Carb Help

Help....I am craving carbs right before my period and late at night...anyone know what I can do or take to help defeat the cravings?


  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    Drink water! If you have herbal tea, that's always helpful when I want sweets... and hit the sack early if you can... it's a good way to get rid of cravings.
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    Choose healthy whole grain ones instead of processed sugar ones?
  • kioga86
    kioga86 Posts: 126 Member
    Are you doing low-carb or no-carb? If you're doing a low-carb diet, mashed cauliflower is great.

    Most recipes call for butter, oil, or some other unhealthy junk; my girlfriend just makes it for us with cauliflower, water and some spices (paprika, pepper, Mrs. Dash Table Blend). It's got some carbs, but nothing compared to mashed potato.

    If you're doing no-carb ... well ... I'm going to be 0 help, lol.
  • HealthyishWithMaggieG
    In my experience, some cravings just won't go away until you satisfy them... around that time of the month especially. How's your nutrition overall for the day? What are you craving, specifically? If you have calories/carbs available, I say have a small piece of whatever you're craving. Just know you'll need to work harder tonight/tomorrow to get rid of it.

    The day I start my period, I'm usually in so much pain, I don't feel like eating ANYTHING. At the first moment I start feeling like I can eat something, I HAVE to have the same thing, every month... fast food from Wendy's... a double cheeseburger w/o mayo add extra mustard, fries, Dr Pepper and a chocolate Frosty. Before MFP, I would get the largest of each of these. After MFP, I still get the double cheeseburger, but small fries, a Jr. chocolate Frosty and no Dr Pepper. The Frosty craving is stronger than the Dr. Pepper craving. Is it great for me? No. But, my craving is so strong, it's literally painful. I've just decided to own the decision. Yes, I'm deciding to eat something that could cause a weight-loss setback. I'll just have to work harder tomorrow to get back on track.

    Whatever you decide, own the decision. Don't let it feel like your body's dictating what you're eating.
  • Kerilovestherain
    Snack on some almonds, or fruit. It helps me.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I agree that some cravings just won't go away unless you give into them. Those TOM cravings can be the worst ever, and men should be thankful that their hormone levels stay on an even plain so they don't have to experience them :flowerforyou:

    That being said, when I have those carb cravings, I like to have whole grain pasta dishes with plenty of lean proteins to slow the absorption of sugar thus combating the insulin spike. My favorite is Barilla Plus with added protein, and I have different recipes for lean (96/4) beef, chicken, and even lean turkey sausage. I have found that a good healthy meal including whole grains tends to slow cravings for "bad" carbs like doughnuts, chips, etc.
  • Natalie511
    Natalie511 Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks ...I am going to try plenty of water and green tea...great idea...
  • Natalie511
    Natalie511 Posts: 75 Member
    Well I can't do no carbs...just doesn't happen for me...but I am cutting out sugar and simple sugars like pretzels and candy...
    But the cravings are the worst..
  • Natalie511
    Natalie511 Posts: 75 Member
    I talked to the Dr today and she said I need more protein and the fruit should do it...for the carbs cravings...During that time of month I crave sugary donuts and candy...
    So first I am getting that stuff out of the house and replacing it with Dark just can't eat much of that even with the cravings...
    Then I am walking at night after work or during boss is really on my side about losing weight...I think I am on the right path...thank you everyone for your great ideas...