Dizzy during shoulder press

I've been trying to lift weights for the past 2 years or so - last year I was given a set of weights with a bar and dumbells, and I'm slowly upping the weights for the standard lifts of deadlifts, squats, lunges, seated rows, etc. I usually work out first thing in the morning, before breakfast.

I do a little 'circuit', starting with jumping jacks to get the heart rate up, then cycling through the exercises I've decided for the day - 6-8 reps each exercise, and 3-4 sets before stretching and cool down.

My problem is that when I do shoulder presses (lifting weights over my head), I get dizzy and have to close my eyes to concentrate on what I'm doing. This is the only exercise where I feel this way - everything else I'm fine. I've tried working out after breakfast and still have similar things happening.

Any ideas?


  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    Any other exercise where you lift weights above your head (ei: overhead triceps extension, skull crush/ barbell extension) and you feel lightheaded?
    Suggest you stop until you find an answer - lightheaded + closing eyes could lead to passing out... with a weight above your head it might get nasty!
  • skinnylicius
    skinnylicius Posts: 5 Member
    Could be compression of the arteries leading to your head when you raise your arms, which is not serious...I'd get a professional to check it out though.
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    Could be compression of the arteries leading to your head when you raise your arms, which is not serious...I'd get a professional to check it out though.

    Either that or a compression of the discs of the neck which could be a bit more serious if not checked / treated!
    Second the motion - get a professional to check you out (and don't lift overhead till then!)