me I wish mine where toddlers again)

    Just have an image in your head of how you want to look by April and keep that in mind fingers crossed for you hope you do it x
  • ehobby0816
    ehobby0816 Posts: 12 Member
    I can't walk places. We are about 25 minute drive from town and they've already had a mom and her kids hit on this road walking home (about 6-8 months ago) I am getting a treadmill this week though and have been doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. Im just always tired and my son refuses to nap and if I include him in my work outs he's all over me and Im afraid he'll get hurt.
    And I definitely have that image in my head- I have my old size 3's and 5's, and a lot of my older dress/beach shirts. I want to fit in to those and the jeans actually come up over my legs and button and the shirts to hold my boobs lol.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    It's all about your diet and caloric intake. You don't need to exercise (but should anyway, IMO) to lose weight.

    You control how much food you eat. Maintain a caloric deficit and try to retain your willpower during stressful times during your day.
  • ilana1981
    ilana1981 Posts: 2 Member
    I am a mum of three kids, twins 2.5 yo and the oldest is 7 years old..I can imagine what you going through as I am a part time worker..so rushing with the kids, childcare, school drives me crazy..they don't sleep too so i hardly get 4 hrs in a raw sleeps, and am very emotional eater..but you know what after yoyoing all the time , getting depressed from over eating and exceeding my calories limit.. i found out the most effective way to keep you motivated is to lift youself up and go back on truck..it doesn't matter how much you messed up ..it is all about gaining your willpower again..this is the only way to lose weight..a PT told me once if you offered a food that you like a lot do an exercise..turned your neck to the right then to the left till you say no thanks..i laughed but it works..so keep on the good staff..once you are here then you care so lets do it togother, i still got 35ib to lose...
  • TEMMEAlexa
    TEMMEAlexa Posts: 79 Member
    I would suggest you to avoid drinking water or other liquids with your meals. You can have it half an hour before or after the meal. Secondly, stop taking any soft drinks or aerated drinks and drink lemon water or skimmed milk instead. A little exercise, walking or even occasional stretching exercises even while you are at work can do wonders for you. Hope I am of any help.